From time to time, your island might get into a crisis – fuel running out, no power, low maintenance, etc. Obviously, it is never your fault. It’s always caused by the people on the island doing a bad job. However, there are ways to avoid some of the issues early on.
De tant en tant, la tevvostra illa pot entrar en una crisi: esgota el combustible, no hi ha electricitat, poc manteniment, etc. Òbviament, mai és culpa tevvostra. Sempre és a causat per de la gent de l'illa fent una mala feina. Tanmateix, hi ha maneres d'evitar alguns dels problemes des del principi.
From time to time, your island might get into a crisis – fuel running out, no power, low maintenance, etc. Obviously, it is never your fault. It’s always caused by the people on the island doing a bad job. However, there are ways to avoid some of the issues early on.
De tant en tant, la teva illa pot entrar en una crisi: esgota el combustible, no hi ha electricitat, poc manteniment, etc. Òbviament, mai és culpa teva. Sempre és causat per la gent de l'illa fent una mala feina. Tanmateix, hi ha maneres d'evitar alguns dels problemes des del principi.
From time to time, your island might get into a crisis – fuel running out, no power, low maintenance, etc. Obviously, it is never your fault. It’s always caused by the people on the island doing a bad job. However, there are ways to avoid some of the issues early on.
De tant en tant, la teva illa pot entrar en una crisi: esgota el combustible, no hi ha electricitat, poc manteniment, etc. Òbviament, mai és culpa teva. Sempre és causat per la gent de l'illa fent una mala feina. Tanmateix, hi ha maneres d'evitar alguns dels problemes des del principi.
From time to time, your island might get into a crisis -– fuel running out, no power, low maintenance, etc. Obviously, it is never your fault. It'’s always caused by the people on the island doing a bad job. However, there are ways to avoid some of the issues early on.
From time to time, your island might get into a crisis – fuel running out, no power, low maintenance, etc. Obviously, it is never your fault. It’s always caused by the people on the island doing a bad job. However, there are ways to avoid some of the issues early on.
De tant en tant, la teva illa pot entrar en una crisi: esgota el combustible, no hi ha electricitat, poc manteniment, etc. Òbviament, mai és culpa teva. Sempre és causat per la gent de l'illa fent una mala feina. Tanmateix, hi ha maneres d'evitar alguns dels problemes des del principi.
From time to time, your island might get into a crisis – fuel running out, no power, low maintenance, etc. Obviously, it is never your fault. It’s always caused by the people on the island doing a bad job. However, there are ways to avoid some of the issues early on.
De tant en tant, la teva illa pot entrar en una crisi: esgota el combustible, no hi ha electricitat, poc manteniment, etc. Òbviament, mai és culpa teva. Sempre és causat per la gent de l'illa fent una mala feina. Tanmateix, hi ha maneres d'evitar alguns dels problemes des del principi.
tevvostra illa pot entrar en una crisi: esgota el combustible, no hi ha electricitat, poc manteniment, etc. Òbviament, mai és culpatevvostra. Sempre és a causat perde la gent de l'illa fent una mala feina. Tanmateix, hi ha maneres d'evitar alguns dels problemes des del principi.