When enabled, this consumer will become a surplus consumer and will only be using power made by generators that allow to supply surplus consumers (e.g. solar panels). Also, in case this is enabled, lack of power is not reported as an issue.
Presses loose items into compact units for easier transportation. A shredder can be used to restore compacted products back to their uncompacted state.
Assigned tree planters will automatically plant saplings in all the forestry designations managed by this tower. Unassigned planters will work here as long as there is no planter assigned.
Assigned tree harvesters will automatically harvest trees in all the forestry designations managed by this tower. Unassigned harvesters will work here as long as there is no harvester assigned.
Configures dedicated import routes for trucks. You can also assign a fuel station to make its trucks refuel tree planters and tree harvesters in this place.