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Captain Filip

@captainFilip Joined on June 17, 2021

4,737 translations 83 screenshots 1 comment


Project Translated Untranslated Untranslated words Untranslated characters Checks Suggestions Comments
Captain of Industry/GameArabic CC0-1.0 1% 2,978 26,602 160,419 1 366
Captain of Industry/GameBulgarian CC0-1.0 1% 2,967 26,654 160,624 1 46
Captain of Industry/GameCatalan CC0-1.0
Captain of Industry/GameCzech CC0-1.0 69% 926 12,254 72,808 23 607 6
Captain of Industry/GameDanish CC0-1.0 10% 2,694 25,092 151,063 805 542
Captain of Industry/GameGerman CC0-1.0 12
Captain of Industry/GameGreek CC0-1.0 1% 2,988 26,814 161,598 533
Captain of Industry/GameEnglish This translation is used for source strings. CC0-1.0 1,064 2
Captain of Industry/GameSpanish CC0-1.0 80% 585 5,398 32,529 12 840 3
Captain of Industry/GameEstonian CC0-1.0
Captain of Industry/GamePersian CC0-1.0 1% 2,969 26,595 160,217 5 39
Captain of Industry/GameFinnish CC0-1.0 2% 2,927 26,374 158,820 1 1,448
Captain of Industry/GameFrench CC0-1.0
Captain of Industry/GameHebrew CC0-1.0 1% 2,992 26,833 161,750 105
Captain of Industry/GameHungarian CC0-1.0 92% 221 1,987 12,034 6 12
Captain of Industry/GameIndonesian CC0-1.0 1% 2,973 26,679 160,759 1 31
Captain of Industry/GameItalian CC0-1.0 52% 1,416 15,685 94,205 14 1,348
Captain of Industry/GameJapanese CC0-1.0 31 20
Captain of Industry/GameKorean CC0-1.0 3 4
Captain of Industry/GameLithuanian CC0-1.0 1% 2,993 26,839 161,778 203
Captain of Industry/GameLatvian CC0-1.0 1% 2,991 26,825 161,718 496
Captain of Industry/GameChinese (Min Nan) CC0-1.0 0% 2,995 26,841 161,798 1
Captain of Industry/GameNorwegian Bokmål CC0-1.0 12% 2,626 24,923 150,027 470 705
Captain of Industry/GameDutch CC0-1.0 92
Captain of Industry/GamePolish CC0-1.0 244
Captain of Industry/GamePortuguese CC0-1.0 2% 2,925 26,656 160,676 1,025 190
Captain of Industry/GamePortuguese (Brazil) CC0-1.0 99% 10 279 1,695 14
Captain of Industry/GameRomanian CC0-1.0 1% 2,952 26,531 159,772 1 781
Captain of Industry/GameRussian CC0-1.0 12 3
Captain of Industry/GameSlovak CC0-1.0 1% 2,970 26,658 160,703 3 292
Captain of Industry/GameSlovenian CC0-1.0 0% 2,995 26,841 161,798 17
Captain of Industry/GameSerbian CC0-1.0 1% 2,990 26,820 161,653 1 524
Captain of Industry/GameSwedish CC0-1.0 37% 1,859 20,439 122,538 6 125
Captain of Industry/GameThai CC0-1.0 22% 2,315 23,544 141,585 6 916
Captain of Industry/GameTurkish CC0-1.0 77% 665 6,298 37,798 7 1,103
Captain of Industry/GameUkrainian CC0-1.0 99% 4 130 811 5 568 11
Captain of Industry/GameVietnamese CC0-1.0 1% 2,977 26,772 161,342 2 388
Captain of Industry/GameChinese (Simplified) CC0-1.0 541 1
Captain of Industry/GameChinese (Traditional) CC0-1.0 478
Captain of Industry/Steam pageCzech CC0-1.0 2
Captain of Industry/Steam pageDanish CC0-1.0
Captain of Industry/Steam pageGerman CC0-1.0
Captain of Industry/Steam pageEnglish This translation is used for source strings. CC0-1.0 4
Captain of Industry/Steam pageSpanish CC0-1.0
Captain of Industry/Steam pageEstonian CC0-1.0
Captain of Industry/Steam pageFrench CC0-1.0
Captain of Industry/Steam pageHungarian CC0-1.0 1
Captain of Industry/Steam pageItalian CC0-1.0 91% 2 88 562 3 2
Captain of Industry/Steam pageJapanese CC0-1.0
Captain of Industry/Steam pageKorean CC0-1.0
Captain of Industry/Steam pageDutch CC0-1.0
Captain of Industry/Steam pagePolish CC0-1.0
Captain of Industry/Steam pagePortuguese CC0-1.0 8% 22 1,159 6,927 1 6
Captain of Industry/Steam pagePortuguese (Brazil) CC0-1.0
Captain of Industry/Steam pageRomanian CC0-1.0 95% 1 55 307
Captain of Industry/Steam pageRussian CC0-1.0
Captain of Industry/Steam pageSwedish CC0-1.0 58% 10 572 3,510 3 2
Captain of Industry/Steam pageThai CC0-1.0 50% 12 664 4,037 3
Captain of Industry/Steam pageTurkish CC0-1.0
Captain of Industry/Steam pageChinese (Simplified) CC0-1.0
Captain of Industry/Steam pageChinese (Traditional) CC0-1.0
Captain of Industry/Patch notesArabic CC0-1.0 50% 2 4,283 26,020
Captain of Industry/Patch notesBulgarian CC0-1.0 25% 3 4,407 26,832
Captain of Industry/Patch notesCatalan CC0-1.0
Captain of Industry/Patch notesDanish CC0-1.0 50% 2 4,283 26,020 1
Captain of Industry/Patch notesGerman CC0-1.0 75% 1 125 777 2
Captain of Industry/Patch notesEnglish This translation is used for source strings. CC0-1.0 4
Captain of Industry/Patch notesSpanish CC0-1.0 1
Captain of Industry/Patch notesEstonian CC0-1.0
Captain of Industry/Patch notesPersian CC0-1.0 50% 2 4,283 26,020
Captain of Industry/Patch notesFinnish CC0-1.0
Captain of Industry/Patch notesFrench CC0-1.0
Captain of Industry/Patch notesHungarian CC0-1.0 75% 1 1,337 8,221
Captain of Industry/Patch notesItalian CC0-1.0 25% 3 2,798 17,254 3
Captain of Industry/Patch notesJapanese CC0-1.0
Captain of Industry/Patch notesKorean CC0-1.0
Captain of Industry/Patch notesDutch CC0-1.0
Captain of Industry/Patch notesPolish CC0-1.0 50% 2 4,283 26,020
Captain of Industry/Patch notesPortuguese CC0-1.0 50% 2 4,283 26,020
Captain of Industry/Patch notesPortuguese (Brazil) CC0-1.0
Captain of Industry/Patch notesRussian CC0-1.0
Captain of Industry/Patch notesSwedish CC0-1.0 50% 2 4,283 26,020
Captain of Industry/Patch notesTurkish CC0-1.0
Captain of Industry/Patch notesUkrainian CC0-1.0 75% 1 1,337 8,221
Captain of Industry/Patch notesVietnamese CC0-1.0
Captain of Industry/Patch notesChinese (Simplified) CC0-1.0
Captain of Industry/Patch notesChinese (Traditional) CC0-1.0 75% 1 1,337 8,221
Project Translated Untranslated Untranslated words Untranslated characters Checks Suggestions Comments
Captain of Industry 49% 60,988 614,436 3,703,654 3,484 13,685 54
Project Translated Untranslated Untranslated words Untranslated characters Checks Suggestions Comments
Captain of Industry 49% 60,988 614,436 3,703,654 3,484 13,685 54
New strings to translate 10 months ago
New strings to translate 10 months ago
User avatar captainFilip

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Captain of Industry / GameVietnamese

New strings to translate 10 months ago
User avatar captainFilip

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Captain of Industry / GameUkrainian

New strings to translate 10 months ago
User avatar captainFilip

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Captain of Industry / GameTurkish

New strings to translate 10 months ago
User avatar captainFilip

New strings to translate

Captain of Industry / GameThai

New strings to translate 10 months ago
User avatar captainFilip

New strings to translate

Captain of Industry / GameSwedish

New strings to translate 10 months ago
User avatar captainFilip

New strings to translate

Captain of Industry / GameSerbian

New strings to translate 10 months ago
User avatar captainFilip

New strings to translate

Captain of Industry / GameSlovenian

New strings to translate 10 months ago
User avatar captainFilip

New strings to translate

Captain of Industry / GameSlovak

New strings to translate 10 months ago
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