
English {0}, {1} = shortcut keys
Context English Chinese (Traditional)
TutorialOnCargoShip__part4Heading Ship logistics 船舶物流
TutorialOnCargoShip__part4V2 A cargo ship will depart automatically when there is enough cargo to fill the ship on the world map (1). A ship can pick up cargo from any entity on the world map. Each trip of the ship has a fixed fuel cost which is based on the size of the ship (2). 當有足夠的貨物裝滿世界地圖 (1) 上的船時,貨船將自動離開。一艘船可以從世界地圖上的任何實體接收貨物。船舶每次航行都有固定燃料成本,基於船隻大小 (2) 而定。
TutorialOnCargoShip__part5V2 Upgrading the cargo depot will also upgrade the attached ship. This expands the number of slots and thus the amount of transported materials. Larger ships are more efficient in fuel consumption. 升級貨運港也會升級附屬的船隻。升級增加了空間,從而增加了運輸材料的數量。更大的船隻在燃料消耗方面更有效率。
TutorialOnCoalPower__name Coal power plant 燃煤電廠
TutorialOnCoalPower__part1 A more efficient way of generating power compared to diesel generators is a coal power plant. Coal burned in boilers turns water into steam (1). This steam then spins turbines (2) and transfers mechanical force over a shaft into attached power generators (3) which make electricity from it. 與柴油發電機相比,另一種更有效的發電方式是燃煤發電廠。煤在鍋爐中燃燒將水變成蒸汽 (1)。然後,該蒸汽使渦輪機 (2) 旋轉並通過軸將機械力傳到連接的發電機 (3) 中,使發電機發電。
TutorialOnCoalPower__part2 It does not matter how you order your turbines and generators, as long as they are all on one shaft they work together. 無論您以何種順序放置渦輪機和發電機,只要它們都安裝在同一根軸上,就能協同工作。
TutorialOnCoalPower__part3 Generators do not produce electricity when there is no need and ignore the energy from the mechanical shaft. However, the turbines do not stop when the shaft is spinning at full power, instead, they let the steam pass through which means some energy gets lost. To combat this, you can use a {0} attached to the mechanical shaft which will store the mechanical energy as inertia and return it when the power is needed, behaving like batteries. 發電機在不需要時不會發電,並且會忽略來自機械軸的能量。然而,當軸以全功率旋轉時,渦輪機不會停止,相反,它們會讓蒸汽通過,這意味著會損失一些能量。為解決這個問題,您可以將{0}連接到機械軸上 ,它可以將機械能儲存為慣性,並在需要電時釋放出來,就像電池一樣。
TutorialOnCoalPower__part4 A {0} can be used in combination with “auto-balance” toggle on turbines. Once enabled, turbines will automatically turn off when the connected shaft has maximum inertia, and back on when the inertia is low. The {0} helps to increase the total inertia of the shaft to make this system more efficient and prevent loss of power due to turbines' slow startup. {0} 可以與渦輪機上的“自動平衡”開關結合使用。一旦啟用,渦輪機將在連接軸具有最大慣性時自動關閉,並在慣性較低時重新啟動。 {0} 有助於增加軸的總慣性,使該系統效率更高,並防止因渦輪機啟動緩慢而造成功率損失。
TutorialOnContracts__name Contracts 合約
TutorialOnContracts__part1 You can establish contracts with settlements to <b>exchange goods on regular basis</b>. Contracts are typically much more lucrative than quick trading deals but they cost Unity and require a dedicated {0}. 您可以和定居點簽訂合約來<b>定期交換商品</b>。合約通常比快速交易更有利可圖,但這會花費凝聚力並需要專用的 {0}。
TutorialOnContracts__part2 After you establish a contract, you’ll need a {0} and a {1} with modules fit for the contract. For example, if you’re trading {2} for {3} you’ll need to have both a Unit Module ({2}) and a Fluid Module ({3}) attached to the {1} (1). Select either module, click 'assign a contract' (2), and assign the contract you wish to begin (3). Note that any other attached module will be auto assigned to the appropriate type of material if compatible with the contract. 建立合約後,您需要 {0} 與符合合約模組的{1} 。例如,如果您用 {2} 換取 {3},您需要將一個固體模組 ({2}) 和一個流體模組 ({3}) 連接到 {1} (1)。選擇任一模組,點選“分配合約”(2),然後分配您希望開始的合約 (3)。請注意,如果與合約相容,任何其他模組將自動分配合適類型的材料。
TutorialOnContracts__part3 Once your {1} modules are supplied with the correct amounts of required goods, the {0} will automatically travel to the settlement to exchange the goods. Contracts enable you to trade as much as you want without any time restriction 一旦您的 {1} 模組提供了正確數量的所需商品,{0} 將自動前往定居點以交換商品。合約使您可以不受時間限制進行任意數量的交易
TutorialOnCopySettings__part1 This tool enables you to copy configuration from one building to another. You can even drag over multiple buildings to mass apply the selected configuration. 該工具使您能夠將組態從一個建築物複製到另一個建築物。您甚至可以在多個建築物上拖動以批次應用選定的組態。
TutorialOnCopySettings__part2 This tool can be activated by pressing {0} or by clicking the icon in the toolbar (1). Then click on the building you want to copy settings from (2). Finally click on or drag across as many other similar buildings to paste those settings (3). 可以通過按 {0} 或點選工具列 (1) 中的圖示來啟動此工具。然後點選要從 (2) 複製設定的建築物。最後點選或拖動儘可能多的其他類似建築物以貼上這些設定。
TutorialOnCopyTool__part1 This tool allows you to select one or more buildings to copy and place elsewhere. This allows you to effortlessly copy existing factory designs to scale your production. 此工具允許您選擇一或多個建築物,複製並放置在其他地方。這使您可以毫不費力地複製現有的工廠設計以擴大生產規模。
TutorialOnCopyTool__part2 To copy several buildings at once, press {0} or click the icon in the toolbar (1) to select the <b>copy tool</b> then click and drag across the desired buildings (2) tool. Let go of the mouse button and drag to where you want to place your copied buildings and left click once to place (3). You can <b>copy a single building</b> by hovering over it and pressing {1}. 要一次複製多個建築物,請按 {0} 或點選工具列中的圖示 (1) 選擇<b>複製工具</b>,然後點選並拖動所需建築物 (2) 工具。鬆開滑鼠按鈕並拖動到要放置複製建築物的位置,然後左鍵點選一次以放置 (3)。您可以通過將滑鼠懸停在建築物上並按 {1} 來<b>複製個別建築物</b>。
TutorialOnCopyTool__part3 This tool copies configurations of buildings by default. You can hold the {0} while placing a building to prevent it from copying the configuration. Copies buildings will be constructed as new ones. 預設情況下,此工具會複製建築物的組態。您可以在放置建築物時按住 {0} 以防止其複製組態。複製建築物將被建造為新建築物。
TutorialOnCrisis__name Crisis management 危機管理
TutorialOnCrisis__part1 From time to time, your island might get into a crisis – fuel running out, no power, low maintenance, etc. Obviously, it is never your fault. It’s always caused by the people on the island doing a bad job. However, there are ways to avoid some of the issues early on. 隨著遊戲的推進,你的島嶼可能會陷入危機──燃料耗盡、沒有電力、不足的維護等等。當然,這絕不是您的錯。這些問題都是島上的居民沒有做好他們的工作所造成的。然而,有些方法可以在預防一些問題發生。
TutorialOnCrisis__part2 You can pin / unpin products you would like to monitor in your right side panel. By clicking on this panel it will open your global statistics which showcases inventory across your island. Click on the pin icon to keep this product shown at all times. 您可以將要監控的產品固定/取消固定到右側面板。經由點選此面板,將打開您的全球統計資訊,其中顯示了整個島嶼的庫存。點選圖釘圖示以始終顯示此產品。
TutorialOnCrisis__part2Heading Pinning important products 固定重要產品
TutorialOnCrisis__part3 It is recommended to set up storage alerts for products like {0} or products that are critical for maintenance or settlement services. Getting notified early on gives you time to react. You can also set up dedicated storages, fill them with emergency supplies and disable truck export. This way, you have emergency supplies whenever you need them. 建議為 {0} 或對維護或定居點服務至關重要的產品設定存量警報。儘早收到通知讓您有時間做出反應。您還可以設定專用倉庫,用應急物資裝滿它們並停用卡車輸出。這樣,您就可以在需要時隨時獲得應急物資。
TutorialOnCrisis__part3Heading Storage alerts 存量警報
TutorialOnCrisis__part4 Most of your machines and buildings are assigned a priority. The lower the number the higher the priority is and the more likely they get power, unity, workers, maintenance and more. So having the most critical infrastructure on an increased priority is a great way to go. 您的大多數機器和建築物都被分配了優先順序。數字越小,優先順序越高,他們獲得電力、凝聚力、工人、維護……等等的可能性就越大。所以將最關鍵的基礎設施放在更高的優先順序上是個好主意。
TutorialOnCrisis__part4Heading Priority system 優先順序系統
TutorialOnCrisis__part5 Running out of power is no fun and there are several ways to avoid that. The first step is to set up alerts for storages that feed power-making machines, for example, coal and water storage that feed boilers used to produce steam for generators. This way, you know that coal or water are getting low before the power supply halts entirely. 沒電可不是好玩的,有幾種方法可以避免這種情況的發生。第一步是為發電裝置的儲槽設定存量警報,例如為發電機提供蒸汽的鍋爐所需要的煤和水的儲槽。這樣,您就可以知道在電力供應完全停止之前煤或水的數量越來越少了。
TutorialOnCrisis__part5Heading Power crisis management 電力危機管理
TutorialOnCrisis__part6V2 You can also give an increased priority to a storage that feeds your power plant. You must first have the <b>{0} slider</b> (1) moved away from the default location or you will not see the <b>priority selection screen</b> (2). 您還可以提高為發電廠提供供給的儲槽優先順序。您必須先將 <b>{0} 滑塊</b> (1) 從預設位置移開,否則您將看不到<b>優先順序選擇螢幕</b> (2)。
TutorialOnCrisis__part7a The most robust but expensive setup is to have a backup plant like in the real world. This can, for instance, be an array of diesel generators that are ready to kick in when power drops. 最穩健但最昂貴的設定是像現實世界一樣擁有備用工廠。例如,這可以是一系列柴油發電機,它們可以在電力不足時隨時啟動。
TutorialOnCrisis__part7b This works by default because a {0} has lower production priority than standard generators connected to turbines. You can reconfigure power generation priority for any power generator yourself. Note that machines consume less maintenance when they are idle. 這在預設情況下有效,因為 {0} 的生產優先順序低於連接到渦輪機的標準發電機。您可以自行為任何發電機重新設定發電優先順序。請注意,機器在閒置時消耗的維護較少。
TutorialOnCrisis__part8V2 In case of the worst emergency, you can also boost a machine. Boost enables machines to work without power at the monthly cost of {0}. 在最嚴重的緊急情況下,您還可以加速機器。 加速使機器能夠以每月 {0} 的成本在沒有電源的情況下工作。
Context English Chinese (Traditional)
TutorialOnCargoShip__part4Heading Ship logistics 船舶物流
TutorialOnCargoShip__part4V2 A cargo ship will depart automatically when there is enough cargo to fill the ship on the world map (1). A ship can pick up cargo from any entity on the world map. Each trip of the ship has a fixed fuel cost which is based on the size of the ship (2). 當有足夠的貨物裝滿世界地圖 (1) 上的船時,貨船將自動離開。一艘船可以從世界地圖上的任何實體接收貨物。船舶每次航行都有固定燃料成本,基於船隻大小 (2) 而定。
TutorialOnCargoShip__part5V2 Upgrading the cargo depot will also upgrade the attached ship. This expands the number of slots and thus the amount of transported materials. Larger ships are more efficient in fuel consumption. 升級貨運港也會升級附屬的船隻。升級增加了空間,從而增加了運輸材料的數量。更大的船隻在燃料消耗方面更有效率。
TutorialOnCoalPower__name Coal power plant 燃煤電廠
TutorialOnCoalPower__part1 A more efficient way of generating power compared to diesel generators is a coal power plant. Coal burned in boilers turns water into steam (1). This steam then spins turbines (2) and transfers mechanical force over a shaft into attached power generators (3) which make electricity from it. 與柴油發電機相比,另一種更有效的發電方式是燃煤發電廠。煤在鍋爐中燃燒將水變成蒸汽 (1)。然後,該蒸汽使渦輪機 (2) 旋轉並通過軸將機械力傳到連接的發電機 (3) 中,使發電機發電。
TutorialOnCoalPower__part2 It does not matter how you order your turbines and generators, as long as they are all on one shaft they work together. 無論您以何種順序放置渦輪機和發電機,只要它們都安裝在同一根軸上,就能協同工作。
TutorialOnCoalPower__part3 Generators do not produce electricity when there is no need and ignore the energy from the mechanical shaft. However, the turbines do not stop when the shaft is spinning at full power, instead, they let the steam pass through which means some energy gets lost. To combat this, you can use a {0} attached to the mechanical shaft which will store the mechanical energy as inertia and return it when the power is needed, behaving like batteries. 發電機在不需要時不會發電,並且會忽略來自機械軸的能量。然而,當軸以全功率旋轉時,渦輪機不會停止,相反,它們會讓蒸汽通過,這意味著會損失一些能量。為解決這個問題,您可以將{0}連接到機械軸上 ,它可以將機械能儲存為慣性,並在需要電時釋放出來,就像電池一樣。
TutorialOnCoalPower__part4 A {0} can be used in combination with “auto-balance” toggle on turbines. Once enabled, turbines will automatically turn off when the connected shaft has maximum inertia, and back on when the inertia is low. The {0} helps to increase the total inertia of the shaft to make this system more efficient and prevent loss of power due to turbines' slow startup. {0} 可以與渦輪機上的“自動平衡”開關結合使用。一旦啟用,渦輪機將在連接軸具有最大慣性時自動關閉,並在慣性較低時重新啟動。 {0} 有助於增加軸的總慣性,使該系統效率更高,並防止因渦輪機啟動緩慢而造成功率損失。
TutorialOnContracts__name Contracts 合約
TutorialOnContracts__part1 You can establish contracts with settlements to <b>exchange goods on regular basis</b>. Contracts are typically much more lucrative than quick trading deals but they cost Unity and require a dedicated {0}. 您可以和定居點簽訂合約來<b>定期交換商品</b>。合約通常比快速交易更有利可圖,但這會花費凝聚力並需要專用的 {0}。
TutorialOnContracts__part2 After you establish a contract, you’ll need a {0} and a {1} with modules fit for the contract. For example, if you’re trading {2} for {3} you’ll need to have both a Unit Module ({2}) and a Fluid Module ({3}) attached to the {1} (1). Select either module, click 'assign a contract' (2), and assign the contract you wish to begin (3). Note that any other attached module will be auto assigned to the appropriate type of material if compatible with the contract. 建立合約後,您需要 {0} 與符合合約模組的{1} 。例如,如果您用 {2} 換取 {3},您需要將一個固體模組 ({2}) 和一個流體模組 ({3}) 連接到 {1} (1)。選擇任一模組,點選“分配合約”(2),然後分配您希望開始的合約 (3)。請注意,如果與合約相容,任何其他模組將自動分配合適類型的材料。
TutorialOnContracts__part3 Once your {1} modules are supplied with the correct amounts of required goods, the {0} will automatically travel to the settlement to exchange the goods. Contracts enable you to trade as much as you want without any time restriction 一旦您的 {1} 模組提供了正確數量的所需商品,{0} 將自動前往定居點以交換商品。合約使您可以不受時間限制進行任意數量的交易
TutorialOnCopySettings__part1 This tool enables you to copy configuration from one building to another. You can even drag over multiple buildings to mass apply the selected configuration. 該工具使您能夠將組態從一個建築物複製到另一個建築物。您甚至可以在多個建築物上拖動以批次應用選定的組態。
TutorialOnCopySettings__part2 This tool can be activated by pressing {0} or by clicking the icon in the toolbar (1). Then click on the building you want to copy settings from (2). Finally click on or drag across as many other similar buildings to paste those settings (3). 可以通過按 {0} 或點選工具列 (1) 中的圖示來啟動此工具。然後點選要從 (2) 複製設定的建築物。最後點選或拖動儘可能多的其他類似建築物以貼上這些設定。
TutorialOnCopyTool__part1 This tool allows you to select one or more buildings to copy and place elsewhere. This allows you to effortlessly copy existing factory designs to scale your production. 此工具允許您選擇一或多個建築物,複製並放置在其他地方。這使您可以毫不費力地複製現有的工廠設計以擴大生產規模。
TutorialOnCopyTool__part2 To copy several buildings at once, press {0} or click the icon in the toolbar (1) to select the <b>copy tool</b> then click and drag across the desired buildings (2) tool. Let go of the mouse button and drag to where you want to place your copied buildings and left click once to place (3). You can <b>copy a single building</b> by hovering over it and pressing {1}. 要一次複製多個建築物,請按 {0} 或點選工具列中的圖示 (1) 選擇<b>複製工具</b>,然後點選並拖動所需建築物 (2) 工具。鬆開滑鼠按鈕並拖動到要放置複製建築物的位置,然後左鍵點選一次以放置 (3)。您可以通過將滑鼠懸停在建築物上並按 {1} 來<b>複製個別建築物</b>。
TutorialOnCopyTool__part3 This tool copies configurations of buildings by default. You can hold the {0} while placing a building to prevent it from copying the configuration. Copies buildings will be constructed as new ones. 預設情況下,此工具會複製建築物的組態。您可以在放置建築物時按住 {0} 以防止其複製組態。複製建築物將被建造為新建築物。
TutorialOnCrisis__name Crisis management 危機管理
TutorialOnCrisis__part1 From time to time, your island might get into a crisis – fuel running out, no power, low maintenance, etc. Obviously, it is never your fault. It’s always caused by the people on the island doing a bad job. However, there are ways to avoid some of the issues early on. 隨著遊戲的推進,你的島嶼可能會陷入危機──燃料耗盡、沒有電力、不足的維護等等。當然,這絕不是您的錯。這些問題都是島上的居民沒有做好他們的工作所造成的。然而,有些方法可以在預防一些問題發生。
TutorialOnCrisis__part2 You can pin / unpin products you would like to monitor in your right side panel. By clicking on this panel it will open your global statistics which showcases inventory across your island. Click on the pin icon to keep this product shown at all times. 您可以將要監控的產品固定/取消固定到右側面板。經由點選此面板,將打開您的全球統計資訊,其中顯示了整個島嶼的庫存。點選圖釘圖示以始終顯示此產品。
TutorialOnCrisis__part2Heading Pinning important products 固定重要產品
TutorialOnCrisis__part3 It is recommended to set up storage alerts for products like {0} or products that are critical for maintenance or settlement services. Getting notified early on gives you time to react. You can also set up dedicated storages, fill them with emergency supplies and disable truck export. This way, you have emergency supplies whenever you need them. 建議為 {0} 或對維護或定居點服務至關重要的產品設定存量警報。儘早收到通知讓您有時間做出反應。您還可以設定專用倉庫,用應急物資裝滿它們並停用卡車輸出。這樣,您就可以在需要時隨時獲得應急物資。
TutorialOnCrisis__part3Heading Storage alerts 存量警報
TutorialOnCrisis__part4 Most of your machines and buildings are assigned a priority. The lower the number the higher the priority is and the more likely they get power, unity, workers, maintenance and more. So having the most critical infrastructure on an increased priority is a great way to go. 您的大多數機器和建築物都被分配了優先順序。數字越小,優先順序越高,他們獲得電力、凝聚力、工人、維護……等等的可能性就越大。所以將最關鍵的基礎設施放在更高的優先順序上是個好主意。
TutorialOnCrisis__part4Heading Priority system 優先順序系統
TutorialOnCrisis__part5 Running out of power is no fun and there are several ways to avoid that. The first step is to set up alerts for storages that feed power-making machines, for example, coal and water storage that feed boilers used to produce steam for generators. This way, you know that coal or water are getting low before the power supply halts entirely. 沒電可不是好玩的,有幾種方法可以避免這種情況的發生。第一步是為發電裝置的儲槽設定存量警報,例如為發電機提供蒸汽的鍋爐所需要的煤和水的儲槽。這樣,您就可以知道在電力供應完全停止之前煤或水的數量越來越少了。
TutorialOnCrisis__part5Heading Power crisis management 電力危機管理
TutorialOnCrisis__part6V2 You can also give an increased priority to a storage that feeds your power plant. You must first have the <b>{0} slider</b> (1) moved away from the default location or you will not see the <b>priority selection screen</b> (2). 您還可以提高為發電廠提供供給的儲槽優先順序。您必須先將 <b>{0} 滑塊</b> (1) 從預設位置移開,否則您將看不到<b>優先順序選擇螢幕</b> (2)。
TutorialOnCrisis__part7a The most robust but expensive setup is to have a backup plant like in the real world. This can, for instance, be an array of diesel generators that are ready to kick in when power drops. 最穩健但最昂貴的設定是像現實世界一樣擁有備用工廠。例如,這可以是一系列柴油發電機,它們可以在電力不足時隨時啟動。
TutorialOnCrisis__part7b This works by default because a {0} has lower production priority than standard generators connected to turbines. You can reconfigure power generation priority for any power generator yourself. Note that machines consume less maintenance when they are idle. 這在預設情況下有效,因為 {0} 的生產優先順序低於連接到渦輪機的標準發電機。您可以自行為任何發電機重新設定發電優先順序。請注意,機器在閒置時消耗的維護較少。
Context English Chinese (Traditional)
TutorialOnCopyTool__part1 This tool allows you to select one or more buildings to copy and place elsewhere. This allows you to effortlessly copy existing factory designs to scale your production. 此工具允許您選擇一或多個建築物,複製並放置在其他地方。這使您可以毫不費力地複製現有的工廠設計以擴大生產規模。
TutorialOnCopyTool__part2 To copy several buildings at once, press {0} or click the icon in the toolbar (1) to select the <b>copy tool</b> then click and drag across the desired buildings (2) tool. Let go of the mouse button and drag to where you want to place your copied buildings and left click once to place (3). You can <b>copy a single building</b> by hovering over it and pressing {1}. 要一次複製多個建築物,請按 {0} 或點選工具列中的圖示 (1) 選擇<b>複製工具</b>,然後點選並拖動所需建築物 (2) 工具。鬆開滑鼠按鈕並拖動到要放置複製建築物的位置,然後左鍵點選一次以放置 (3)。您可以通過將滑鼠懸停在建築物上並按 {1} 來<b>複製個別建築物</b>。
TutorialOnCopyTool__part3 This tool copies configurations of buildings by default. You can hold the {0} while placing a building to prevent it from copying the configuration. Copies buildings will be constructed as new ones. 預設情況下,此工具會複製建築物的組態。您可以在放置建築物時按住 {0} 以防止其複製組態。複製建築物將被建造為新建築物。


a year ago
2 years ago
Browse all component changes

Things to check


There are 3 variants of this string.



English Chinese (Traditional)
Click 點擊 Glossary
copy 複製 Glossary
drag 拖曳 Glossary
over 在…之上 Glossary

String information

Source string comment
{0}, {1} = shortcut keys
String age
2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
zh_Hant.po, string 2628