
English describes percentage with which farm's fertility gets naturally replenished (without fertilizer or other player's actions) describes percentage with which farm's fertility gets naturally replenished (without fertilizer or other player's actions)
Context English Chinese (Traditional)
ExplorationResult__Nothing Nothing found! 沒有任何東西!
ExplorationResult__Title Area explored! 已探索的區域!
ExportBlueprint__Title Export to string 匯出成字串
ExportPriority Export 輸出
ExportPriority__ShipFuelTooltip Trucks priority for removal of stored fuel. 卡車運走燃料的優先程度。
ExportPriority__ShipyardCargo Truck priority for removal of stored cargo. 卡車運走貨物的優先程度。
ExportPriority__StorageTooltip Trucks priority for removal of stored product. 卡車運走儲存物資的優先程度。
ExportRoutesTitle Export routes 自訂輸出路線
FailureOutages Failures & outages 失效與停擺
Farm_PlantedCrop Crop planted 已種植的作物
FarmAvgProduction__Tooltip Estimated average production per month of all crops in the schedule. This estimate is based on the crop growth time and soil fertility equilibrium (or the target fertility set via the slider below). Losses incurred due to lack of fertility or water are not included in this estimate. However, extra time incurred by slots that have no yield is included. To see how much food is needed, check your food market consumption report. 根據當前的肥力估算的每月平均產量。因缺水造成的延誤不列入計算,但是為了增加作物而讓土壤更加肥沃所產生的額外時間則列入計算。如果要瞭解需要多少食物,請查看您的食品市場消費報告。
FarmCropSelector Crop selection 選擇作物
FarmFertility Fertility 肥力
FarmFertility__Equilibrium Fertility equilibrium: {0} 肥力平衡: {0}
FarmFertility__EquilibriumTooltip Fertility equilibrium is a value to which soil fertility will converge naturally for the current crop schedule. At the equilibrium, crop fertility consumption is equal to the natural replenishment rate. If there are multiple crops setup in a rotation, this value is only approximate since each crop may have different equilibrium value. Note that equilibrium does not take fertilizer into account. 肥力平衡是土壤肥力在當前作物計劃中自然收斂的值。當處於平衡狀態時,作物肥力消耗等於自然補充率。如果在輪作中設置了多種作物,則該值僅是近似值,因為每種作物可能具有不同的平衡值。請注意,肥力平衡不考慮肥料。
FarmFertility__NaturalReplenish Natural replenish 自然恢復
FarmFertility__NaturalReplenishTooltip Monthly rate at which the soil fertility replenishes naturally (without fertilizer).The less fertile soil, the higher replenish rate. When soil fertility is above 100%, natural replenishment will be negative and fertility will slowly decrease. 土壤肥力無施肥之下的每月自然恢復率。土壤越肥沃,恢復率越高。當土壤肥力在100%以上時,自然恢復率變負,肥力將緩慢下降。
FarmFertility__Need Fertility needed: {0} 所需肥力:{0}
FarmFertility__NeedTooltip Amount of extra fertility needed on average (for the current crop rotation) in order to reach target fertility level. This extra fertility needs to be supplied with fertilizer. 為了達到目標肥力水平,平均需要的額外肥力(當前輪作)。這種額外的肥力需要由肥料提供。
FarmFertility__Target TARGET: {0} 目標: {0}
FarmFertility__Tooltip Soil fertility affects crop yield, with 60% fertility there will be only 60% yield. Most crops consume fertility by growing. Fertility replenishes naturally when below 100%, or it can be increased by growing crops that provide fertility, or by using fertilizers. Growing the same crops after each other increases their fertility consumption. Thus, it is advantageous to rotate different crops. 有些作物在每次收穫後都會降低農場的肥力。肥力會用於計算最終作物產量百分比。因此,在 50% 的肥力下,只有 50% 的產量。肥力可以通過種植綠肥或提供肥料來補充。連種植相同的作物會消耗更多肥力。因此,輪種是有利的。
FarmFertilityPenaltyNoRotation Fertility consumption is increased due to lack of rotation. 由於沒有輪作,肥力消耗增加。
FarmFertilityTitle Soil fertility 土壤肥力
FarmFertilizer__FertilizerConversion 1 fertilizer -> {0} 1肥力->{0}
FarmFertilizer__FertilizerConversionTooltip How much soil fertility is provided by each unit of stored fertilizer. 每單位儲存的肥料提供多少土壤肥力。
FarmFertilizer__MaxFertility Max fertilization: {0} 最大肥力: {0}
FarmFertilizer__MaxFertilityTooltip Maximum fertilization target achievable with currently stored fertilizer. 使用當前儲存的肥料可實現的最大肥力目標。
FarmFertilizer__Title Stored Fertilizer 儲存的肥料
FarmFertilizer__Tooltip Fertilizers can be used to artificially increase soil fertility above its natural equilibrium. Some fertilizers can even raise soil fertility above 100%. Use the green slider to set the desired fertilization target. Fertilizer has to be delivered via pipes. When different types of fertilizers are delivered, their properties will be proportionally mixed. 肥料可以人為地將土壤肥力提高到其自然平衡之上。有些肥料甚至可以將土壤肥力提高到 100% 以上。使用綠色游標設置所需的施肥目標。肥料必須通過管道輸送。使用不同類型的肥料時,它們的特性將按比例混合。
FarmFertilizersOverview__Open Fertilizers overview 肥料概述
FarmFertilizersOverview__Title Fertilizers overview 肥料概述
Context English Chinese (Traditional)
ExplorationResult__Title Area explored! 已探索的區域!
ExportBlueprint__Title Export to string 匯出成字串
ExportPriority Export 輸出
ExportPriority__ShipFuelTooltip Trucks priority for removal of stored fuel. 卡車運走燃料的優先程度。
ExportPriority__ShipyardCargo Truck priority for removal of stored cargo. 卡車運走貨物的優先程度。
ExportPriority__StorageTooltip Trucks priority for removal of stored product. 卡車運走儲存物資的優先程度。
ExportRoutesTitle Export routes 自訂輸出路線
FailureOutages Failures & outages 失效與停擺
FarmAvgProduction__Tooltip Estimated average production per month of all crops in the schedule. This estimate is based on the crop growth time and soil fertility equilibrium (or the target fertility set via the slider below). Losses incurred due to lack of fertility or water are not included in this estimate. However, extra time incurred by slots that have no yield is included. To see how much food is needed, check your food market consumption report. 根據當前的肥力估算的每月平均產量。因缺水造成的延誤不列入計算,但是為了增加作物而讓土壤更加肥沃所產生的額外時間則列入計算。如果要瞭解需要多少食物,請查看您的食品市場消費報告。
FarmCropSelector Crop selection 選擇作物
FarmFertility Fertility 肥力
FarmFertilityPenaltyNoRotation Fertility consumption is increased due to lack of rotation. 由於沒有輪作,肥力消耗增加。
FarmFertilityTitle Soil fertility 土壤肥力
FarmFertility__Equilibrium Fertility equilibrium: {0} 肥力平衡: {0}
FarmFertility__EquilibriumTooltip Fertility equilibrium is a value to which soil fertility will converge naturally for the current crop schedule. At the equilibrium, crop fertility consumption is equal to the natural replenishment rate. If there are multiple crops setup in a rotation, this value is only approximate since each crop may have different equilibrium value. Note that equilibrium does not take fertilizer into account. 肥力平衡是土壤肥力在當前作物計劃中自然收斂的值。當處於平衡狀態時,作物肥力消耗等於自然補充率。如果在輪作中設置了多種作物,則該值僅是近似值,因為每種作物可能具有不同的平衡值。請注意,肥力平衡不考慮肥料。
FarmFertility__NaturalReplenish Natural replenish 自然恢復
FarmFertility__NaturalReplenishTooltip Monthly rate at which the soil fertility replenishes naturally (without fertilizer).The less fertile soil, the higher replenish rate. When soil fertility is above 100%, natural replenishment will be negative and fertility will slowly decrease. 土壤肥力無施肥之下的每月自然恢復率。土壤越肥沃,恢復率越高。當土壤肥力在100%以上時,自然恢復率變負,肥力將緩慢下降。
FarmFertility__Need Fertility needed: {0} 所需肥力:{0}
FarmFertility__NeedTooltip Amount of extra fertility needed on average (for the current crop rotation) in order to reach target fertility level. This extra fertility needs to be supplied with fertilizer. 為了達到目標肥力水平,平均需要的額外肥力(當前輪作)。這種額外的肥力需要由肥料提供。
FarmFertility__Target TARGET: {0} 目標: {0}
FarmFertility__Tooltip Soil fertility affects crop yield, with 60% fertility there will be only 60% yield. Most crops consume fertility by growing. Fertility replenishes naturally when below 100%, or it can be increased by growing crops that provide fertility, or by using fertilizers. Growing the same crops after each other increases their fertility consumption. Thus, it is advantageous to rotate different crops. 有些作物在每次收穫後都會降低農場的肥力。肥力會用於計算最終作物產量百分比。因此,在 50% 的肥力下,只有 50% 的產量。肥力可以通過種植綠肥或提供肥料來補充。連種植相同的作物會消耗更多肥力。因此,輪種是有利的。
FarmFertilizersOverview__Open Fertilizers overview 肥料概述
FarmFertilizersOverview__Title Fertilizers overview 肥料概述
FarmFertilizer__FertilizerConversion 1 fertilizer -> {0} 1肥力->{0}
FarmFertilizer__FertilizerConversionTooltip How much soil fertility is provided by each unit of stored fertilizer. 每單位儲存的肥料提供多少土壤肥力。
FarmFertilizer__MaxFertility Max fertilization: {0} 最大肥力: {0}
FarmFertilizer__MaxFertilityTooltip Maximum fertilization target achievable with currently stored fertilizer. 使用當前儲存的肥料可實現的最大肥力目標。
FarmFertilizer__Title Stored Fertilizer 儲存的肥料
FarmFertilizer__Tooltip Fertilizers can be used to artificially increase soil fertility above its natural equilibrium. Some fertilizers can even raise soil fertility above 100%. Use the green slider to set the desired fertilization target. Fertilizer has to be delivered via pipes. When different types of fertilizers are delivered, their properties will be proportionally mixed. 肥料可以人為地將土壤肥力提高到其自然平衡之上。有些肥料甚至可以將土壤肥力提高到 100% 以上。使用綠色游標設置所需的施肥目標。肥料必須通過管道輸送。使用不同類型的肥料時,它們的特性將按比例混合。
FarmIrrigation__Title Irrigation tank 灌溉水箱
Context English Chinese (Traditional)
FarmFertility Fertility 肥力
FarmFertility__Equilibrium Fertility equilibrium: {0} 肥力平衡: {0}
FarmFertility__EquilibriumTooltip Fertility equilibrium is a value to which soil fertility will converge naturally for the current crop schedule. At the equilibrium, crop fertility consumption is equal to the natural replenishment rate. If there are multiple crops setup in a rotation, this value is only approximate since each crop may have different equilibrium value. Note that equilibrium does not take fertilizer into account. 肥力平衡是土壤肥力在當前作物計劃中自然收斂的值。當處於平衡狀態時,作物肥力消耗等於自然補充率。如果在輪作中設置了多種作物,則該值僅是近似值,因為每種作物可能具有不同的平衡值。請注意,肥力平衡不考慮肥料。
FarmFertility__NaturalReplenish Natural replenish 自然恢復
FarmFertility__NaturalReplenishTooltip Monthly rate at which the soil fertility replenishes naturally (without fertilizer).The less fertile soil, the higher replenish rate. When soil fertility is above 100%, natural replenishment will be negative and fertility will slowly decrease. 土壤肥力無施肥之下的每月自然恢復率。土壤越肥沃,恢復率越高。當土壤肥力在100%以上時,自然恢復率變負,肥力將緩慢下降。
FarmFertility__Need Fertility needed: {0} 所需肥力:{0}
FarmFertility__NeedTooltip Amount of extra fertility needed on average (for the current crop rotation) in order to reach target fertility level. This extra fertility needs to be supplied with fertilizer. 為了達到目標肥力水平,平均需要的額外肥力(當前輪作)。這種額外的肥力需要由肥料提供。
FarmFertility__Target TARGET: {0} 目標: {0}
FarmFertility__Tooltip Soil fertility affects crop yield, with 60% fertility there will be only 60% yield. Most crops consume fertility by growing. Fertility replenishes naturally when below 100%, or it can be increased by growing crops that provide fertility, or by using fertilizers. Growing the same crops after each other increases their fertility consumption. Thus, it is advantageous to rotate different crops. 有些作物在每次收穫後都會降低農場的肥力。肥力會用於計算最終作物產量百分比。因此,在 50% 的肥力下,只有 50% 的產量。肥力可以通過種植綠肥或提供肥料來補充。連種植相同的作物會消耗更多肥力。因此,輪種是有利的。


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English Chinese (Traditional)
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describes percentage with which farm's fertility gets naturally replenished (without fertilizer or other player's actions) describes percentage with which farm's fertility gets naturally replenished (without fertilizer or other player's actions)
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2 years ago
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2 years ago
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zh_Hant.po, string 666