
English title of a window that shows electricity production & demands title of a window that shows electricity production & demands
Context English Swedish
DumpingFilter__Tooltip Configures which materials are allowed to be dumped by trucks on the designations that are managed here. Konfigurerar vilket material som får dumpas på de beteckningar som hanteras här.
DumpingFilterGlobal__Title What can be dumped by trucks
DumpingFilterGlobal__Tooltip Configures which products are allowed to be dumped by trucks on dumping designations on your island. Each mine tower has its own filter to override and fine-tune what can be dumped in the area it manages.
DumpInMineTowerOnly Can be dumped only in Mine control tower's area with a dumping filter set or by enabling this product in the global dumping filter.
DumpOffset Dump offset
Economy Economy
EdictCategory_Industry__name Industrial edicts
EdictCategory_Population__name Population edicts
EdictReason__HealthLow Health is too low (is: {0}, required: {1})
EdictReason__HousingFull Housing is full
EdictRequiresAdvancedOffice Requires an advanced captain office
Electricity__Gw {0} GW
Electricity__Kw {0} KW {0} KW
Electricity__Mw {0} MW
ElectricityDisplayTooltip current demand / current production | Total production capacity
ElectricityStats Electricity statistics El statistik
Electrolyzer__desc Decomposes a product into simpler substances by passing an electric current through it. Nedbryter en produkt till enklare ämnen genom att leda en elektrisk ström genom den.
Electrolyzer__name Electrolyzer Elektrolysör
ElectrolyzerT2__name Electrolyzer II
Empty Empty Tom
Enabled Enabled Aktiverad
EnableMods__ToggleLabel Enable mods (restart required) Tillåt modifieringar
EnableMods__Tooltip Warning: Mods can execute arbitrary code and access any files on your machine, even connect to the internet. Only use mods that you trust. Use mods only at your own risk. Varning: Modifieringar kan godtycklig köra programkod och få tillgång till filer på din dator, även ansluta till internetet. Använd endast modifieringar du litar på. Modifieringar används på egen risk.
Enemy Enemy Fiende
EngineT1__name Ship engine Fartygsmotor
EngineT2__desc Increases speed and range of the ship. Ökar fartygets hastighet och räckvidd.
EngineT2__name Ship engine II Fartygsmotor II
EngineT3__desc Increases speed and range of the ship. Ökar fartygets hastighet och räckvidd.
EngineT3__name Ship engine III Fartygsmotor III
EntityBreakdownChance breakdown chance: {0} Sannolikhet för att misslyckas: {0}
EntityCannotBeReached__name Vehicles can't reach {entity}.
Context English Swedish
DropDepth__OrderingExplanation Configures the offset to the maximum height of the dumped pile relative to the tip of the stacker.
DumpingFilterGlobal__Title What can be dumped by trucks
DumpingFilterGlobal__Tooltip Configures which products are allowed to be dumped by trucks on dumping designations on your island. Each mine tower has its own filter to override and fine-tune what can be dumped in the area it manages.
DumpingFilter__Empty Nothing allowed to be dumped Ingenting får dumpas
DumpingFilter__Title What can be dumped here Vad kan dumpas här
DumpingFilter__Tooltip Configures which materials are allowed to be dumped by trucks on the designations that are managed here. Konfigurerar vilket material som får dumpas på de beteckningar som hanteras här.
DumpInMineTowerOnly Can be dumped only in Mine control tower's area with a dumping filter set or by enabling this product in the global dumping filter.
DumpOffset Dump offset
Economy Economy
EdictCategory_Industry__name Industrial edicts
EdictCategory_Population__name Population edicts
EdictReason__HealthLow Health is too low (is: {0}, required: {1})
EdictReason__HousingFull Housing is full
EdictRequiresAdvancedOffice Requires an advanced captain office
ElectricityDisplayTooltip current demand / current production | Total production capacity
ElectricityStats Electricity statistics El statistik
Electricity__Gw {0} GW
Electricity__Kw {0} KW {0} KW
Electricity__Mw {0} MW
ElectrolyzerT2__name Electrolyzer II
Electrolyzer__desc Decomposes a product into simpler substances by passing an electric current through it. Nedbryter en produkt till enklare ämnen genom att leda en elektrisk ström genom den.
Electrolyzer__name Electrolyzer Elektrolysör
Empty Empty Tom
Enabled Enabled Aktiverad
EnableMods__ToggleLabel Enable mods (restart required) Tillåt modifieringar
EnableMods__Tooltip Warning: Mods can execute arbitrary code and access any files on your machine, even connect to the internet. Only use mods that you trust. Use mods only at your own risk. Varning: Modifieringar kan godtycklig köra programkod och få tillgång till filer på din dator, även ansluta till internetet. Använd endast modifieringar du litar på. Modifieringar används på egen risk.
Enemy Enemy Fiende
EngineT1__name Ship engine Fartygsmotor
EngineT2__desc Increases speed and range of the ship. Ökar fartygets hastighet och räckvidd.
EngineT2__name Ship engine II Fartygsmotor II


User avatar Febejo

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Captain of Industry / GameSwedish

3 years ago
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English Swedish
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Source string comment
title of a window that shows electricity production & demands title of a window that shows electricity production & demands
String age
3 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
sv.po, string 546