There are many products that can be dumped. If you are ever curious if a product can be dumped, open the <b>Recipes screen</b> {0} by clicking on the icon in the bottom right (1), navigate to the product (2), and check if dumping is an option for consumption (3).
There are many products that can be dumped. If you are ever curious if a product can be dumped, open the <b>Recipes screen</b> {0} by clicking on the icon in the bottom right (1), navigate to the product (2), and check if dumping is an option for consumption (3).
There are many products that can be dumped. If you are ever curious if a product can be dumped, open the <b>Recipes screen</b> {0} by clicking on the icon in the bottom right (1), navigate to the product (2), and check if dumping is an option for consumption (3).
很許多產品可以被傾倒。 如果您對某種個產品是否可以傾倒感到好奇,請點選右下角的圖示 (1)有疑問, 只需點擊右下角的圖標打開<b>配方</b>,畫面(1), 找到該產品然後檢查傾倒是否可選並檢查是否有傾倒作為消耗選項(3)。