
English shows estimated harvest for a farm, example use: 'Estimate: 28 in 4 months', {0} is an integer specifying product quantity, and {1} is number of months like '4 months' shows how many months is left to harvest the current crop
Context English Chinese (Simplified)
CopperElectrolysis__desc Purifies copper by electrolytic refining to over 99.95% purity. 通过电解精炼将铜提纯到 99.95% 以上的纯度。
CopperElectrolysis__name Copper electrolysis 铜电解
CopySettings__Tooltip Click on a structure to copy its configuration and then click again to apply it. You can also drag the cursor over multiple structures to apply the configuration at once. 点击一个建筑物来复制它的配置,再次点击将配置应用在其他建筑物上。您还可以圈选多个建筑物来批量应用配置。
CopyString__Action Copy 拷贝
CopyString__Success Copied to clipboard! 拷贝至剪切板!
CopyString__Tooltip Click to copy the source string into the clipboard. 单击将源字符串复制到剪贴板。
CopyTool Copy 复制
CopyTool__NoCopyTooltip Hold the shortcut key to prevent copying original configuration while placing new structures 按住快捷键来避免在放置新建筑时复制原始设置
CopyTool__Tooltip Click or drag over an area of structures to copy them. 单击或框选建筑来进行复制。
Costs Costs 成本
CraterStaticIslandMap__desc The remnants of a colossal meteorite impact have given rise to the Crater, unearthing a treasure trove of valuable natural resources. But beware: the ringing mountains are all that stands between your factory and a watery end. They’re a tempting target for excavation and expansion, though, so careful planning and preparation is advised. Hey, if we have any trouble with water, I volunteer Jimmy to build a levee – he’s been looking for something to take his mind off Insula Mortis.

This unique map is part of the Supporter’s edition, thanks for your generous support, Captain!
一次巨大的陨石撞击所留下的残骸形成了陨石坑,挖掘出了宝贵的自然资源。但要小心:环绕的山脉是你的工厂和水边之间唯一的屏障。它们是诱人的挖掘和扩建目标,因此建议进行谨慎的规划和准备。嘿,如果我们在水问题上遇到麻烦,我提议让吉米修筑一道防洪堤 - 他一直在寻找一些事情来分散他对“死亡之岛”的注意力。

CraterStaticIslandMap__name The Crater 火山口
Credits Credits 制作人员名单
Crop_Canola__name Canola 油菜
Crop_Corn__name Corn 玉米
Crop_DurationLeft Estimate: {0} in {1} 预估:{1}个月后收成{0}
Crop_DurationLeft__Tooltip Duration left to harvest this crop as long as there is enough water. Otherwise delays will occur. 在有足够水的情况下收获这种作物的剩余时间。否则会出现延误。
Crop_Flowers__name Flowers
Crop_Fruits__name Fruits 水果
Crop_GreenManure__name Green manure 绿肥
Crop_NoCrop__name No crop 没有作物
Crop_Poppy__name Poppy 罂粟
Crop_Potato__name Potato 土豆
Crop_Soybeans__name Soybeans 大豆
Crop_SugarCane__name Sugar cane 甘蔗
Crop_TreeSapling__name Tree sapling 树木幼苗
Crop_Vegetables__name Vegetables 蔬菜
Crop_Wheat__name Wheat 小麦
CropCouldNotBeStored__name Farm: Could not store all {0} after harvest 农场:收成后无法存储所有 {0}
CropDiedNoFertility__name Farm: {0} lost due to lack of fertility 农场:{0} 因缺乏肥力而死亡
CropDiedNoMaintenance__name Farm: {0} lost due to lack of workers 农场:因为缺少工人,{0}丢失
Context English Chinese (Simplified)
CropState__DeadNoWater Dead: no water 死亡:缺水
CropState__RemovedForChange Removed for change 已移除,可种新作物
CropStats__DelayedDueToWater Was delayed by {0} due to lack of water 由于缺水,延迟了 {0}
CropStats__LessDueEarlyHarvest {0} less yield due to premature harvest {0} 因过早收获而导致产量减少
CropStats__LessDueToFertility {0} less due to lack of fertility {0} 由于低肥力而减产
CropStats__LessDueToWater {0} less yield due to lack of water {0} 因缺水而减产
CropStats__MonthsWithoutWater Was {0} without water {0}没有水
CropStats__MoreDueToBonus {0} more yield thanks to bonus such as edicts {0} 多亏了法令等奖励从而增产
CropStats__MoreDueToFertility {0} more yield thanks to fertility {0} 多亏了肥力等奖励从而增产
CropWaiting__Fertility Waiting for better fertility 等待更好的肥力
CropWaiting__NoReason Cannot start, waiting 无法开始, 等待
CropWaiting__Water Waiting for water or rain 等待水或雨
CropWillDrySoon__name Farm: {0} will dry out due to lack of water 农场:{0} 即将因缺水而枯萎
Crop_Canola__name Canola 油菜
Crop_Corn__name Corn 玉米
Crop_DurationLeft Estimate: {0} in {1} 预估:{1}个月后收成{0}
Crop_DurationLeft__Tooltip Duration left to harvest this crop as long as there is enough water. Otherwise delays will occur. 在有足够水的情况下收获这种作物的剩余时间。否则会出现延误。
Crop_Flowers__name Flowers
Crop_Fruits__name Fruits 水果
Crop_GreenManure__name Green manure 绿肥
Crop_NoCrop__name No crop 没有作物
Crop_Poppy__name Poppy 罂粟
Crop_Potato__name Potato 土豆
Crop_Soybeans__name Soybeans 大豆
Crop_SugarCane__name Sugar cane 甘蔗
Crop_TreeSapling__name Tree sapling 树木幼苗
Crop_Vegetables__name Vegetables 蔬菜
Crop_Wheat__name Wheat 小麦
CrusherLarge__desc Large crusher for better efficiency and increased throughput. 大型粉碎机可以提升效率和吞吐率。
CrusherLarge__name Crusher (large) 粉碎机(大型)


2 years ago
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Captain of Industry / GameChinese (Simplified)

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Captain of Industry / GameChinese (Simplified)

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Things to check


There are 2 variants of this string.



English Chinese (Simplified)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string comment
shows estimated harvest for a farm, example use: 'Estimate: 28 in 4 months', {0} is an integer specifying product quantity, and {1} is number of months like '4 months' shows how many months is left to harvest the current crop
String age
2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
zh_Hans.po, string 373