A more efficient way of generating power compared to diesel generators is a coal power plant. Coal burned in boilers turns water into steam (1). This steam then spins turbines (2) and transfers mechanical force over a shaft into attached power generators (3) which make electricity from it.
Planning mode is enabled which means that any new construction will be paused (preventing trucks to make deliveries). Click to turn the planning mode off.
The reactor will operate as long as it is supplied the minimum amount of fuel shown below. When fuel is depleted it will be replaced with a new one and spent fuel or any other corresponding product will be returned.
Accept cargo import only via the assigned routes (this is set by default). If this is disabled, cargo can be delivered from anywhere (meaning that import routes are ignored).
Configures dedicated import routes for trucks. Once this storage is set to import from another storage (B), trucks will only import products from that storage (B). No other unassigned storage or machine will be able to import into this storage. This does not affect export. Route assignments do not affect any connected conveyors or pipes. Storage can be also assigned to a mine control tower.
Housing can be either attached to an existing settlement to become part of it (and benefit from all the already provided services such as food). Or it can be placed independently to establishitself as a new settlement, in that case you need to attach it with service modules.
Soil water level is replenished by rain and this is mostly sufficient for crops with low water demands (such as potatoes). However, rain is not a reliable water source and crops can yield less or even dry out and die when not having enough water.
Utilizes a large set of centrifuges to concentrate uranium-235 isotope out of natural uranium (a process called isotope separation). The resulting product is fissile uranium, ready to undergo a chain reaction in a nuclear reactor.
Cooling is deployed in case the reactor starts to overheat, and that typically happens when water is not supplied fast enough to be converted into steam (or steam output gets stuck). Cooling is not mandatory if you are not using automatic power regulation. However, it is highly recommended to have it as it provides extra protection and helps to avoid any potential overheating.