
English {0} - Forestry Control Tower, {1} - Edit designation, {2} - Mine tower {0} - Forestry Control Tower, {1} - Edit designation, {2} - Mine tower
Context English Chinese (Simplified)
TutorialOnTerDumping__part7 Trucks dump products automatically. If there is a dumpable product that needs to be disposed of and no machine or storage that accepts it, trucks will automatically navigate to the nearest designation to dump it. 卡车自动倾倒产品。如果有需要处理的可倾倒产品,但没有机器或仓储接受它,卡车将自动开到最近的指定点进行倾倒。
TutorialOnTerDumping__part8 There are many products that can be dumped. If you are ever curious if a product can be dumped, open the <b>Recipes screen</b> {0} by clicking on the icon in the bottom right (1), navigate to the product (2), and check if dumping is an option for consumption (3). 有很多产品可以倾倒。如果您对某种产品是否可以倾倒感到好奇,请点击右下角的图标 (1) 打开<b>配方</b> {0},找到该产品 (2),然后检查倾倒是否可选(3)。
TutorialOnTerDumping__part8Heading What can be dumped 什么可被倾倒
TutorialOnTerDumping__part9 Global dump filters choose what products can be dumped in designated areas across the island by default. For example, if you only wanted {0} and {1} used as dumping materials, you could remove any other products listed there besides those two. 全局倾倒筛选器默认选择哪些产品可以倾倒在岛上的指定区域。例如,如果您只想将 {0} 和 {1} 倾倒,则可以删掉除这两个之外的任何其他产品。
TutorialOnTerDumping__part9Heading Global dump filters 全局倾倒筛选器
TutorialOnTransports__name Pipes & conveyor belts 管道和传送带
TutorialOnTransports2__height Trucks can go under any conveyors or pipes that are at height {0} or higher. However, taller vehicles such as excavators cannot go under them. In order to let taller vehicles pass, you must build a {1}. 卡车可以在高度为 {0} 或更高的传送带或管道下方行驶。但是,挖掘机等较高的车辆无法在其下方行驶。为了让更高的车辆通过,您必须建造一个 {1}。
TutorialOnTransports2__part1 Transports (pipes and conveyor belts) are an alternative way of transporting products around your factory. They reduce demands on your truck logistics and make product deliveries more steady. 运输装置(管道和传送带)是在工厂周围运输产品的另一种方式。它们减少了对卡车物流的需求,并使产品交付更加稳定。
TutorialOnTransports2__part2 You can see which products are making trucks the most busy in the {0} tab. 您可以在 {0} 标签中查看哪些产品使卡车最繁忙。
TutorialOnTransports2__part3 Split and merge transports by simply connecting them to each other. If you need control over priorities and ratios, research {0} to get balancers with advanced capabilities. 可以简单地将运输装置拆分,合并来互相连接。如果您需要控制优先级和比率,请研究 {0} 以获得有高级功能的平衡器。
TutorialOnTransports2__part4 You can also start building a transport by hovering over the red/green arrow next to a building/transport port while the construction menu is open. 当建造菜单打开时,您还可以将鼠标悬停在建筑物/运输港口旁边的红色/绿色箭头上,来开始建造运输装置。
TutorialOnTransports2__part5 Most of the transports (except {0}) <b>can go up/down</b> by pressing {1} keys during the design process. This is handy when trying to make space for vehicles to go under. 大多数运输装置({0} 除外)<b>可以通过在设计过程中按 {1} 键来上/下</b>移动。这可以给车辆从运输装置下方通过腾出空间。
TutorialOnTransports2__part7 You can build transports <b>stacked on top of each other</b>. To make it easier, toggle {0} key while placing a transport to <b>prevent it from snapping</b> to any existing one. 您可以建造运输装置让他们<b>彼此堆叠</b>。方便起见,在放置运输装置时切换 {0} 键以<b>防止它吸附</b>到任何现有的运输装置上。
TutorialOnTreesPlanting__name Tree planting 植树
TutorialOnTreesPlanting__part1 Tree planting provides a renewable source of wood. To start, you need to obtain <b>tree saplings</b> by growing them on <b>farms</b>. 植树提供了可再生的木材来源。首先,您需要在<b>农场</b>种植<b>树苗</b>。
TutorialOnTreesPlanting__part2 A {0} is required to designate tree replanting zones. It has an area which is the working space where the assigned vehicles will operate. It can be changed similarly as in {2}. To plant & harvest trees, you need to place forestry designations inside the area by clicking on {1}. 需要 {0} 来指定树木补植区。它有一个区域,是分配的车辆将要工作的空间。它可以像 {2} 中那样进行更改。要种植和采伐树木,您需要先单击 {1} 在该区域内放置林业指定。
TutorialOnTreesPlanting__part3 You also need to build a vehicle called {0} and assign it to the {1}. Once tree saplings are available, the {0} automatically picks them up and plants them onto the designations. 您还需要制造一辆名为 {0} 的车辆并将其分配给 {1}。一旦树苗可用,{0} 会自动将它们捡起来并将它们种植到指定位置上。
TutorialOnTreesPlanting__part4 Tree harvesters will automatically cut down fully grown trees as long as the trees are situated on tower’s designations. 只要树木位于塔的林业指定上,伐木机就会自动砍伐完全成熟的树木。
TutorialOnTreesPlanting__part5 You can also place trees manually to have them planted exactly where you want. The available types of trees can be found in the build menu. Manually placed trees are planted by the {0} as well. 您也可以手动放置树木,将它们准确地种植在您想要的地方。可以在构建菜单中找到可用的树的种类。手动放置的树木也由 {0} 种植。
TutorialOnTrucks__name Trucks 卡车
TutorialOnTrucks__part1 Trucks are the most versatile option to transport products around the island. They can transport almost every product except molten materials or hot gasses such as steam. 卡车是在岛上运输产品最通用的选择。它们几乎可以运输除熔融材料或热气体(如蒸汽)之外的所有产品。
TutorialOnTrucks__part2 Anytime there is a machine that needs a product, trucks will try to find a source and deliver it. The same goes for construction. 任何时候但凡有机器需要产品时,卡车都会尝试寻找货源并运送。建造也是如此。
TutorialOnTrucks__part3 Trucks can get very busy if there are lots of jobs to do. You can see the current load in the overview panel on the top left of the screen. If the load is high, consider building more trucks or automating products delivery building pipes and conveyors. 如果有很多工作要做,卡车就会变得非常繁忙。您可以在屏幕左上角的概览面板中查看当前负载。如果负载很高,请考虑建造更多的卡车或者管道和传送带来自动化产品交付。
TutorialOnTrucks__part4 When trucks become too busy, deliveries that are critical to your factory operation may not be completed on time. To help with this, you can set higher priority on places where products are needed the most. The lower the number, the higher the priority. 当卡车太繁忙时,对工厂运营至关重要的交付可能无法按时完成。为此,您可以在最需要产品的地方设置更高的优先级。数字越小,优先级越高。
TutorialOnTrucks__part5 Trucks usually wait until there is enough cargo to transport to make their trip worth it. If you want trucks to always prefer driving fully loaded to further optimize their journey, you can disable {0}. 卡车一般会等到有足够的货物需要运输时才跑一趟。如果您希望进一步优化卡车行程, 让其始终都满载行驶,您可以禁用 {0}。
TutorialOnTrucks__part6 Don’t forget that trucks require fuel and maintenance, failing to provide these may grind your logistics to a halt and cause problems. 不要忘记给卡车提供燃料和维护,不然可能会使您的物流陷入停顿并引发问题。
TutorialOnUnityTool__part1 You can use unity to instantly deliver/remove products to/from construction in order to finish construction projects quickly. 您可以使用凝聚力将产品立即运送到建筑中/从建筑中移除,从而快速完成建筑项目。
TutorialOnUnityTool__part2 This tool enables you to drag over an area to order quick delivery/removal for all selected buildings. If there is no product delivery possible, this tool will act as a boost toggle. 此工具能够使您拖过一个区域,为所有选定的建筑物要求快速的交付/移除。如果无法交付产品,此工具将切换助推。
TutorialOnUnityTool__part3 The tool can be activated by pressing {0} or by clicking the icon in the toolbar (1). Then click and drag across the desired buildings (2). 可以通过按 {0} 或单击工具栏 (1) 中的图标来激活该工具。然后单击并拖过所需的建筑物 (2)。
TutorialOnVehiclesAccessibility__name Vehicles accessibility 车辆可达性
TutorialOnWalls__part1 When there is terrain dug from underneath a building or landslide that buries a building it may trigger building collapse. In that case the building gets lost and it can trigger further landslides and collapses. When mining a deeper mine, terrain can also collapse blocking vehicles from entering or exiting the mine. 当从建筑物下方挖出一些土地或因山体滑坡掩埋建筑物时,可能会引发建筑物倒塌。在那种情况下,建筑物会消失,并可能引发进一步的山体滑坡和倒塌。当开采更深的矿井时,地形也可能会坍塌,导致车辆无法进出矿井。
Context English Chinese (Simplified)
TutorialOnTerDumping__part7 Trucks dump products automatically. If there is a dumpable product that needs to be disposed of and no machine or storage that accepts it, trucks will automatically navigate to the nearest designation to dump it. 卡车自动倾倒产品。如果有需要处理的可倾倒产品,但没有机器或仓储接受它,卡车将自动开到最近的指定点进行倾倒。
TutorialOnTerDumping__part8 There are many products that can be dumped. If you are ever curious if a product can be dumped, open the <b>Recipes screen</b> {0} by clicking on the icon in the bottom right (1), navigate to the product (2), and check if dumping is an option for consumption (3). 有很多产品可以倾倒。如果您对某种产品是否可以倾倒感到好奇,请点击右下角的图标 (1) 打开<b>配方</b> {0},找到该产品 (2),然后检查倾倒是否可选(3)。
TutorialOnTerDumping__part8Heading What can be dumped 什么可被倾倒
TutorialOnTerDumping__part9 Global dump filters choose what products can be dumped in designated areas across the island by default. For example, if you only wanted {0} and {1} used as dumping materials, you could remove any other products listed there besides those two. 全局倾倒筛选器默认选择哪些产品可以倾倒在岛上的指定区域。例如,如果您只想将 {0} 和 {1} 倾倒,则可以删掉除这两个之外的任何其他产品。
TutorialOnTerDumping__part9Heading Global dump filters 全局倾倒筛选器
TutorialOnTransports2__height Trucks can go under any conveyors or pipes that are at height {0} or higher. However, taller vehicles such as excavators cannot go under them. In order to let taller vehicles pass, you must build a {1}. 卡车可以在高度为 {0} 或更高的传送带或管道下方行驶。但是,挖掘机等较高的车辆无法在其下方行驶。为了让更高的车辆通过,您必须建造一个 {1}。
TutorialOnTransports2__part1 Transports (pipes and conveyor belts) are an alternative way of transporting products around your factory. They reduce demands on your truck logistics and make product deliveries more steady. 运输装置(管道和传送带)是在工厂周围运输产品的另一种方式。它们减少了对卡车物流的需求,并使产品交付更加稳定。
TutorialOnTransports2__part2 You can see which products are making trucks the most busy in the {0} tab. 您可以在 {0} 标签中查看哪些产品使卡车最繁忙。
TutorialOnTransports2__part3 Split and merge transports by simply connecting them to each other. If you need control over priorities and ratios, research {0} to get balancers with advanced capabilities. 可以简单地将运输装置拆分,合并来互相连接。如果您需要控制优先级和比率,请研究 {0} 以获得有高级功能的平衡器。
TutorialOnTransports2__part4 You can also start building a transport by hovering over the red/green arrow next to a building/transport port while the construction menu is open. 当建造菜单打开时,您还可以将鼠标悬停在建筑物/运输港口旁边的红色/绿色箭头上,来开始建造运输装置。
TutorialOnTransports2__part5 Most of the transports (except {0}) <b>can go up/down</b> by pressing {1} keys during the design process. This is handy when trying to make space for vehicles to go under. 大多数运输装置({0} 除外)<b>可以通过在设计过程中按 {1} 键来上/下</b>移动。这可以给车辆从运输装置下方通过腾出空间。
TutorialOnTransports2__part7 You can build transports <b>stacked on top of each other</b>. To make it easier, toggle {0} key while placing a transport to <b>prevent it from snapping</b> to any existing one. 您可以建造运输装置让他们<b>彼此堆叠</b>。方便起见,在放置运输装置时切换 {0} 键以<b>防止它吸附</b>到任何现有的运输装置上。
TutorialOnTransports__name Pipes & conveyor belts 管道和传送带
TutorialOnTreesPlanting__name Tree planting 植树
TutorialOnTreesPlanting__part1 Tree planting provides a renewable source of wood. To start, you need to obtain <b>tree saplings</b> by growing them on <b>farms</b>. 植树提供了可再生的木材来源。首先,您需要在<b>农场</b>种植<b>树苗</b>。
TutorialOnTreesPlanting__part2 A {0} is required to designate tree replanting zones. It has an area which is the working space where the assigned vehicles will operate. It can be changed similarly as in {2}. To plant & harvest trees, you need to place forestry designations inside the area by clicking on {1}. 需要 {0} 来指定树木补植区。它有一个区域,是分配的车辆将要工作的空间。它可以像 {2} 中那样进行更改。要种植和采伐树木,您需要先单击 {1} 在该区域内放置林业指定。
TutorialOnTreesPlanting__part3 You also need to build a vehicle called {0} and assign it to the {1}. Once tree saplings are available, the {0} automatically picks them up and plants them onto the designations. 您还需要制造一辆名为 {0} 的车辆并将其分配给 {1}。一旦树苗可用,{0} 会自动将它们捡起来并将它们种植到指定位置上。
TutorialOnTreesPlanting__part4 Tree harvesters will automatically cut down fully grown trees as long as the trees are situated on tower’s designations. 只要树木位于塔的林业指定上,伐木机就会自动砍伐完全成熟的树木。
TutorialOnTreesPlanting__part5 You can also place trees manually to have them planted exactly where you want. The available types of trees can be found in the build menu. Manually placed trees are planted by the {0} as well. 您也可以手动放置树木,将它们准确地种植在您想要的地方。可以在构建菜单中找到可用的树的种类。手动放置的树木也由 {0} 种植。
TutorialOnTrucks__name Trucks 卡车
TutorialOnTrucks__part1 Trucks are the most versatile option to transport products around the island. They can transport almost every product except molten materials or hot gasses such as steam. 卡车是在岛上运输产品最通用的选择。它们几乎可以运输除熔融材料或热气体(如蒸汽)之外的所有产品。
TutorialOnTrucks__part2 Anytime there is a machine that needs a product, trucks will try to find a source and deliver it. The same goes for construction. 任何时候但凡有机器需要产品时,卡车都会尝试寻找货源并运送。建造也是如此。
TutorialOnTrucks__part3 Trucks can get very busy if there are lots of jobs to do. You can see the current load in the overview panel on the top left of the screen. If the load is high, consider building more trucks or automating products delivery building pipes and conveyors. 如果有很多工作要做,卡车就会变得非常繁忙。您可以在屏幕左上角的概览面板中查看当前负载。如果负载很高,请考虑建造更多的卡车或者管道和传送带来自动化产品交付。
TutorialOnTrucks__part4 When trucks become too busy, deliveries that are critical to your factory operation may not be completed on time. To help with this, you can set higher priority on places where products are needed the most. The lower the number, the higher the priority. 当卡车太繁忙时,对工厂运营至关重要的交付可能无法按时完成。为此,您可以在最需要产品的地方设置更高的优先级。数字越小,优先级越高。
TutorialOnTrucks__part5 Trucks usually wait until there is enough cargo to transport to make their trip worth it. If you want trucks to always prefer driving fully loaded to further optimize their journey, you can disable {0}. 卡车一般会等到有足够的货物需要运输时才跑一趟。如果您希望进一步优化卡车行程, 让其始终都满载行驶,您可以禁用 {0}。
TutorialOnTrucks__part6 Don’t forget that trucks require fuel and maintenance, failing to provide these may grind your logistics to a halt and cause problems. 不要忘记给卡车提供燃料和维护,不然可能会使您的物流陷入停顿并引发问题。
TutorialOnUnityTool__part1 You can use unity to instantly deliver/remove products to/from construction in order to finish construction projects quickly. 您可以使用凝聚力将产品立即运送到建筑中/从建筑中移除,从而快速完成建筑项目。
TutorialOnUnityTool__part2 This tool enables you to drag over an area to order quick delivery/removal for all selected buildings. If there is no product delivery possible, this tool will act as a boost toggle. 此工具能够使您拖过一个区域,为所有选定的建筑物要求快速的交付/移除。如果无法交付产品,此工具将切换助推。
TutorialOnUnityTool__part3 The tool can be activated by pressing {0} or by clicking the icon in the toolbar (1). Then click and drag across the desired buildings (2). 可以通过按 {0} 或单击工具栏 (1) 中的图标来激活该工具。然后单击并拖过所需的建筑物 (2)。
TutorialOnVehiclesAccessibility__name Vehicles accessibility 车辆可达性
Context English Chinese (Simplified)
TutorialOnTreesPlanting__name Tree planting 植树
TutorialOnTreesPlanting__part1 Tree planting provides a renewable source of wood. To start, you need to obtain <b>tree saplings</b> by growing them on <b>farms</b>. 植树提供了可再生的木材来源。首先,您需要在<b>农场</b>种植<b>树苗</b>。
TutorialOnTreesPlanting__part2 A {0} is required to designate tree replanting zones. It has an area which is the working space where the assigned vehicles will operate. It can be changed similarly as in {2}. To plant & harvest trees, you need to place forestry designations inside the area by clicking on {1}. 需要 {0} 来指定树木补植区。它有一个区域,是分配的车辆将要工作的空间。它可以像 {2} 中那样进行更改。要种植和采伐树木,您需要先单击 {1} 在该区域内放置林业指定。
TutorialOnTreesPlanting__part3 You also need to build a vehicle called {0} and assign it to the {1}. Once tree saplings are available, the {0} automatically picks them up and plants them onto the designations. 您还需要制造一辆名为 {0} 的车辆并将其分配给 {1}。一旦树苗可用,{0} 会自动将它们捡起来并将它们种植到指定位置上。
TutorialOnTreesPlanting__part4 Tree harvesters will automatically cut down fully grown trees as long as the trees are situated on tower’s designations. 只要树木位于塔的林业指定上,伐木机就会自动砍伐完全成熟的树木。
TutorialOnTreesPlanting__part5 You can also place trees manually to have them planted exactly where you want. The available types of trees can be found in the build menu. Manually placed trees are planted by the {0} as well. 您也可以手动放置树木,将它们准确地种植在您想要的地方。可以在构建菜单中找到可用的树的种类。手动放置的树木也由 {0} 种植。


a year ago
Browse all component changes

Things to check


There are 6 variants of this string.



English Chinese (Simplified)
area 区域 Glossary
assigned 指派 Glossary
forestry designations 采伐区 Glossary

String information

Source string comment
{0} - Forestry Control Tower, {1} - Edit designation, {2} - Mine tower {0} - Forestry Control Tower, {1} - Edit designation, {2} - Mine tower
String age
a year ago
Source string age
a year ago
Translation file
zh_Hans.po, string 2785