
English title of a panel that configures notification filter. If a truck has a product which is in this filter and cannot deliver it, we show a notification title of a panel that configures notification filter. If a truck has a product which is in this filter and cannot deliver it, we show a notification
Context English Chinese (Traditional)
MessageOnVictory__title Congratulations! 恭喜!
MessageWelcome__name Welcome Captain! 歡迎船長!
MessageWelcome__part1 Captain, we have found the island we’ve been searching for, it was not on the map! Our ship took a lot of damage and will need major repairs in order to sail again but we should be safe here. 船長, 我們發現了正在尋找的那座不在地圖上的島嶼了!我們的船隻受損嚴重需要大修,才能再次揚帆。我們在這兒應該是安全的。
MessageWelcome__part2V2 Besides our initial supplies we are starting from scratch. We should start manufacturing {0} to be able to build our infrastructure, <b>grow food</b> to feed our people, and find a way to <b>make fuel</b> for our vehicles. 除了最初的補給之外,我們從零開始。我們應該開始製造{0},才能建造我們的基礎設施,<b>種植糧食</b>來養活我們的居民,並找到方法來為我們的車輛<b>製造燃料</b>。
MessageWelcome__part3V2 The island looks abandoned but it has plenty of natural resources that we could use. There are even some <b>abandoned buildings</b> around that we could <b>disassemble</b> for scrap. 這個島看起來被遺棄了,但它有很多我們可以利用的自然資源。周圍甚至還有一些<b>廢棄的建築物</b>,我們可以<b>拆卸</b>它們作為廢料。
MessageWelcome__part4V2 Also we should set up a {0} so we can reinvent all the technologies we took for granted for so long. 此外,我們還應該建造一個 {0},這樣我們就可以重新發明我們長期以來認為理所當然的所有技術。
MessageWelcome__part5 We found out about a settlement nearby we can <b>trade with</b> in case we run out of something. They can deliver the goods to us once we have a {0}. 我們發現附近有一個定居點,我們可以跟他<b>交易</b>,以防一些東西用完。一旦我們有了 {0},他們就可以將貨物交付給我們。
MessageWelcome__part6 The entire crew is counting on you after everything we have been through together. Good luck! 在我們一起經歷了這一切之後,全體成員都指望著你。祝你好運!
Metal_TerrainSurface Metal surface 金屬表面
MicrochipMachine__desc The most sophisticated manufacturing processes where a thin monocrystalline wafer is slowly transformed into a matrix of microchips. Chips are built from many layers where each layer has to be placed with nanometer precision. This is performed in a special chamber that employs ultraviolet technology - substances reacting with light to form the layers. Microchips typically go through lot of stages including washing and coating in between. It is good to start small and then expand. Small setups can be connected in form of a loop with a sorter. 最精密的製造工藝,可將單晶矽晶圓薄片緩慢地製成微晶片的矩陣。晶片由許多層構成,每一層都必須以奈米級的精度放置。而這是在運用紫外線技術的特殊設備內進行的——讓材料對光發生化學反應後成形。微晶片通常要經歷很多次步驟,包括中間的清洗和塗層。最好先從小規模著手,然後再擴展開來。小型配置可以通過分類器以循環的方式連接。
MicrochipMachine__name Microchip machine 微晶片機
MicrochipMachineT2__name Microchip machine II 微晶片機 II
MineTower__desc Enables assignment of excavators and trucks to designated mine areas. Only designated mining areas within the influence of the tower can be mined. 允許將挖掘機和卡車分配到指定的礦區。只有在塔影響范圍內的指定礦區才能開採。
MineTower__name Mine control tower 礦區管制塔
MineTowerNotifyFilter__Empty No notifications set 未設置通知
MineTowerNotifyFilter__Title Notify if cannot dispose 無法處理時通知
MineTowerNotifyFilter__Tooltip Configures for which materials you want to get a notification in case the trucks assigned here cannot get rid of them. Example case is where you run out of dumping designations and mining trucks can't get rid of dirt. 設置您希望收到通知的材料,以防此處分配的卡車無法處理掉它們。例如您的傾倒指定地點滿了,因而採礦卡車無法清除泥土。
MiningPriority__Title Mining priority 挖礦優先等級
MiningPriority__Tooltip When a product is selected, the excavator will prioritize mining designations containing the selected product. 選擇產品後,挖掘機將優先考慮包含所選產品的採礦指定區域。
MiniZip_all Connector 連接器
MiscellaneousSettings_Title Miscellaneous 雜項設定
ModMissing__Tooltip This mod is not installed or not the right version.
ModsAvailable__Title Mods available 可用模組
ModsAvailable__Tooltip Mods that are installed but are not used in the current save file. You can select mods below to include them when loading the save file. This will work only for some mods. 已安裝但未在當前存檔中使用的模組。您可以選擇下面的模組以在載入存檔時包含它們。這僅適用於某些模組。
ModsInSave__Detail Mods required 缺少模组
ModsInSave__Tooltip Mods used by the current save file. You can unselect a mod to try to load the game without it. Be careful that removing a mod that is providing a new game content might not always work. 當前存檔使用的模組。您可以取消選擇模組以嘗試在沒有它的情況下載入遊戲。請注意,刪除提供新遊戲內容的模組可能會無法運作。
MoltenConveyorFormattedFirst__desc Transports molten products. 運輸熔融產品。
MoltenMetalChannel__name Molten channel 熔融通道
MonthDurationLegend 1 month = {0} 一個月 = {0}
MwSec__Unit {0} MW-seconds {0} MW-秒
Nature Nature
Context English Chinese (Traditional)
MessageOnVictory__part2 This is the end of content of this the Early Access version of Captain of Industry, but there are still a lot of things to explore! You can keep playing on this map for as long as you want, or try different maps and higher difficulty settings. Captain of Industry搶先體驗版的內容到此結束,不過還有很多東西可供探索!你可以繼續玩這張地圖,也可以嘗試不同的地圖或更高難度。
MessageOnVictory__part3 If you have any feedback, please reach out to us on our Discord server or via Steam forums, we’d love to hear from you! 如果您有任何意見反映,請通過我們的 Discord 服務器或 Steam 論壇與我們聯系,我們很樂意聽取您的意見!
MessageOnVictory__title Congratulations! 恭喜!
MessageWelcome__name Welcome Captain! 歡迎船長!
MessageWelcome__part1 Captain, we have found the island we’ve been searching for, it was not on the map! Our ship took a lot of damage and will need major repairs in order to sail again but we should be safe here. 船長, 我們發現了正在尋找的那座不在地圖上的島嶼了!我們的船隻受損嚴重需要大修,才能再次揚帆。我們在這兒應該是安全的。
MessageWelcome__part2V2 Besides our initial supplies we are starting from scratch. We should start manufacturing {0} to be able to build our infrastructure, <b>grow food</b> to feed our people, and find a way to <b>make fuel</b> for our vehicles. 除了最初的補給之外,我們從零開始。我們應該開始製造{0},才能建造我們的基礎設施,<b>種植糧食</b>來養活我們的居民,並找到方法來為我們的車輛<b>製造燃料</b>。
MessageWelcome__part3V2 The island looks abandoned but it has plenty of natural resources that we could use. There are even some <b>abandoned buildings</b> around that we could <b>disassemble</b> for scrap. 這個島看起來被遺棄了,但它有很多我們可以利用的自然資源。周圍甚至還有一些<b>廢棄的建築物</b>,我們可以<b>拆卸</b>它們作為廢料。
MessageWelcome__part4V2 Also we should set up a {0} so we can reinvent all the technologies we took for granted for so long. 此外,我們還應該建造一個 {0},這樣我們就可以重新發明我們長期以來認為理所當然的所有技術。
MessageWelcome__part5 We found out about a settlement nearby we can <b>trade with</b> in case we run out of something. They can deliver the goods to us once we have a {0}. 我們發現附近有一個定居點,我們可以跟他<b>交易</b>,以防一些東西用完。一旦我們有了 {0},他們就可以將貨物交付給我們。
MessageWelcome__part6 The entire crew is counting on you after everything we have been through together. Good luck! 在我們一起經歷了這一切之後,全體成員都指望著你。祝你好運!
Metal_TerrainSurface Metal surface 金屬表面
MicrochipMachineT2__name Microchip machine II 微晶片機 II
MicrochipMachine__desc The most sophisticated manufacturing processes where a thin monocrystalline wafer is slowly transformed into a matrix of microchips. Chips are built from many layers where each layer has to be placed with nanometer precision. This is performed in a special chamber that employs ultraviolet technology - substances reacting with light to form the layers. Microchips typically go through lot of stages including washing and coating in between. It is good to start small and then expand. Small setups can be connected in form of a loop with a sorter. 最精密的製造工藝,可將單晶矽晶圓薄片緩慢地製成微晶片的矩陣。晶片由許多層構成,每一層都必須以奈米級的精度放置。而這是在運用紫外線技術的特殊設備內進行的——讓材料對光發生化學反應後成形。微晶片通常要經歷很多次步驟,包括中間的清洗和塗層。最好先從小規模著手,然後再擴展開來。小型配置可以通過分類器以循環的方式連接。
MicrochipMachine__name Microchip machine 微晶片機
MineTowerNotifyFilter__Empty No notifications set 未設置通知
MineTowerNotifyFilter__Title Notify if cannot dispose 無法處理時通知
MineTowerNotifyFilter__Tooltip Configures for which materials you want to get a notification in case the trucks assigned here cannot get rid of them. Example case is where you run out of dumping designations and mining trucks can't get rid of dirt. 設置您希望收到通知的材料,以防此處分配的卡車無法處理掉它們。例如您的傾倒指定地點滿了,因而採礦卡車無法清除泥土。
MineTower__desc Enables assignment of excavators and trucks to designated mine areas. Only designated mining areas within the influence of the tower can be mined. 允許將挖掘機和卡車分配到指定的礦區。只有在塔影響范圍內的指定礦區才能開採。
MineTower__name Mine control tower 礦區管制塔
MiningPriority__Title Mining priority 挖礦優先等級
MiningPriority__Tooltip When a product is selected, the excavator will prioritize mining designations containing the selected product. 選擇產品後,挖掘機將優先考慮包含所選產品的採礦指定區域。
MiniZip_all Connector 連接器
MiscellaneousSettings_Title Miscellaneous 雜項設定
ModMissing__Tooltip This mod is not installed or not the right version.
ModsAvailable__Title Mods available 可用模組
ModsAvailable__Tooltip Mods that are installed but are not used in the current save file. You can select mods below to include them when loading the save file. This will work only for some mods. 已安裝但未在當前存檔中使用的模組。您可以選擇下面的模組以在載入存檔時包含它們。這僅適用於某些模組。
ModsInSave__Detail Mods required 缺少模组
ModsInSave__Tooltip Mods used by the current save file. You can unselect a mod to try to load the game without it. Be careful that removing a mod that is providing a new game content might not always work. 當前存檔使用的模組。您可以取消選擇模組以嘗試在沒有它的情況下載入遊戲。請注意,刪除提供新遊戲內容的模組可能會無法運作。
MoltenConveyorFormattedFirst__desc Transports molten products. 運輸熔融產品。
MoltenMetalChannel__name Molten channel 熔融通道


a year ago
2 years ago
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English Chinese (Traditional)
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Source string comment
title of a panel that configures notification filter. If a truck has a product which is in this filter and cannot deliver it, we show a notification title of a panel that configures notification filter. If a truck has a product which is in this filter and cannot deliver it, we show a notification
String age
2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
zh_Hant.po, string 1388