
English Title for group of related game mechanics in the new game flow
Context English Chinese (Simplified)
GameDifficulty__AdmiralExplanation For experienced players only 仅限有经验的玩家
GameDifficulty__AdmiralTitle Admiral 上将
GameDifficulty__CustomTitle Custom 自定义
GameDifficulty__EasyDescription Additional bonuses and mechanics make this highly recommended for new players 因为额外的奖金和机制,强烈推荐难度设置给新玩家
GameDifficulty__EasyExplanation For players who want a smooth sail 新手上路
GameDifficulty__EasyTitle Sailor 水手
GameDifficulty__NormalDescription An experience that balances consumption and production for more challenge 平衡消费与生产的体验,迎接更多挑战
GameDifficulty__NormalExplanation For players who seek some adventure 适合寻求冒险的新玩家或回归的玩家
GameDifficulty__NormalTitle Captain 船长
GameFpsLimitRenderingSetting__Name FPS limit in game 游戏中的FPS限制
GameInitFail The game failed to initialize. Please file a bug report if this issue persists. 游戏初始化失败。请向我们发送详细报告。
GameInitFail__Mod The game failed to initialize likely due to a mod, see logs for more info. 游戏可能由于模组而无法初始化,请查阅日志以获取更多信息。
GameInitFail__OutOrMemory The game failed to initialize due to insufficient system memory. Try closing other programs to free-up memory. 由于系统内存不足,游戏无法初始化。尝试关闭其他程序以释放内存。
GameMechanic__Casual Getting started 开始
GameMechanic__Challenges Challenges 挑战
GameMechanic__Realism Realism 现实主义
GameOver__Message It's over. There are no more people on this island. I wonder what could I have done to prevent this... 结束了。这岛上已经没有人了。我想知道我能做些什么来防止这种情况发生......
GameOver__Title It's over! 游戏结束了!
GameSaveLoad__CannotLoadFile Cannot load 不能载入
GameSaveLoad__CannotSaveFile Failed to write save data to '{0}': {1}

Ensure that the game has access rights to the save directory and there is enough free space on the drive. Access can be blocked by antivirus software or by Windows feature called 'Controlled Folder Access'.

GameSaveLoad__CannotSaveFile_Crash Failed to save the game '{0}': {1}

If you are using mods, please ensure they are compatible with the current game version. Otherwise, file a bug report including this error message and your logs, so we can investigate.

GameSaveLoad__MissingFile Could not load the given save, file is empty or does not exist: {0}. 无法加载给定的存档,文件为空或不存在:{0}。
GameSaveLoad__MissingMod Could not load the given save file as it was missing a mod '{0}' (version {1}, type '{2}'). 无法加载给定的保存文件,因为它缺少 mod“{0}”(版本 {1},类型“{2}”)。
GameSaveLoad__SwitchSteamVersion If you still wish to load this save file, quit the game, go to Steam > Properties > Betas and select {0} version in the dropdown. Steam will then download the older game version for you. Any features added into this version will not be available in the previous ones. 如果您仍想加载此存档文件,请退出游戏,转到 Steam > 属性 > Betas 并在下拉列表中选择 {0} 版本。 Steam 随后会为您下载之前的游戏版本。旧版本游戏不会含有最新版本新增的功能和特性。
GameSaveLoad__VersionTooHigh This save file is from a newer game version ({0}) than what is currently supported ({1}). Are you on an old Steam branch? 此存档来自比当前支持的版本 ({1}) 更新的游戏版本 ({0})。您在旧的 Steam 分支上吗?
GameSaveLoad__VersionTooLow This save file is from an older game version ({0}) which is not supported by this version of the game. 此存档来自较旧的游戏版本 ({0}),该版本的游戏不支持。
GameSeed Game seed 游戏种子
GameSeed__Tooltip Affects randomization used in places like weather generation or world map layout. Does not affect map generation 会影响在诸如天气生成或世界地图布局中使用的随机化技术。不影响地图生成
GameSpeed Game speed 游戏速度
GasInjectionPump__desc Provides permanent disposal of gases such as carbon dioxide by dissolving them in a liquid and injecting them under pressure into the ground. Has no pollution effect. Can be built only on top of a limestone deposit. 通过将二氧化碳等气体溶解在液体中并在压力下将其注入地下,从而永久的处理二氧化碳等气体。不会有污染。只能建在石灰石矿床上。
GasInjectionPump__name Gas injection pump 气体喷射泵
Context English Chinese (Simplified)
GameDiff__TreesGrowthDiff Trees growth speed 树木生长速度
GameDiff__TreesGrowthDiff_Tooltip Affects how fast trees grow. 影响树木生长速度。
GameDiff__UnityProductionDiff Unity generation 凝聚力生成
GameDiff__UnityProductionDiff_Tooltip Affects how much Unity is produced in settlements. 影响在定居点中产生多少凝聚力。
GameDiff__VehiclesNoFuel Vehicle out of fuel 车辆燃料耗尽
GameDiff__WeatherDifficulty Weather 天气
GameDiff__WorldMinesNoUnity World mine out of Unity 世界矿物资源枯竭
GameDiff__WorldMinesReservesDiff World mines deposits 世界矿藏
GameDiff__WorldMinesReservesDiff_Tooltip Affects size of deposits in the world mines (for instance quartz mines or oil rigs). 影响世界矿山(例如石英矿或石油钻井平台)中矿床的大小。
GameFpsLimitRenderingSetting__Name FPS limit in game 游戏中的FPS限制
GameInitFail The game failed to initialize. Please file a bug report if this issue persists. 游戏初始化失败。请向我们发送详细报告。
GameInitFail__Mod The game failed to initialize likely due to a mod, see logs for more info. 游戏可能由于模组而无法初始化,请查阅日志以获取更多信息。
GameInitFail__OutOrMemory The game failed to initialize due to insufficient system memory. Try closing other programs to free-up memory. 由于系统内存不足,游戏无法初始化。尝试关闭其他程序以释放内存。
GameMechanic__Casual Getting started 开始
GameMechanic__Challenges Challenges 挑战
GameMechanic__Realism Realism 现实主义
GameOver__Message It's over. There are no more people on this island. I wonder what could I have done to prevent this... 结束了。这岛上已经没有人了。我想知道我能做些什么来防止这种情况发生......
GameOver__Title It's over! 游戏结束了!
GameSaveLoad__CannotLoadFile Cannot load 不能载入
GameSaveLoad__CannotSaveFile Failed to write save data to '{0}': {1}

Ensure that the game has access rights to the save directory and there is enough free space on the drive. Access can be blocked by antivirus software or by Windows feature called 'Controlled Folder Access'.

GameSaveLoad__CannotSaveFile_Crash Failed to save the game '{0}': {1}

If you are using mods, please ensure they are compatible with the current game version. Otherwise, file a bug report including this error message and your logs, so we can investigate.

GameSaveLoad__MissingFile Could not load the given save, file is empty or does not exist: {0}. 无法加载给定的存档,文件为空或不存在:{0}。
GameSaveLoad__MissingMod Could not load the given save file as it was missing a mod '{0}' (version {1}, type '{2}'). 无法加载给定的保存文件,因为它缺少 mod“{0}”(版本 {1},类型“{2}”)。
GameSaveLoad__SwitchSteamVersion If you still wish to load this save file, quit the game, go to Steam > Properties > Betas and select {0} version in the dropdown. Steam will then download the older game version for you. Any features added into this version will not be available in the previous ones. 如果您仍想加载此存档文件,请退出游戏,转到 Steam > 属性 > Betas 并在下拉列表中选择 {0} 版本。 Steam 随后会为您下载之前的游戏版本。旧版本游戏不会含有最新版本新增的功能和特性。
GameSaveLoad__VersionTooHigh This save file is from a newer game version ({0}) than what is currently supported ({1}). Are you on an old Steam branch? 此存档来自比当前支持的版本 ({1}) 更新的游戏版本 ({0})。您在旧的 Steam 分支上吗?
GameSaveLoad__VersionTooLow This save file is from an older game version ({0}) which is not supported by this version of the game. 此存档来自较旧的游戏版本 ({0}),该版本的游戏不支持。
GameSeed Game seed 游戏种子
GameSeed__Tooltip Affects randomization used in places like weather generation or world map layout. Does not affect map generation 会影响在诸如天气生成或世界地图布局中使用的随机化技术。不影响地图生成
GameSpeed Game speed 游戏速度
Game__Title Game 游戏
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated Captain of Industry/Game
The following string has different context, but the same source.
Translated Captain of Industry/Game 现实主义模式


11 months ago
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There are 3 variants of this string.



English Chinese (Simplified)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string comment
Title for group of related game mechanics in the new game flow
String age
11 months ago
Source string age
11 months ago
Translation file
zh_Hans.po, string 834