Farms grow crops, and <b>crops</b> can be used in various places but mainly to feed your people. But crops don’t grow for free, they consume <b>water</b> and <b>fertility</b>.
Farms grow crops, and <b>crops</b> can be used in various places but mainly to feed your people. But crops don’t grow for free, they consume <b>water</b> and <b>fertility</b>.
Farms grow crops, and <b>crops</b> can be used in various places but mainly to feed your peopsle. But crops don'’t grow for free, they consume <b>water</b> and soil <b>fertility</b>.
Farms grow crops, and <b>crops</b> can be used in various places but mainly to feed your people. But crops don’t grow for free, they consume <b>water</b> and <b>fertility</b>.
<b>有不同的作用,但主要是为了给您的民众提供食物。但农作物不是免费生长的,它们消耗</b>水</b> 和<b>土壤肥力</b> 。