
English Description of forestry tower. Description of forestry tower.
Context English Chinese (Simplified)
FoodConsumptionReduction__name Food saver 节省食物
FoodFeedInfo feeds {0} person 为{0}人提供食物
FoodHealth__CategoryTooltip This food category participates in health bonus if provided. 此食品类别将参与健康奖励如果提供的话。
FoodHealth__Title Health bonus 健康奖励
FoodHealth__Tooltip Providing food from multiple categories can increase health of your population. A food category can participate in health bonus if it has a health icon next to it. It requires at least two categories to be satisfied before a bonus is provided. 提供多种类别的食物可以提高人口健康水平。如果食物类别的旁边有健康图标,则可以参与健康奖励。在提供奖励之前,至少有两个类别需要被满足。
FoodInSettlement__Title Food in settlement 定居点的食物
FoodInSettlement__Tooltip Shows all the food available in the settlement together with information on consumption and benefits. Food is divided into categories, providing food from multiple categories can provide health benefit. If you provide variety of food, the total consumption distributes across all the different types of food provided. Providing variety of food can also be a great source of Unity. 显示定居点中所有可用的食物以及有关消费和福利的信息。食物分门别类,提供多类食物可以提供健康福利。如果您提供多种食物,则总消费量分布在所提供的全部类型的食物中。提供各种食物也是凝聚力 的重要来源。
FoodLeftMainPanel__Tooltip Shows for how long the current food supply lasts. Counts only supply stored in food markets attached to settlements. 显示目前的食物供应能维持多久。只计算在定居点附属的食品市场中的食物供给。
FoodMill__desc Grinds organic products into a fine powder or oil. 将有机产品研磨成细粉或油。
FoodMill__name Mill
FoodNeed__name Food 食物
FoodProcessor__desc Can produce different types of food from given ingredients. 可以用给定的原料生产不同的食物。
FoodProcessor__name Food processor 食品加工机
FoodSupplyTitle Food supply 食物供给
FoodSupplyTitle__TooltipForSettlement The food supply available in this settlement. Based on the sum of all the food stored in the attached food markets. 该定居点中可用的食物供给。根据附属食品市场储存的所有食品的总和。
ForestryTower__desc Enables assignment of tree planters and tree harvesters to designated forestry areas. Only designated forestry areas within the influence of the tower can be used. 允许将植树机和伐木机分配到指定的林区。只适用于塔影响范围内的指定林区。
ForestryTower__name Forestry control tower 林业控制塔
FpsLimitOption__NoLimit No limit 无限制
FpsLimitOption__VSync1 VSync 垂直同步
FpsLimitOption__VSync1Tooltip Synchronize with screen refresh rate 与屏幕刷新率同步
FpsLimitOption__VSync2 VSync x2 垂直同步 x2
FpsLimitOption__VSync2Tooltip Synchronize with screen, every other frame 每隔一帧,与屏幕刷新同步
Fuel Fuel 燃料
FuelAvailable Fuel available 可用燃料
FuelForShip__Title Fuel for ship 给船只的燃料
FuelForShip__Tooltip Move the left green slider to the right to make this building transfer the stored fuel into the ship. This building will also request trucks to keep its storage filled up to the green marker. 将左边的绿色滑块向右移动,使得该建筑物将储存的燃料转移到船上。该建筑还将要求卡车将其存储空间填满至绿色标记处。
FuelPerJourneySuffix per a single journey 每单程
FuelReduction__desc Vehicles fuel consumption reduced by {0} 车辆油耗降低 {0}
FuelReduction__name Vehicles fuel saver 节省车辆燃料
FuelStationHydrogenT1__name Hydrogen fuel station 氢燃料站
FuelStationNotConnected__name {entity} has no fuel pipe connected {entity} 没有连接燃油管
Context English Chinese (Simplified)
FoodConsumptionReduction__name Food saver 节省食物
FoodFeedInfo feeds {0} person 为{0}人提供食物
FoodHealth__CategoryTooltip This food category participates in health bonus if provided. 此食品类别将参与健康奖励如果提供的话。
FoodHealth__Title Health bonus 健康奖励
FoodHealth__Tooltip Providing food from multiple categories can increase health of your population. A food category can participate in health bonus if it has a health icon next to it. It requires at least two categories to be satisfied before a bonus is provided. 提供多种类别的食物可以提高人口健康水平。如果食物类别的旁边有健康图标,则可以参与健康奖励。在提供奖励之前,至少有两个类别需要被满足。
FoodInSettlement__Title Food in settlement 定居点的食物
FoodInSettlement__Tooltip Shows all the food available in the settlement together with information on consumption and benefits. Food is divided into categories, providing food from multiple categories can provide health benefit. If you provide variety of food, the total consumption distributes across all the different types of food provided. Providing variety of food can also be a great source of Unity. 显示定居点中所有可用的食物以及有关消费和福利的信息。食物分门别类,提供多类食物可以提供健康福利。如果您提供多种食物,则总消费量分布在所提供的全部类型的食物中。提供各种食物也是凝聚力 的重要来源。
FoodLeftMainPanel__Tooltip Shows for how long the current food supply lasts. Counts only supply stored in food markets attached to settlements. 显示目前的食物供应能维持多久。只计算在定居点附属的食品市场中的食物供给。
FoodMill__desc Grinds organic products into a fine powder or oil. 将有机产品研磨成细粉或油。
FoodMill__name Mill
FoodNeed__name Food 食物
FoodProcessor__desc Can produce different types of food from given ingredients. 可以用给定的原料生产不同的食物。
FoodProcessor__name Food processor 食品加工机
FoodSupplyTitle Food supply 食物供给
FoodSupplyTitle__TooltipForSettlement The food supply available in this settlement. Based on the sum of all the food stored in the attached food markets. 该定居点中可用的食物供给。根据附属食品市场储存的所有食品的总和。
ForestryTower__desc Enables assignment of tree planters and tree harvesters to designated forestry areas. Only designated forestry areas within the influence of the tower can be used. 允许将植树机和伐木机分配到指定的林区。只适用于塔影响范围内的指定林区。
ForestryTower__name Forestry control tower 林业控制塔
FpsLimitOption__NoLimit No limit 无限制
FpsLimitOption__VSync1 VSync 垂直同步
FpsLimitOption__VSync1Tooltip Synchronize with screen refresh rate 与屏幕刷新率同步
FpsLimitOption__VSync2 VSync x2 垂直同步 x2
FpsLimitOption__VSync2Tooltip Synchronize with screen, every other frame 每隔一帧,与屏幕刷新同步
Fuel Fuel 燃料
FuelAvailable Fuel available 可用燃料
FuelForShip__Title Fuel for ship 给船只的燃料
FuelForShip__Tooltip Move the left green slider to the right to make this building transfer the stored fuel into the ship. This building will also request trucks to keep its storage filled up to the green marker. 将左边的绿色滑块向右移动,使得该建筑物将储存的燃料转移到船上。该建筑还将要求卡车将其存储空间填满至绿色标记处。
FuelPerJourneySuffix per a single journey 每单程
FuelReduction__desc Vehicles fuel consumption reduced by {0} 车辆油耗降低 {0}
FuelReduction__name Vehicles fuel saver 节省车辆燃料
FuelStationHydrogenT1__name Hydrogen fuel station 氢燃料站
User avatar baicao021

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a year ago


ree harvesters”还是觉得直接叫“伐木机”好点

a year ago

“tree harvesters”还是觉得直接叫“伐木机好点”

a year ago
a year ago
a year ago
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English Chinese (Simplified)
harvesters 伐木机 Glossary
tree harvesters 伐木机 Glossary

String information

Source string comment
Description of forestry tower. Description of forestry tower.
String age
a year ago
Source string age
a year ago
Translation file
zh_Hans.po, string 742