Serves to refuel, repair, and modify our ship. Also handles loading and unloading ship's cargo. If a truck happens to have some cargo that cannot be delivered anywhere else, it can be delivered here.
Gemimize yakıt ikmali yapmak, onarmak ve modifiye etmek için hizmet eder. Ayrıca gemi yüklerinin yüklenmesi ve boşaltılması işlemlerini de yürütür. Bir kamyonun başka bir yere teslim edilemeyecek bir yükü varsa, buraya teslim edilebilir.
Serves to refuel, repair, and modify our ship. Also handles loading and unloading ship's cargo. If a truck happens to have some cargo that cannot be delivered anywhere else, it can be delivered here.
Serves to refuel, repair and modify our ship. Also handles ship's cargo. Sometime trucks can get rid of their cargo here in case they get stuck with products that can't be delivered anywhere elseGemimize yakıt ikmali yapmak, onarmak ve modifiye etmek için hizmet verir. Ayrıca gemilerin yüklenmesini ve boşaltılmasını da sağlar. Bir kamyonun başka bir yere teslim edilemeyecek bir yükü varsa, buraya teslim edilebilir.
Serves to refuel, repair, and modify our ship. Also handles loading and unloading ship's cargo. If a truck happens to have some cargo that cannot be delivered anywhere else, it can be delivered here.
Serves to refuel, repair and modify our ship. Also handles ship's cargo. Sometime trucks can get rid of their cargo here in case they get stuck with products that can't be delivered anywhere else.