
English title of a research node in the research tree title of a research node in the research tree
Context English Chinese (Simplified)
ResearchRepairDock__desc Enables to repair the ship dock so we can start working on ship repairs. 可以修理船坞了,这样我们就可以开始修理船舰了。
ResearchRepairDock__name Ship dock repair 船坞修理
ResearchResearchLab2__name Research lab II 研究实验室 II
ResearchResearchLab3__name Research lab III 研究实验室 III
ResearchResearchLab4__name Research lab IV 研究实验室 IV
ResearchResearchLab5__name Research lab V 研究实验室 V
ResearchRetainingWalls__name Retaining walls 挡土墙
ResearchRocketAssemblyAndLaunch__name Rocket assembly & launch 火箭组装和发射
ResearchRotaryKilnGas__name Rotary kiln (gas) 回转窑(气)
ResearchRubberProduction__name Synthetic rubber 合成橡胶
ResearchSaltProduction__name Salt production 盐生产
ResearchSausageProduction__name Sausage production 香肠生产
ResearchSettlementDecorations__name Settlement decorations 定居点装饰
ResearchSettlementPower__name Settlement power 定居点供电
ResearchSettlementWaste__desc Basic collection and disposal of waste from settlements. 定居点垃圾的基本收集和处理。
ResearchSettlementWaste__name Settlement waste 定居点垃圾
ResearchSettlementWater__name Settlement water 定居点供水
ResearchShipArmor__desc Our ship will take more hits from enemy's artillery. Our crew is looking forward to test it, huh? 我们的船将受到敌人更多的炮火攻击。我们的船员已经做好准备迎接挑战了,对吧?
ResearchShipArmor__name Ship armor 船舰装甲
ResearchShipArmor2__name Ship armor II 船舰装甲 II
ResearchShipFuelTankUpgrade__name Fuel tank upgrade 油箱升级
ResearchShipRadar__desc Advanced ship bridge. Also contains a better radar for area explorations. 先进的舰桥。还含有用于区域探索的先进雷达。
ResearchShipRadar__name Ship bridge II 舰桥 II
ResearchShipRadar2__name Ship bridge III 舰桥 III
ResearchShipWeapons__desc Once fitted on the ship, we can finally stop running away from every battle. 一旦安装在船上,我们就可以不用再逃避每场战斗。
ResearchShipWeapons__name Ship weapons 船舰武器
ResearchShipWeapons2__desc Ship guns that provide increased range and damage. 提供更大射程和摧毁力的舰炮。
ResearchShipWeapons2__name Ship weapons II 船舰武器 II
ResearchShipWeapons3__name Ship weapons III 船舰武器 III
ResearchSnacksProduction__name Snacks production 零食生产
ResearchSolarPanels__name Solar panels 太阳能板
Context English Chinese (Simplified)
ResearchRepairDock__desc Enables to repair the ship dock so we can start working on ship repairs. 可以修理船坞了,这样我们就可以开始修理船舰了。
ResearchRepairDock__name Ship dock repair 船坞修理
ResearchResearchLab2__name Research lab II 研究实验室 II
ResearchResearchLab3__name Research lab III 研究实验室 III
ResearchResearchLab4__name Research lab IV 研究实验室 IV
ResearchResearchLab5__name Research lab V 研究实验室 V
ResearchRetainingWalls__name Retaining walls 挡土墙
ResearchRocketAssemblyAndLaunch__name Rocket assembly & launch 火箭组装和发射
ResearchRotaryKilnGas__name Rotary kiln (gas) 回转窑(气)
ResearchRubberProduction__name Synthetic rubber 合成橡胶
ResearchSaltProduction__name Salt production 盐生产
ResearchSausageProduction__name Sausage production 香肠生产
ResearchSettlementDecorations__name Settlement decorations 定居点装饰
ResearchSettlementPower__name Settlement power 定居点供电
ResearchSettlementWaste__desc Basic collection and disposal of waste from settlements. 定居点垃圾的基本收集和处理。
ResearchSettlementWaste__name Settlement waste 定居点垃圾
ResearchSettlementWater__name Settlement water 定居点供水
ResearchShipArmor2__name Ship armor II 船舰装甲 II
ResearchShipArmor__desc Our ship will take more hits from enemy's artillery. Our crew is looking forward to test it, huh? 我们的船将受到敌人更多的炮火攻击。我们的船员已经做好准备迎接挑战了,对吧?
ResearchShipArmor__name Ship armor 船舰装甲
ResearchShipFuelTankUpgrade__name Fuel tank upgrade 油箱升级
ResearchShipRadar2__name Ship bridge III 舰桥 III
ResearchShipRadar__desc Advanced ship bridge. Also contains a better radar for area explorations. 先进的舰桥。还含有用于区域探索的先进雷达。
ResearchShipRadar__name Ship bridge II 舰桥 II
ResearchShipWeapons2__desc Ship guns that provide increased range and damage. 提供更大射程和摧毁力的舰炮。
ResearchShipWeapons2__name Ship weapons II 船舰武器 II
ResearchShipWeapons3__name Ship weapons III 船舰武器 III
ResearchShipWeapons__desc Once fitted on the ship, we can finally stop running away from every battle. 一旦安装在船上,我们就可以不用再逃避每场战斗。
ResearchShipWeapons__name Ship weapons 船舰武器
ResearchSnacksProduction__name Snacks production 零食生产
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English Chinese (Simplified)
settlement 定居点 Glossary

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title of a research node in the research tree title of a research node in the research tree
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2 years ago
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2 years ago
Translation file
zh_Hans.po, string 2055