
English title for balancer ratios configuration
Context English Chinese (Simplified)
AudioSettings_Title Audio 声音
Autosave__Interval Autosave interval 自动保存间隔
Autosave__Interval_Minutes Every {0} minute 每{0}分钟
AvailableToAssign Available to assign 可被分配
AverageProduction Avg. production 平均产能
AvgDamage Avg. damage 平均伤害
BackgroundFpsLimitRenderingSetting__Name FPS limit in background 后台FPS限制
BakingUnit__desc Bakes organic products such as bread. 烘焙有机产品,比如面包。
BakingUnit__name Baking unit 烘焙单元
Balance_LatestTransactions Latest transactions 最新交易
BalancerPrioritization__Title Prioritization 优先级
BalancerPrioritization__Tooltip You can chose what ports to prioritize. If you enable output prioritization, all products from any input will be first attempted to output via the prioritized port. If that port cannot accept any more products, the other non-prioritized port will be used. Input prioritization works in a similar way. 您可以选择要优先尝试的端口。如果启用了输出优先级设置,来自任意输入的所有产品将首先尝试从设置为优先的端口输出。如果该端口不能接受任何产品,则会使用其他非优先端口。输入优先级的工作方式与此类似。
BalancerRatios__Inputs Enforce strictly even inputs 严格保持均匀的输入
BalancerRatios__Outputs Enforce strictly even outputs 严格保持均匀的输出
BalancerRatios__Title Even I/O ratios 均匀的输入/输出比例
BalancerRatios__Tooltip You can chose to enforce strictly even input/output product ratios. If you enable strict output ratio, products will be output to all output ports evenly. If a port cannot accept any more products, output will pause until the port gets freed-up. Input strict ratio works in a similar way. 您可以强制系统严格保持均匀的输入输出比。如果启用了严格的输出比率,产品将均匀地输出到所有输出端口。如果端口不能接受更多产品,输出将暂停,直到端口被释放。输入严格比率的工作方式类似。
BarrierCorner__name Barrier (corner) 路障(角)
BarrierCross__name Barrier (cross) 屏障(交叉)
BarrierEnd__name Barrier (ending) 屏障(结束)
BarrierStraight1__desc Barrier that blocks vehicle access. 阻挡车辆通行的屏障。
BarrierStraight1__name Barrier (straight) 屏障(直)
BarrierTee__name Barrier (tee) 路障(三通)
BasicDieselDistiller__desc Allows distillation of low-grade diesel but it is quite inefficient and produces a lot of waste. 允许蒸馏低品质的柴油,但是效率很差而且会产生很多的废弃物。
BasicDieselDistiller__name Basic distiller 初级蒸馏塔
BasicServerRack__name Basic rack 基础机架
BattleResult__DamageDone Damage done: {0} 造成的损坏:{0}
BattleResult__Defeat Defeated! 被击败!
BattleResult__ShipTitle Our ship 我们的船只
BattleResult__Victory Victory! 胜利!
BattleScore Battle score 战斗得分
BeachStaticIslandMap__desc A beach vacation awaits! Because, of course, all of the best vacations come with mining, heavy industry, and factory automation. Farming and lumber challenges await you on these sandy shores, but abundant crude oil will sustain your infrastructure as the sunshine sustains your workers. 一场沙滩假期正在等着你!因为,当然,所有最棒的假期都伴随着采矿、重工业和工厂自动化。在这片沙滩上,农业和木材业的挑战等着你,但丰富的原油将维持你的基础设施,就像阳光维持着你的工人一样。
Context English Chinese (Simplified)
AudioEffectsVolume__UI User interface 用户界面
AudioSettings_Title Audio 声音
Autosave__Interval Autosave interval 自动保存间隔
Autosave__Interval_Minutes Every {0} minute 每{0}分钟
AvailableToAssign Available to assign 可被分配
AverageProduction Avg. production 平均产能
AvgDamage Avg. damage 平均伤害
BackgroundFpsLimitRenderingSetting__Name FPS limit in background 后台FPS限制
BakingUnit__desc Bakes organic products such as bread. 烘焙有机产品,比如面包。
BakingUnit__name Baking unit 烘焙单元
BalancerPrioritization__Title Prioritization 优先级
BalancerPrioritization__Tooltip You can chose what ports to prioritize. If you enable output prioritization, all products from any input will be first attempted to output via the prioritized port. If that port cannot accept any more products, the other non-prioritized port will be used. Input prioritization works in a similar way. 您可以选择要优先尝试的端口。如果启用了输出优先级设置,来自任意输入的所有产品将首先尝试从设置为优先的端口输出。如果该端口不能接受任何产品,则会使用其他非优先端口。输入优先级的工作方式与此类似。
BalancerRatios__Inputs Enforce strictly even inputs 严格保持均匀的输入
BalancerRatios__Outputs Enforce strictly even outputs 严格保持均匀的输出
BalancerRatios__Title Even I/O ratios 均匀的输入/输出比例
BalancerRatios__Tooltip You can chose to enforce strictly even input/output product ratios. If you enable strict output ratio, products will be output to all output ports evenly. If a port cannot accept any more products, output will pause until the port gets freed-up. Input strict ratio works in a similar way. 您可以强制系统严格保持均匀的输入输出比。如果启用了严格的输出比率,产品将均匀地输出到所有输出端口。如果端口不能接受更多产品,输出将暂停,直到端口被释放。输入严格比率的工作方式类似。
Balance_LatestTransactions Latest transactions 最新交易
BarrierCorner__name Barrier (corner) 路障(角)
BarrierCross__name Barrier (cross) 屏障(交叉)
BarrierEnd__name Barrier (ending) 屏障(结束)
BarrierStraight1__desc Barrier that blocks vehicle access. 阻挡车辆通行的屏障。
BarrierStraight1__name Barrier (straight) 屏障(直)
BarrierTee__name Barrier (tee) 路障(三通)
BasicDieselDistiller__desc Allows distillation of low-grade diesel but it is quite inefficient and produces a lot of waste. 允许蒸馏低品质的柴油,但是效率很差而且会产生很多的废弃物。
BasicDieselDistiller__name Basic distiller 初级蒸馏塔
BasicServerRack__name Basic rack 基础机架
BattleResult__DamageDone Damage done: {0} 造成的损坏:{0}
BattleResult__Defeat Defeated! 被击败!
BattleResult__ShipTitle Our ship 我们的船只
BattleResult__Victory Victory! 胜利!
User avatar Sy5temVX

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Captain of Industry / GameChinese (Simplified)

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English Chinese (Simplified)
ratio 比例/比率 Glossary

比例用来反映一个整体中各部分之间的组成情况,一般用 a :b 的形式表现,比如东南西北四个区的贷款数量之间的比例为:35:30:20:15,这四部分组成了全国这一个整体。 单身群体中,男女比例为1:2,这也是比例。 比率则用来反映组成总体的某一部分在总体中的一个占比情况,一般用百分比来表示。比如坏账率就是总贷款量中的坏账量在总贷款量中的一个占比。每个区域的坏账率就是每个区域内坏账量在这个区域内总贷款量的一个占比。东南西北四个区的坏账率分别为15%、20%、30%、35%。

String information

Source string comment
title for balancer ratios configuration
String age
2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
zh_Hans.po, string 125