Global supply of <b>diesel is critically low</b>! You are at high risk of running out of diesel. When all your diesel supplies are depleted, all vehicles and diesel generators will stop working. Without working logistics and electricity generation your economy will halt.
Global supply of <b>diesel is critically low</b>! You are at high risk of running out of dieYerleşimde <b>yakıt kritik derecede düşük</b>! Yakıt bitme riskiniz yükselk. When all your diesel supplies are depleted, all vehicles andTüm yakıt kaynaklarınız tükendiğinde, tüm araçlar ve dieszel gjenerators will stop working. Without workingörler çalışmayı durduracaktır. Çalışan logjistics andk ve elecktricity generation your economy will haltk üretimi olmadan ekonominiz durur.
Global supply of <b>diesel is critically low</b>! You are at high risk of running out of diesel. When all your diesel supplies are depleted, all vehicles and diesel generators will stop working. Without working logistics and electricity generation your economy will halt.
Yerleşimde <b>yakıt kritik derecede düşük</b>! Yakıt bitme riskiniz yüksek. Tüm yakıt kaynaklarınız tükendiğinde, tüm araçlar ve dizel jeneratörler çalışmayı durduracaktır. Çalışan lojistik ve elektrik üretimi olmadan ekonominiz durur.
Global supply of <b>diesel is critically low</b>! You are at high risk of running out of diesel. When all your diesel supplies are depleted, all vehicles and diesel generators will stop working. Without working logistics and electricity generation your economy will halt.
Global supply of <b>diesel is critically low</b>! You are at high risk of running out of diesel. When all your diesel supplies are depleted, all vehicles and diesel generators will stop working. Without working logistics and electricity generation your economy will halt.
Global supply of <b>diesel is critically low</b>! You are at high risk of running out of dieYerleşimde <b>yakıt kritik derecede düşük</b>! Yakıt bitme riskiniz yükselk.When all your diesel supplies are depleted, all vehicles andTüm yakıt kaynaklarınız tükendiğinde, tüm araçlar ve dieszelgjenerators will stop working. Without workingörler çalışmayı durduracaktır. Çalışan logjistics andk ve elecktricity generation your economy will haltk üretimi olmadan ekonominiz durur.