
English a difficulty option for loans, this is the hardest (although not really severe) a difficulty option for loans, this is the hardest (although not really severe)
Context English Chinese (Simplified)
Loan_RemainingInterest Remaining interest 剩余利息
Loan_Repay__Action Repay 偿还
Loan_Repay__InvalidQuantity You need to input a valid quantity 您需要输入一个有效的数量
Loan_Repay__LackOfProducts Insufficient products in storage to make this payment. 库存产品不足,无法支付。
Loan_Repay__Tooltip Repay your loan directly from your storage silos to decrease your debt. 直接从你的存储仓偿还借贷,以减少你的债务。
Loan_StartDate Start date 开始日期
Loan_StartingLoan Starting loan 开始的借贷
Loan_TimeLeft Left 还剩
LoanPaymentDelayed__name Loan payment is overdue ({0}) 借贷支付已逾期 ({0})
LoanPaymentFailed__name Failed to collect payment for loan ({0}) 未能收取借贷支付 ({0})
Loans_Active Active loans 活跃借贷
Loans_ProductsToLend Products to lend 可供出借的产品
Loans_Title Loans 借贷
Loans_Title__Tooltip Allows you to borrow products from other settlements on the world map. Borrowed products are delivered to your trading dock. You must repay the borrowed quantity plus interest in annual installments. Payments are deducted from your trading dock, so ensure trucks regularly supply the dock. 允许你从世界地图上的其他定居点借用产品。借用的产品将送至你的交易码头。您必须按年分期还清借用数量以及利息。支付将从您的交易码头中扣除,因此请确保卡车定期向码头供应产品。
LoansSetting__Easy Lenient 宽松
LoansSetting__Hard Firm 严格
Location_Distance {0} km away from our Island 距我们的岛屿 {0} 公里
Location_EnemyScore {0} ship with battle score: {0} 战舰得分:
Location_HasEntity This location has {0} 此位置有 {0}
Location_ShipOnWay Ship on way 船只在途中
Locked Locked 锁定
LockedFor__Tooltip Locked for {0} 锁定 {0}
LodBiasRenderingSetting__Name Level of detail (LOD) 细节等级(LOD)
LogisticsControl__Auto Auto 自动
LogisticsControl__Auto_InputTooltip Trucks will be allowed to deliver a product. But once the product is successfully received via a conveyor / pipe, trucks will no longer be allowed to deliver it. If the conveyor / pipe gets disconnected afterwards, truck deliveries get restored. 卡车将被允许运送产品。但是一旦产品通过传送带/管道成功接收,卡车将不再被允许运送。如果传送带/管道随后断开连接,卡车交付将恢复。
LogisticsControl__Auto_OutputTooltip Trucks will be allowed to collect a product. But once the product is successfully dispatched via a conveyor / pipe, trucks will no longer be allowed to collect it. If the conveyor / pipe gets disconnected afterwards, truck collections get restored. 卡车将被允许收集产品。但是一旦产品通过传送带/管道成功发送,卡车将不再被允许收集。如果传送带/管道随后断开连接,卡车收集将恢复。
LogisticsControl__InputTitle Truck import 卡车输入
LogisticsControl__InputTooltip Configures whether trucks can <b>import</b> products 配置卡车是否可以 <b>输入</b> 产品
LogisticsControl__Off Off 关闭
LogisticsControl__Off_InputTooltip Trucks will NOT be allowed to deliver cargo here. 卡车将不被允许运输货物到此处。
LogisticsControl__Off_OutputTooltip Trucks will NOT be allowed to pick up cargo here. 卡车将不被允许在此收取货物。
Context English Chinese (Simplified)
LiftFlat__desc Allows raising or lowering units of solid products vertically. 允许垂直升高或降低固体产品单元。
LiftFlat__name Flat lift 平板升降机
LiftLoose__desc Allows raising or lowering loose products vertically. 允许垂直升高或降低散装产品。
LiftLoose__name Loose lift 散装产品升降机
LimestoneMine__name Limestone quarry 石灰石采石场
LoadDisabled__Corrupted Can't read this file! 此文件不可读!
LoadDisabled__Error Error opening the save file and reading its metadata. Try to restart the game. In case the issue persists, inspect logs for more information. 打开保存文件并读取其元数据时出错。尝试重启游戏。如果问题仍然存在,请检查日志以获取更多信息。
LoadDisabled__ModsMissing At least one mod that is required by the current save file is not installed. Install the missing mod or disable it to try run the game without it. 至少一个当前保存文件所需的模组未安装。安装缺少的模组或禁用它,尝试在没有它的情况下运行游戏。
LoadDisabled__ModsNotEnabled Mod loading is disabled, you need to enable mods in {0} or disable all the mods required by this save file. 模组加载已禁用,您需要在 {0} 中启用模组或禁用此保存文件所需的所有模组。
LoadInProgress Loading ... 加载中...
Load_Action Load 载入
Load_Title Load game 加载游戏
LoanPaymentDelayed__name Loan payment is overdue ({0}) 借贷支付已逾期 ({0})
LoanPaymentFailed__name Failed to collect payment for loan ({0}) 未能收取借贷支付 ({0})
LoansSetting__Easy Lenient 宽松
LoansSetting__Hard Firm 严格
Loans_Active Active loans 活跃借贷
Loans_ProductsToLend Products to lend 可供出借的产品
Loans_Title Loans 借贷
Loans_Title__Tooltip Allows you to borrow products from other settlements on the world map. Borrowed products are delivered to your trading dock. You must repay the borrowed quantity plus interest in annual installments. Payments are deducted from your trading dock, so ensure trucks regularly supply the dock. 允许你从世界地图上的其他定居点借用产品。借用的产品将送至你的交易码头。您必须按年分期还清借用数量以及利息。支付将从您的交易码头中扣除,因此请确保卡车定期向码头供应产品。
Loan_BorrowFieldLabel Borrow 借贷
Loan_Borrow__Action Borrow 借贷
Loan_Borrow__Tooltip Click to accept this loan. 点击以接受此贷款。
Loan_CreditScore Credit score 信用分
Loan_CreditScore__Tooltip Shows how well you keep up with payments. A higher score means you can get better loan deals. Paying on time boosts your score, but missing payments lowers it, making it trickier to get new loans later on. 显示你的还款情况。分数越高意味着你可以获得更好的贷款交易。按时还款会提高你的分数,但逾期还款会降低分数,使以后获得新贷款变得更加困难。
Loan_Debt Debt 债务
Loan_DurationTooltip The loan duration sets your minimum annual payment. You can always repay your loan earlier. 借贷期限确定了你的最低年度支付额。你随时可以提前还清借贷。
Loan_Fee Fee 费用
Loan_Fee__Tooltip A one-time fee applied to each new loan. 每笔新贷款都收取的一次性费用。
Loan_InterestRate Interest rate 利率


5 months ago
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English Chinese (Simplified)
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Source string comment
a difficulty option for loans, this is the hardest (although not really severe) a difficulty option for loans, this is the hardest (although not really severe)
String age
6 months ago
Source string age
6 months ago
Translation file
zh_Hans.po, string 1244