From time to time, your island might get into a crisis – fuel running out, no power, low maintenance, etc. Obviously, it is never your fault. It’s always caused by the people on the island doing a bad job. However, there are ways to avoid some of the issues early on.
De tant en tant, la teva illa pot entrar en una crisi: esgota el combustible, no hi ha electricitat, poc manteniment, etc. Òbviament, mai és culpa teva. Sempre és causat per la gent de l'illa fent una mala feina. Tanmateix, hi ha maneres d'evitar alguns dels problemes des del principi.
All the cargo that is temporarily stored in the shipyard. When the shipyard gets too full it is unable to unload more cargo from the ship. Trucks always actively remove products from the shipyard whenever there is space somewhere else.
Tota la càrrega que s'emmagatzema temporalment a la drassana. Quan la drassana s'omple massa, no pot descarregar més càrrega del vaixell. Els camions sempre trauen productes de les drassanes sempre que hi hagi espai en algun altre lloc.
Captain, we have found the island we’ve been searching for, it was not on the map! Our ship took a lot of damage and will need major repairs in order to sail again but we should be safe here.
Capità, hem trobat l'illa que buscàvem! No estava al mapa! El nostre vaixell ha patit molts danys i necessitarà reparacions importants per a tornar a navegar, però aquí hauríem d'estar segurs.
This tool enables pausing and unpausing individual entities such as machines or vehicles. It also supports mass pausing / unpausing by dragging over an area.
Aquesta eina permet posar en pausa i reactivar entitats individuals com ara màquines o vehicles. També permet fer-ho en massa quan es selecciona una àrea.