Efficiency is a ratio of produced power over used input. It represents how efficiently is input product converted to mechanical power. If the shaft is overloaded, some produced power will be wasted and efficiency will go down accordingly. There is also loss of efficiency when the machine is starting-up. To avoid startup losses, this machine should run continuously without interruption.
Convierte la energía cinética en electricidad. La eficiencia se reduce según lo lento que gire.
Efficiency is a ratio of produced power over used input. It represents how efficiently is input product converted to mechanical power. If the shaft is overloaded, some produced power will be wasted and efficiency will go down accordingly. There is also loss of efficiency when the machine is starting-up. To avoid startup losses, this machine should run continuously without interruption.
Convierte la energía cinética en electricidad. La eficiencia se reduce según lo lento que gire.
Shows the global state of maintenance. Any excessive maintenance is stored in the global buffer. If global buffer is full, maintenance depots pause their progress. If the buffer is empty it typically means there is a lack of maintenance.
Muestra el estado global del mantenimiento. Cualquier mantenimiento excesivo se almacena. Si el almacén de los talleres está lleno, los talleres pausan su progreso. Si el almacén de los talleres está vacío, significa que falta mantenimiento.