
Context English Chinese (Simplified)
TutorialOnPlanning__part7 Buildings colored <b>White</b> are planned for construction and are currently paused. <b>Blue</b> colored buildings are currently being constructed. <b>Red</b> colored buildings are currently being deconstructed. <b>白色</b>的建筑物计划建造,目前已暂停。 <b>蓝色</b> 建筑物正在建造中。 <b>红色</b> 色建筑物正在拆除中。
TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__name Population and Unity 人口与凝聚力
TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part1 Population is one of the most important pillars of your economy. You need to <b>provide your people</b> with housing, food, and other services and in return they will work for you. 人口是您的岛屿经济最重要的支柱之一。您需要<b>为您的员工</b>提供住房、食物和其他服务,作为回报,他们将为您工作。
TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part2 People live in <b>settlements</b>. One settlement can be composed of one or more attached housing units and service buildings. You can have more than one settlement, but each requires its own services. 人们住在<b>定居点</b>。一个定居点可以由一个或多个附属的住房单元和服务大楼组成。您可以有多个定居点,但每个定居点都需要自己的服务。
TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part3 If there are more people than housing capacity, some will become <b>homeless</b>. Homeless people are very unhappy and they won’t work for you. 如果人多于住房容量,一些人就会<b>无家可归</b>。无家可归的人会非常不开心,他们不会为你工作。
TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part4 Population will naturally increase over time if people are healthy and housing is available. You can control the growth rate using edicts in the {0}. 如果人们身体健康并且有住房,人口自然会随着时间的推移而增加。您可以使用 {0} 中的法令控制增长率。
TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part5 {0} is a virtual resource that is generated when people are well and happy. The more services and comfort you provide, the more united they will feel, and generate more unity in return. {0} 是一种虚拟资源,在人们幸福快乐时生成。您提供的服务和安慰越多,他们就会感到越团结,并产生更多的凝聚力作为回报。
TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part6 {0} can be spent on special tasks such as research, trade, work at remote mines, or vehicle recovery. Actions that require unity are usually denoted by purple color. {0} 可用于特殊任务,例如研究、贸易、偏远矿山工作或车辆回收。需要凝聚力的行动通常用紫色表示。
TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part7 {0} can be extremely helpful in emergency situations. For example, {0} actions allow to instantly deliver products for construction or boost production of selected machines. It is advised to always keep some unspent {0} for when it is needed the most. {0} 在紧急情况下非常有用。例如,{0} 操作允许立即交付用于建造的产品或提高所选机器的产量。建议始终保留一些未使用的 {0} 以备不时之需。
TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part8 An overview of {0} gain/loss can be seen in the population overview window. The maximum amount of {0} that can be accumulated is determined by the amount and quality of housing. Recurrent unity gain/loss is computed on a monthly basis. {0} 收益/损失的概览可以在总体概览窗口中查看。可累积的 {0} 的最大数量取决于住房的数量和质量。凝聚力收益/损失按月计算。
TutorialOnRoutes__part1V2 Trucks deliver cargo automatically based on the <b>priority</b> settings of source and destination building. Sometimes you may want to have a greater control over delivery source/destination or servicing vehicles. Custom routes offer this control and can increase efficiency and reliability of logistics. 卡车根据源建筑和目标建筑的<b>优先级</b>设置自动运送货物。有时您可能希望更好地控制交付源/目的地或服务车辆。自定义路线提供了这种控制,可以提高物流的效率和可靠性。
TutorialOnRoutes__part2V2 A {0} can be assigned to export mined products to specific storages. To do this, select a {0} (1) and then click the {1} button under {2} (2) then click on desired storages. 可以让 {0} 把开采的产品输出到特定的仓库。为此,请选择 {0} (1),点击 {2} (2) 下的 {1} 按钮,然后点击所需的仓库。
TutorialOnRoutes__part3V2 Assigned storages can be seen in the {0} and right-clicking on their icon will <b>delete the route</b>. The routes can be also removed by clicking on the {1} button again and clicking on previously assigned storages. 分配好的仓库可以在 {0} 中看到,右键单击它们的图标将<b>删除路线</b>。也可以通过再次单击 {1} 按钮并单击先前分配的仓库来删除路线。
TutorialOnRoutes__part4V2 When a {0} has export routes set up to storages with certain products, trucks will deliver these products only to the assigned storages and nowhere else. 当 {0} 的输出路线设置为某些产品的仓库时,卡车将仅仅把这些产品运送到指定好的仓库,而不会运送到其他任何地方。
TutorialOnRoutes__part7V2 Custom routes can be also used to assign a {0} to a {1} to specify fueling preferences for trucks and excavators. 自定义路线也可用于将 {0} 分配给 {1},来反映卡车和挖掘机的加油偏好。
TutorialOnRoutes__part8 It is recommended to use custom routes wisely and put them in places where it helps the most. Micromanaging every single storage with custom routes can lead to unnecessary complexity in your logistics system and can cause troubles during your future factory expansion. 我们建议灵活使用自定义路线并将它们使用在最合适的地方。使用自定义路线对每个仓库进行微观管理可能会给您的物流系统带来不必要的复杂性,并可能在您未来的工厂扩张过程中造成麻烦。
TutorialOnRoutes2__part5V2 Custom routes can be also <b>set up between storages</b> to further optimize your operations as shown below. Just make sure that the destination storage has the {0} slider set (1). You can optionally assign trucks to the receiving storage to solely service this supply line (2). There are also two toggles (3) that let you restrict the storage to only accept connected storages and assigned trucks. 还可以<b>在仓库之间设置自定义路线</b>,来进一步优化您的操作,如下所示。只需确保目标仓库设置了 {0} 滑块 (1)。您可以选择将卡车分配给收货仓库,专门为这条供应线 (2) 提供服务。还有两个开关 (3),可限制仓库仅接受连接的仓库和分配的卡车。
TutorialOnRoutes2__part6V2 Following example shows how a conveyor belt together with custom routes can reduce truck trips while dumping excess mined material. First, assign the {0} to a nearby storage (1). The storage is connected via a long conveyor belt (2) to another storage. The second storage is set to export to the nearby tower (3) which has an area marked for dumping. 以下示例显示了传送带和自定义路线如何在倾倒多余的开采材料的同时减少卡车行程。首先,将 {0} 分配给附近的仓库 (1)。仓库通过长传送带 (2) 连接到另一个仓库。第二个仓库设置为输出到附近的塔 (3),该塔有一个标记为倾倒的区域。
TutorialOnShipRepair__name World exploration 世界探索
TutorialOnShipRepair__part1 You can use your ship to explore the world map. You can discover supplies to bring back to your island, other settlements to trade with, world mines to exploit, and more. 您可以使用您的船探索世界地图。您可以找到可以带回您的岛屿的补给品,可以与之贸易的其他定居点,可以开采的世界矿山等等。
TutorialOnShipRepair__part2 To start exploring, open the world map ({0} key), select a destination (1), and click {1} (2). Once the ship arrives, it will start exploring. Exploration takes some time and you will be notified when it is complete. 如果要开始探索,请打开世界地图 ({0}键),选择目的地 (1),然后点击 {1} (2)。一旦船到达,它将开始探索。探索需要一些时间,完成后会通知您。
TutorialOnShipRepair__part2Heading Exploration 探索
TutorialOnShipRepair__part3V2 All the items that your ship brings will be automatically unloaded to the {0}. Just make sure that the {0} has enough free space. You can toggle on {1} to task your trucks to actively unload all cargo if there is storage available. 您的船带来的所有物品都将自动卸载到 {0}。只需确保 {0} 有足够的可用空间。您可以打开 {1},让您的卡车在有可用存储空间的情况下卸载所有货物。
TutorialOnShipRepair__part4Heading Ship range and fuel 船只航程和燃料
TutorialOnShipRepair__part4V2 The ship needs fuel to travel and exploration of a new location requires an additional amount. In order to load the ship with fuel, select the {0} and <b>drag the green slider</b> of the fuel buffer to the right. Fuel can be delivered by trucks or via pipe. 船只需要燃料才能航行,探索新地点需要额外的燃料。要为船只装载燃料,请选择 {0} 并将燃料缓冲区的绿色滑块<b>拖动</b>到右侧。燃料可以通过卡车或管道运输。
TutorialOnShipRepair__part5 Some areas may be occupied by enemies or pirates. You cannot pass through these areas or explore them unless you defeat the pirates first. If your ship has no weapons equipped, it will automatically try to escape, otherwise, the battle will start. 有些地区可能被敌人或海盗占领。除非您先击败海盗,否则您无法穿过这些区域或探索它们。如果你的船没有装备武器,它会自动尝试逃跑,否则,就会开始战斗。
TutorialOnShipRepair__part5Heading Enemies and pirates 敌人和海盗
TutorialOnShipRepair__part6 Many components of the ship can be added or upgraded. Upgrades are performed in the {0}. The {0} prepares any required components regardless of whether the ship is present or not. Once upgrades are prepared, they get automatically applied when the ship arrives. 船的许多部件都可以添加或升级。升级在 {0} 中进行。无论船只是否在场,{0} 都会准备好必需的组件。准备好后,船只到达时会自动升级。
TutorialOnShipRepair__part6Heading Ship upgrades and weapons 船舶升级和武器
TutorialOnSmelting__part1 The {0} allows smelting products such as ores and scrap into molten materials. The {1} can be used to cast molten materials to slabs. {0} 可以将矿石和废料等产品熔炼成熔融材料。 {1} 可将熔融材料浇铸成板坯。
TutorialOnSmelting__part2 In order to produce <b>iron plate</b> you can use {0} gathered from the abandoned buildings nearby. Later on you will be able to set up a mining operation to smelt {1} directly. 为了生产<b>铁板</b>,您可以使用从附近废弃建筑物中收集的{0}。之后您将能够设置采矿操作来直接冶炼 {1}。
Context English Chinese (Simplified)
TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part1 Population is one of the most important pillars of your economy. You need to <b>provide your people</b> with housing, food, and other services and in return they will work for you. 人口是您的岛屿经济最重要的支柱之一。您需要<b>为您的员工</b>提供住房、食物和其他服务,作为回报,他们将为您工作。
TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part2 People live in <b>settlements</b>. One settlement can be composed of one or more attached housing units and service buildings. You can have more than one settlement, but each requires its own services. 人们住在<b>定居点</b>。一个定居点可以由一个或多个附属的住房单元和服务大楼组成。您可以有多个定居点,但每个定居点都需要自己的服务。
TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part3 If there are more people than housing capacity, some will become <b>homeless</b>. Homeless people are very unhappy and they won’t work for you. 如果人多于住房容量,一些人就会<b>无家可归</b>。无家可归的人会非常不开心,他们不会为你工作。
TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part4 Population will naturally increase over time if people are healthy and housing is available. You can control the growth rate using edicts in the {0}. 如果人们身体健康并且有住房,人口自然会随着时间的推移而增加。您可以使用 {0} 中的法令控制增长率。
TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part5 {0} is a virtual resource that is generated when people are well and happy. The more services and comfort you provide, the more united they will feel, and generate more unity in return. {0} 是一种虚拟资源,在人们幸福快乐时生成。您提供的服务和安慰越多,他们就会感到越团结,并产生更多的凝聚力作为回报。
TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part6 {0} can be spent on special tasks such as research, trade, work at remote mines, or vehicle recovery. Actions that require unity are usually denoted by purple color. {0} 可用于特殊任务,例如研究、贸易、偏远矿山工作或车辆回收。需要凝聚力的行动通常用紫色表示。
TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part7 {0} can be extremely helpful in emergency situations. For example, {0} actions allow to instantly deliver products for construction or boost production of selected machines. It is advised to always keep some unspent {0} for when it is needed the most. {0} 在紧急情况下非常有用。例如,{0} 操作允许立即交付用于建造的产品或提高所选机器的产量。建议始终保留一些未使用的 {0} 以备不时之需。
TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part8 An overview of {0} gain/loss can be seen in the population overview window. The maximum amount of {0} that can be accumulated is determined by the amount and quality of housing. Recurrent unity gain/loss is computed on a monthly basis. {0} 收益/损失的概览可以在总体概览窗口中查看。可累积的 {0} 的最大数量取决于住房的数量和质量。凝聚力收益/损失按月计算。
TutorialOnRoutes2__part5V2 Custom routes can be also <b>set up between storages</b> to further optimize your operations as shown below. Just make sure that the destination storage has the {0} slider set (1). You can optionally assign trucks to the receiving storage to solely service this supply line (2). There are also two toggles (3) that let you restrict the storage to only accept connected storages and assigned trucks. 还可以<b>在仓库之间设置自定义路线</b>,来进一步优化您的操作,如下所示。只需确保目标仓库设置了 {0} 滑块 (1)。您可以选择将卡车分配给收货仓库,专门为这条供应线 (2) 提供服务。还有两个开关 (3),可限制仓库仅接受连接的仓库和分配的卡车。
TutorialOnRoutes2__part6V2 Following example shows how a conveyor belt together with custom routes can reduce truck trips while dumping excess mined material. First, assign the {0} to a nearby storage (1). The storage is connected via a long conveyor belt (2) to another storage. The second storage is set to export to the nearby tower (3) which has an area marked for dumping. 以下示例显示了传送带和自定义路线如何在倾倒多余的开采材料的同时减少卡车行程。首先,将 {0} 分配给附近的仓库 (1)。仓库通过长传送带 (2) 连接到另一个仓库。第二个仓库设置为输出到附近的塔 (3),该塔有一个标记为倾倒的区域。
TutorialOnRoutes__part1V2 Trucks deliver cargo automatically based on the <b>priority</b> settings of source and destination building. Sometimes you may want to have a greater control over delivery source/destination or servicing vehicles. Custom routes offer this control and can increase efficiency and reliability of logistics. 卡车根据源建筑和目标建筑的<b>优先级</b>设置自动运送货物。有时您可能希望更好地控制交付源/目的地或服务车辆。自定义路线提供了这种控制,可以提高物流的效率和可靠性。
TutorialOnRoutes__part2V2 A {0} can be assigned to export mined products to specific storages. To do this, select a {0} (1) and then click the {1} button under {2} (2) then click on desired storages. 可以让 {0} 把开采的产品输出到特定的仓库。为此,请选择 {0} (1),点击 {2} (2) 下的 {1} 按钮,然后点击所需的仓库。
TutorialOnRoutes__part3V2 Assigned storages can be seen in the {0} and right-clicking on their icon will <b>delete the route</b>. The routes can be also removed by clicking on the {1} button again and clicking on previously assigned storages. 分配好的仓库可以在 {0} 中看到,右键单击它们的图标将<b>删除路线</b>。也可以通过再次单击 {1} 按钮并单击先前分配的仓库来删除路线。
TutorialOnRoutes__part4V2 When a {0} has export routes set up to storages with certain products, trucks will deliver these products only to the assigned storages and nowhere else. 当 {0} 的输出路线设置为某些产品的仓库时,卡车将仅仅把这些产品运送到指定好的仓库,而不会运送到其他任何地方。
TutorialOnRoutes__part7V2 Custom routes can be also used to assign a {0} to a {1} to specify fueling preferences for trucks and excavators. 自定义路线也可用于将 {0} 分配给 {1},来反映卡车和挖掘机的加油偏好。
TutorialOnRoutes__part8 It is recommended to use custom routes wisely and put them in places where it helps the most. Micromanaging every single storage with custom routes can lead to unnecessary complexity in your logistics system and can cause troubles during your future factory expansion. 我们建议灵活使用自定义路线并将它们使用在最合适的地方。使用自定义路线对每个仓库进行微观管理可能会给您的物流系统带来不必要的复杂性,并可能在您未来的工厂扩张过程中造成麻烦。
TutorialOnShipRepair__name World exploration 世界探索
TutorialOnShipRepair__part1 You can use your ship to explore the world map. You can discover supplies to bring back to your island, other settlements to trade with, world mines to exploit, and more. 您可以使用您的船探索世界地图。您可以找到可以带回您的岛屿的补给品,可以与之贸易的其他定居点,可以开采的世界矿山等等。
TutorialOnShipRepair__part2 To start exploring, open the world map ({0} key), select a destination (1), and click {1} (2). Once the ship arrives, it will start exploring. Exploration takes some time and you will be notified when it is complete. 如果要开始探索,请打开世界地图 ({0}键),选择目的地 (1),然后点击 {1} (2)。一旦船到达,它将开始探索。探索需要一些时间,完成后会通知您。
TutorialOnShipRepair__part2Heading Exploration 探索
TutorialOnShipRepair__part3V2 All the items that your ship brings will be automatically unloaded to the {0}. Just make sure that the {0} has enough free space. You can toggle on {1} to task your trucks to actively unload all cargo if there is storage available. 您的船带来的所有物品都将自动卸载到 {0}。只需确保 {0} 有足够的可用空间。您可以打开 {1},让您的卡车在有可用存储空间的情况下卸载所有货物。
TutorialOnShipRepair__part4Heading Ship range and fuel 船只航程和燃料
TutorialOnShipRepair__part4V2 The ship needs fuel to travel and exploration of a new location requires an additional amount. In order to load the ship with fuel, select the {0} and <b>drag the green slider</b> of the fuel buffer to the right. Fuel can be delivered by trucks or via pipe. 船只需要燃料才能航行,探索新地点需要额外的燃料。要为船只装载燃料,请选择 {0} 并将燃料缓冲区的绿色滑块<b>拖动</b>到右侧。燃料可以通过卡车或管道运输。
TutorialOnShipRepair__part5 Some areas may be occupied by enemies or pirates. You cannot pass through these areas or explore them unless you defeat the pirates first. If your ship has no weapons equipped, it will automatically try to escape, otherwise, the battle will start. 有些地区可能被敌人或海盗占领。除非您先击败海盗,否则您无法穿过这些区域或探索它们。如果你的船没有装备武器,它会自动尝试逃跑,否则,就会开始战斗。
TutorialOnShipRepair__part5Heading Enemies and pirates 敌人和海盗
TutorialOnShipRepair__part6 Many components of the ship can be added or upgraded. Upgrades are performed in the {0}. The {0} prepares any required components regardless of whether the ship is present or not. Once upgrades are prepared, they get automatically applied when the ship arrives. 船的许多部件都可以添加或升级。升级在 {0} 中进行。无论船只是否在场,{0} 都会准备好必需的组件。准备好后,船只到达时会自动升级。
TutorialOnShipRepair__part6Heading Ship upgrades and weapons 船舶升级和武器
TutorialOnSmelting__part1 The {0} allows smelting products such as ores and scrap into molten materials. The {1} can be used to cast molten materials to slabs. {0} 可以将矿石和废料等产品熔炼成熔融材料。 {1} 可将熔融材料浇铸成板坯。
TutorialOnSmelting__part2 In order to produce <b>iron plate</b> you can use {0} gathered from the abandoned buildings nearby. Later on you will be able to set up a mining operation to smelt {1} directly. 为了生产<b>铁板</b>,您可以使用从附近废弃建筑物中收集的{0}。之后您将能够设置采矿操作来直接冶炼 {1}。
TutorialOnSmelting__part3 Build a {0} and 2x {1}. Connect them together using {2}. The molten channels are needed since the molten iron is too hot to be transported by trucks. 建造一个 {0} 和 2x {1}。使用 {2} 将它们连接在一起。由于铁水太热无法用卡车运输,因此需要熔融通道。
Context English Chinese (Simplified)
TutorialOnRoutes__part1V2 Trucks deliver cargo automatically based on the <b>priority</b> settings of source and destination building. Sometimes you may want to have a greater control over delivery source/destination or servicing vehicles. Custom routes offer this control and can increase efficiency and reliability of logistics. 卡车根据源建筑和目标建筑的<b>优先级</b>设置自动运送货物。有时您可能希望更好地控制交付源/目的地或服务车辆。自定义路线提供了这种控制,可以提高物流的效率和可靠性。
TutorialOnRoutes__part2V2 A {0} can be assigned to export mined products to specific storages. To do this, select a {0} (1) and then click the {1} button under {2} (2) then click on desired storages. 可以让 {0} 把开采的产品输出到特定的仓库。为此,请选择 {0} (1),点击 {2} (2) 下的 {1} 按钮,然后点击所需的仓库。
TutorialOnRoutes__part3V2 Assigned storages can be seen in the {0} and right-clicking on their icon will <b>delete the route</b>. The routes can be also removed by clicking on the {1} button again and clicking on previously assigned storages. 分配好的仓库可以在 {0} 中看到,右键单击它们的图标将<b>删除路线</b>。也可以通过再次单击 {1} 按钮并单击先前分配的仓库来删除路线。
TutorialOnRoutes__part4V2 When a {0} has export routes set up to storages with certain products, trucks will deliver these products only to the assigned storages and nowhere else. 当 {0} 的输出路线设置为某些产品的仓库时,卡车将仅仅把这些产品运送到指定好的仓库,而不会运送到其他任何地方。
TutorialOnRoutes__part7V2 Custom routes can be also used to assign a {0} to a {1} to specify fueling preferences for trucks and excavators. 自定义路线也可用于将 {0} 分配给 {1},来反映卡车和挖掘机的加油偏好。
TutorialOnRoutes__part8 It is recommended to use custom routes wisely and put them in places where it helps the most. Micromanaging every single storage with custom routes can lead to unnecessary complexity in your logistics system and can cause troubles during your future factory expansion. 我们建议灵活使用自定义路线并将它们使用在最合适的地方。使用自定义路线对每个仓库进行微观管理可能会给您的物流系统带来不必要的复杂性,并可能在您未来的工厂扩张过程中造成麻烦。


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