
English description of a research node in the research tree description of a research node in the research tree
Context English Chinese (Simplified)
ReplaceVehicle__MainTooltip Allows to replace (upgrade) this vehicle. A requested replacement will be scheduled for assembly in a nearby vehicle depot. Once the replacement is built, the vehicle will head to the depot to be scrapped and replaced. In the meantime, the vehicle will operate as usual. 允许更换(升级)这辆车。请求的更换将安排在附近的车厂进行组装。更换完成后,车辆将前往维修站进行报废和更换。与此同时,车辆将照常运行。
ReplaceVehicle__NoDepot There is no compatible vehicle depot that could build the selected replacement. 没有兼容的车厂可以建造选定的替代品。
ReplaceVehicle__NoVehicleSelected No vehicle is selected for replacement. 没有选择要更换的车辆。
ReplaceVehicle__OnItsWay Vehicle is heading to a vehicle depot to be replaced. 车辆正前往车厂进行更换。
ReplaceVehicle__WaitingForReplace Vehicle is waiting for its replacement to be built in the vehicle depot. 车辆正在等待车厂建造它的替代品。
ReportIssue Report issue 报告问题
ReputationIncrease__DonateAction Donate 捐献
ReputationIncrease__Title Reputation increase 声望提升
ReputationIncrease__Tooltip You can donate some products to increase your reputation in this settlement. The better reputation you have the more trade offers you get. Reputation also affects pops adoption. The products have to be delivered by your ship. 您可以捐赠一些产品来增加您在此定居点的声誉。您拥有的声誉越高,您获得的交易报价就越多。声誉也会影响人口的接管。产品必须由您的船交付。
ReputationIncreaseTitle Increase our reputation to {0} 将我们的声誉提高到 {0}
Requires Requires 需要
Research Research 研究
Research__Detail Research 研究
ResearchAdvancedLogisticsControl__desc Provides extra management of logistics and dumping. 提供额外的物流和倾倒的管理。
ResearchAdvancedLogisticsControl__name Advanced logistics control 高级物流控制
ResearchAdvancedSmelting__desc Provides smelting with higher throughput and increased efficiency for crushed ores. 为熔炼提供了更高的产量, 也提高了碎矿石的熔炼效率。
ResearchAdvancedSmelting__name Advanced smelting 高级冶炼
ResearchArcFurnace2__name Arc furnace II 电弧炉Ⅱ
ResearchAssembler3__name Assembly (robotic) II 装配机(机器人) II
ResearchBasicComputing__name Basic computing 基本计算
ResearchBasicDiesel__desc Enables to pump island's limited reserve of oil and convert it to diesel. Not very efficient. 能够泵出岛上有限的石油储备并将其转换为柴油。效率不高。
ResearchBasicDiesel__name Basic diesel 基础柴油
ResearchBasicFarming__desc Basic farming of potatoes. We just need to hope it will rain. 马铃薯的初级种植。我们只需要希望会下雨。
ResearchBasicFarming__name Basic farming 初级农业
ResearchBeacon__name Beacon 灯塔
ResearchBioDiesel__name Biodiesel 生物柴油
ResearchBiofuel__name Biofuel 生物燃料
ResearchBlueprints__name Blueprints 蓝图
ResearchBoilerElectric__name Electric boiler 电热锅炉
ResearchBricksProduction__name Bricks production 砖生产
ResearchBurner__name Burner 焚化炉
Context English Chinese (Simplified)
ReplaceShipPart Replace part 更换零件
ReplaceVehicle__MainTooltip Allows to replace (upgrade) this vehicle. A requested replacement will be scheduled for assembly in a nearby vehicle depot. Once the replacement is built, the vehicle will head to the depot to be scrapped and replaced. In the meantime, the vehicle will operate as usual. 允许更换(升级)这辆车。请求的更换将安排在附近的车厂进行组装。更换完成后,车辆将前往维修站进行报废和更换。与此同时,车辆将照常运行。
ReplaceVehicle__NoDepot There is no compatible vehicle depot that could build the selected replacement. 没有兼容的车厂可以建造选定的替代品。
ReplaceVehicle__NoVehicleSelected No vehicle is selected for replacement. 没有选择要更换的车辆。
ReplaceVehicle__OnItsWay Vehicle is heading to a vehicle depot to be replaced. 车辆正前往车厂进行更换。
ReplaceVehicle__WaitingForReplace Vehicle is waiting for its replacement to be built in the vehicle depot. 车辆正在等待车厂建造它的替代品。
ReportIssue Report issue 报告问题
ReputationIncreaseTitle Increase our reputation to {0} 将我们的声誉提高到 {0}
ReputationIncrease__DonateAction Donate 捐献
ReputationIncrease__Title Reputation increase 声望提升
ReputationIncrease__Tooltip You can donate some products to increase your reputation in this settlement. The better reputation you have the more trade offers you get. Reputation also affects pops adoption. The products have to be delivered by your ship. 您可以捐赠一些产品来增加您在此定居点的声誉。您拥有的声誉越高,您获得的交易报价就越多。声誉也会影响人口的接管。产品必须由您的船交付。
Requires Requires 需要
Research Research 研究
ResearchAdvancedLogisticsControl__desc Provides extra management of logistics and dumping. 提供额外的物流和倾倒的管理。
ResearchAdvancedLogisticsControl__name Advanced logistics control 高级物流控制
ResearchAdvancedSmelting__desc Provides smelting with higher throughput and increased efficiency for crushed ores. 为熔炼提供了更高的产量, 也提高了碎矿石的熔炼效率。
ResearchAdvancedSmelting__name Advanced smelting 高级冶炼
ResearchArcFurnace2__name Arc furnace II 电弧炉Ⅱ
ResearchAssembler3__name Assembly (robotic) II 装配机(机器人) II
ResearchBasicComputing__name Basic computing 基本计算
ResearchBasicDiesel__desc Enables to pump island's limited reserve of oil and convert it to diesel. Not very efficient. 能够泵出岛上有限的石油储备并将其转换为柴油。效率不高。
ResearchBasicDiesel__name Basic diesel 基础柴油
ResearchBasicFarming__desc Basic farming of potatoes. We just need to hope it will rain. 马铃薯的初级种植。我们只需要希望会下雨。
ResearchBasicFarming__name Basic farming 初级农业
ResearchBeacon__name Beacon 灯塔
ResearchBioDiesel__name Biodiesel 生物柴油
ResearchBiofuel__name Biofuel 生物燃料
ResearchBlueprints__name Blueprints 蓝图
ResearchBoilerElectric__name Electric boiler 电热锅炉
ResearchBricksProduction__name Bricks production 砖生产


2 years ago
2 years ago
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English Chinese (Simplified)
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Source string comment
description of a research node in the research tree description of a research node in the research tree
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2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
zh_Hans.po, string 1889