
English {0} = iron ore, {1} = slag, {2} = Blast furnace {0} = iron ore, {1} = slag, {2} = Blast furnace
Context English Chinese (Simplified)
TutorialOnFertility__rotation2 You can also <b>leave the field empty</b> with no crop planted. This gives the soil time to regenerate fertility naturally but it won’t eliminate the same-crop fertility penalty on its own. 您也可以<b>让土地空着</b>,不种庄稼。这让土壤有时间自然地恢复肥力,但它不会自行消除种植同种作物的肥力损失。
TutorialOnFertility__rotationHeading Crop rotation 轮作
TutorialOnFurnace__name Iron Scrap smelting 废铁冶炼
TutorialOnHealth__name Health & pollution 健康和污染
TutorialOnHealth__part1 Your population has health. If health is positive, your population grows and provides you with extra unity. If health goes negative, your population starts to decline. 你的人口会有健康水平的指标。如果健康水平是正的,你的人口就会增长,并为你提供额外的凝聚力。如果健康水平是负的,您的人口就会开始下降。
TutorialOnHealth__part2 You can increase your population's health by providing them with a variety of food, water, and healthcare. 您可以通过为民众提供各种食物、水和医疗保健来提高他们的健康水平。
TutorialOnHealth__part2Heading Positive effects 积极影响
TutorialOnHealth__part3 Your population's health decreases if you emit pollution (air or water). Pollution on your island is global, so moving smoke stacks farther from your settlement won’t help. It is a good idea to keep your eye on how much pollution you emit. 如果您排放污染物(空气或水),民众的健康水平就会下降。您岛上的污染是全球性的,因此将烟囱移离您的定居点将无济于事。密切关注您排放的污染量是一个好主意。
TutorialOnHealth__part3Heading Negative effects 负面影响
TutorialOnHealth__part4 When something emits pollution, it is displayed in the right side of the recipe UI as shown below. 当某物排放污染时,它会显示在配方 UI 的右侧,如下所示。
TutorialOnHealth__part5a Your population can suffer from diseases. There are diseases that just come and go and it is not possible to completely prevent them from happening. Providing healthcare can significantly reduce their negative impact. 您的人口可能患有疾病。有些疾病来来去去,不可能完全阻止它们的发生。提供医疗保健可以显著的减少它们的负面影响。
TutorialOnHealth__part5b There are also diseases that can occur due to bad conditions in your settlement, for instance lack of clean water or too much trash. There are no diseases from pollution as pollution gives a health penalty directly. 也有一些疾病的发生可能是由于居住地条件恶劣,例如缺乏干净的水或垃圾过多。污染不会导致疾病,它会直接损害健康。
TutorialOnHealth__part5Heading Diseases 疾病
TutorialOnIronOre__part1 The {0} can process both {1} and {2} by toggling both recipes on. To do so, turn on the <b>{1}</b> recipe by clicking on it. {0} 可以通过打开两个配方来处理 {1} 和 {2}。请点击 <b>{1}</b> 配方将其打开。
TutorialOnIronOre__part2 The priority of recipe execution depends on their order which can be changed using the arrows on the left (1). If you want to prioritize {0} processing over {1}, click the <b>up arrow</b> on the <b>{0} recipe</b> for it to move above the <b>{1} recipe</b>. 配方执行的优先级取决于它们的顺序,可以使用左侧的箭头 (1) 更改顺序。如果您想优先处理 {0} 而不是 {1},请点击 <b>{0} 配方</b> 上的<b>向上箭头</b>,使其移动到 <b>{1} 配方</b>上方。
TutorialOnIronOre__part3 With {0} being smelted, the {2} will produce <b>{1}</b>. {1} can be dumped anywhere on the island by placing dumping designations (unless you prevent {1} dumping by changing the <b>global dumping filter</b>). Trucks will always prioritize delivering {1} and other materials to where it is needed before dumping it (e.g. concrete production). Dumping {1} is important as typically your smelting industry will produce way more {1} than you can use. Dumping it has no pollution effect. 熔炼 {0} 后,{2} 会产生 <b>{1}</b>。放置倾倒指定可以让 {1} 在岛上的任何地方倾倒(除非您更改<b>全局倾倒筛选器</b> 来阻止 {1} 的倾倒)。卡车将始终优先将 {1} 和其他材料运送到需要的地方,然后再将其倾倒(例如混凝土生产)。倾倒 {1} 很重要,因为通常您的冶炼行业生产的 {1} 远远超过您的使用量。倾倒它不会产生污染。
TutorialOnIronOreSmelting__name Iron ore smelting 铁矿石冶炼
TutorialOnMaintenance__name Maintenance 维护
TutorialOnMaintenance__part1 Maintenance is a crucial global resource that is required by vehicles and buildings to keep operational otherwise they break down and stop working. Maintenance level of each entity can be seen on the bottom of its window (1). In an emergency, broken entities can be instantly repaired using {0} (2). 维护是车辆和建筑物保持运行所需的重要的全球资源,否则它们会发生故障并停止工作。每个实体的维护级别都可以在其窗口 (1) 的底部看到。在紧急情况下,损坏的实体可以使用 {0} (2) 立即修复。
TutorialOnMaintenance__part2 In order to produce maintenance you need to build a {0} and supply it with the necessary materials. 为了进行维护,您需要建造一个 {0} 并为其提供必要的材料。
TutorialOnMaintenance__part3 You can see the current Maintenance amount on the right side of the screen (1). You can also see Maintenance Production and Consumption over time in the Statistics screen (2). 您可以在屏幕 (1) 的右侧看到当前的维护量。您还可以在统计屏幕 (2) 中查看一段时间内维护的生产和消耗。
TutorialOnMineTower__name Mining 采矿
TutorialOnMining__part1 You can remove any material from the terrain by mining it with your <b>excavators</b> and add material by dumping it with trucks. 您可以使用<b>挖掘机</b>从地形中挖掘并移除任何材料,并通过卡车倾倒来添加材料。
TutorialOnMining__part10 Below is an example of how a mining designation starting at surface level is reachable only if it touches the surface. The top designation is reachable as denoted by the yellow color. The bottom starts one level below the surface and is not reachable, denoted by the orange color with red borders. 下面是一个示例,说明从地表开始的采矿指定如何仅在接触地表时才可达。顶部指定可达,如黄色所示。底部从表面以下一层开始,无法到达,用带有红色边框的橙色表示。
TutorialOnMining__part11 Use the {0} key to switch to the <b>ramp</b> mode. Then you can snap to a previous flat designations and extend a ramp from there. 使用 {0} 键切换到 <b>坡道</b> 模式。然后您可以附到前一个平地指定并从那里延伸出一个坡道。
TutorialOnMining__part11Header Creating Ramps 创建坡道
TutorialOnMining__part12 Each designation square can be mined by <b>only one excavator at a time</b>. Be sure that there are enough available designations if you have multiple excavators. <b>一次只能用一台挖掘机</b>开采每个指定方块。如果您有多台挖掘机,请确保有足够的指定方块。
TutorialOnMining__part13 You can see available resources by toggling a resource overlay in the bottom-left corner of the screen. 您可以通过切换屏幕左下角的资源叠加层来查看可用资源。
TutorialOnMining__part13Header Resources layer 资源层
TutorialOnMining__part2 While dumping designations can be placed anywhere on the island, mining designations must be within a {0} managed area. With a mine control tower selected, click the {1} button to outline a new area. 虽然倾倒指定可以放置在岛上的任何地方,但采矿指定必须在 {0} 管理区域内。选择采矿控制塔后,单击 {1} 按钮划出一个新区域。
TutorialOnMining__part3 Trucks and excavators must be <b>assigned to a {0}</b> in order for mining to begin. Excavators mine designated terrain while trucks transport the mined materials from the excavators to machines, storages, or any available dumping areas. 必须将卡车和挖掘机<b>分配给{0}</b>后才能开始采矿。挖掘机在指定的地形上开采,而卡车将开采出来的材料从挖掘机运输到机器、仓库或任何可用的倾倒区。
Context English Chinese (Simplified)
TutorialOnFertility__rotationHeading Crop rotation 轮作
TutorialOnFurnace__name Iron Scrap smelting 废铁冶炼
TutorialOnHealth__name Health & pollution 健康和污染
TutorialOnHealth__part1 Your population has health. If health is positive, your population grows and provides you with extra unity. If health goes negative, your population starts to decline. 你的人口会有健康水平的指标。如果健康水平是正的,你的人口就会增长,并为你提供额外的凝聚力。如果健康水平是负的,您的人口就会开始下降。
TutorialOnHealth__part2 You can increase your population's health by providing them with a variety of food, water, and healthcare. 您可以通过为民众提供各种食物、水和医疗保健来提高他们的健康水平。
TutorialOnHealth__part2Heading Positive effects 积极影响
TutorialOnHealth__part3 Your population's health decreases if you emit pollution (air or water). Pollution on your island is global, so moving smoke stacks farther from your settlement won’t help. It is a good idea to keep your eye on how much pollution you emit. 如果您排放污染物(空气或水),民众的健康水平就会下降。您岛上的污染是全球性的,因此将烟囱移离您的定居点将无济于事。密切关注您排放的污染量是一个好主意。
TutorialOnHealth__part3Heading Negative effects 负面影响
TutorialOnHealth__part4 When something emits pollution, it is displayed in the right side of the recipe UI as shown below. 当某物排放污染时,它会显示在配方 UI 的右侧,如下所示。
TutorialOnHealth__part5a Your population can suffer from diseases. There are diseases that just come and go and it is not possible to completely prevent them from happening. Providing healthcare can significantly reduce their negative impact. 您的人口可能患有疾病。有些疾病来来去去,不可能完全阻止它们的发生。提供医疗保健可以显著的减少它们的负面影响。
TutorialOnHealth__part5b There are also diseases that can occur due to bad conditions in your settlement, for instance lack of clean water or too much trash. There are no diseases from pollution as pollution gives a health penalty directly. 也有一些疾病的发生可能是由于居住地条件恶劣,例如缺乏干净的水或垃圾过多。污染不会导致疾病,它会直接损害健康。
TutorialOnHealth__part5Heading Diseases 疾病
TutorialOnIronOreSmelting__name Iron ore smelting 铁矿石冶炼
TutorialOnIronOre__part1 The {0} can process both {1} and {2} by toggling both recipes on. To do so, turn on the <b>{1}</b> recipe by clicking on it. {0} 可以通过打开两个配方来处理 {1} 和 {2}。请点击 <b>{1}</b> 配方将其打开。
TutorialOnIronOre__part2 The priority of recipe execution depends on their order which can be changed using the arrows on the left (1). If you want to prioritize {0} processing over {1}, click the <b>up arrow</b> on the <b>{0} recipe</b> for it to move above the <b>{1} recipe</b>. 配方执行的优先级取决于它们的顺序,可以使用左侧的箭头 (1) 更改顺序。如果您想优先处理 {0} 而不是 {1},请点击 <b>{0} 配方</b> 上的<b>向上箭头</b>,使其移动到 <b>{1} 配方</b>上方。
TutorialOnIronOre__part3 With {0} being smelted, the {2} will produce <b>{1}</b>. {1} can be dumped anywhere on the island by placing dumping designations (unless you prevent {1} dumping by changing the <b>global dumping filter</b>). Trucks will always prioritize delivering {1} and other materials to where it is needed before dumping it (e.g. concrete production). Dumping {1} is important as typically your smelting industry will produce way more {1} than you can use. Dumping it has no pollution effect. 熔炼 {0} 后,{2} 会产生 <b>{1}</b>。放置倾倒指定可以让 {1} 在岛上的任何地方倾倒(除非您更改<b>全局倾倒筛选器</b> 来阻止 {1} 的倾倒)。卡车将始终优先将 {1} 和其他材料运送到需要的地方,然后再将其倾倒(例如混凝土生产)。倾倒 {1} 很重要,因为通常您的冶炼行业生产的 {1} 远远超过您的使用量。倾倒它不会产生污染。
TutorialOnMaintenance__name Maintenance 维护
TutorialOnMaintenance__part1 Maintenance is a crucial global resource that is required by vehicles and buildings to keep operational otherwise they break down and stop working. Maintenance level of each entity can be seen on the bottom of its window (1). In an emergency, broken entities can be instantly repaired using {0} (2). 维护是车辆和建筑物保持运行所需的重要的全球资源,否则它们会发生故障并停止工作。每个实体的维护级别都可以在其窗口 (1) 的底部看到。在紧急情况下,损坏的实体可以使用 {0} (2) 立即修复。
TutorialOnMaintenance__part2 In order to produce maintenance you need to build a {0} and supply it with the necessary materials. 为了进行维护,您需要建造一个 {0} 并为其提供必要的材料。
TutorialOnMaintenance__part3 You can see the current Maintenance amount on the right side of the screen (1). You can also see Maintenance Production and Consumption over time in the Statistics screen (2). 您可以在屏幕 (1) 的右侧看到当前的维护量。您还可以在统计屏幕 (2) 中查看一段时间内维护的生产和消耗。
TutorialOnMineTower__name Mining 采矿
TutorialOnMining__part1 You can remove any material from the terrain by mining it with your <b>excavators</b> and add material by dumping it with trucks. 您可以使用<b>挖掘机</b>从地形中挖掘并移除任何材料,并通过卡车倾倒来添加材料。
TutorialOnMining__part10 Below is an example of how a mining designation starting at surface level is reachable only if it touches the surface. The top designation is reachable as denoted by the yellow color. The bottom starts one level below the surface and is not reachable, denoted by the orange color with red borders. 下面是一个示例,说明从地表开始的采矿指定如何仅在接触地表时才可达。顶部指定可达,如黄色所示。底部从表面以下一层开始,无法到达,用带有红色边框的橙色表示。
TutorialOnMining__part11 Use the {0} key to switch to the <b>ramp</b> mode. Then you can snap to a previous flat designations and extend a ramp from there. 使用 {0} 键切换到 <b>坡道</b> 模式。然后您可以附到前一个平地指定并从那里延伸出一个坡道。
TutorialOnMining__part11Header Creating Ramps 创建坡道
TutorialOnMining__part12 Each designation square can be mined by <b>only one excavator at a time</b>. Be sure that there are enough available designations if you have multiple excavators. <b>一次只能用一台挖掘机</b>开采每个指定方块。如果您有多台挖掘机,请确保有足够的指定方块。
TutorialOnMining__part13 You can see available resources by toggling a resource overlay in the bottom-left corner of the screen. 您可以通过切换屏幕左下角的资源叠加层来查看可用资源。
TutorialOnMining__part13Header Resources layer 资源层
TutorialOnMining__part2 While dumping designations can be placed anywhere on the island, mining designations must be within a {0} managed area. With a mine control tower selected, click the {1} button to outline a new area. 虽然倾倒指定可以放置在岛上的任何地方,但采矿指定必须在 {0} 管理区域内。选择采矿控制塔后,单击 {1} 按钮划出一个新区域。
TutorialOnMining__part3 Trucks and excavators must be <b>assigned to a {0}</b> in order for mining to begin. Excavators mine designated terrain while trucks transport the mined materials from the excavators to machines, storages, or any available dumping areas. 必须将卡车和挖掘机<b>分配给{0}</b>后才能开始采矿。挖掘机在指定的地形上开采,而卡车将开采出来的材料从挖掘机运输到机器、仓库或任何可用的倾倒区。
Context English Chinese (Simplified)
TutorialOnIronOre__part1 The {0} can process both {1} and {2} by toggling both recipes on. To do so, turn on the <b>{1}</b> recipe by clicking on it. {0} 可以通过打开两个配方来处理 {1} 和 {2}。请点击 <b>{1}</b> 配方将其打开。
TutorialOnIronOre__part2 The priority of recipe execution depends on their order which can be changed using the arrows on the left (1). If you want to prioritize {0} processing over {1}, click the <b>up arrow</b> on the <b>{0} recipe</b> for it to move above the <b>{1} recipe</b>. 配方执行的优先级取决于它们的顺序,可以使用左侧的箭头 (1) 更改顺序。如果您想优先处理 {0} 而不是 {1},请点击 <b>{0} 配方</b> 上的<b>向上箭头</b>,使其移动到 <b>{1} 配方</b>上方。
TutorialOnIronOre__part3 With {0} being smelted, the {2} will produce <b>{1}</b>. {1} can be dumped anywhere on the island by placing dumping designations (unless you prevent {1} dumping by changing the <b>global dumping filter</b>). Trucks will always prioritize delivering {1} and other materials to where it is needed before dumping it (e.g. concrete production). Dumping {1} is important as typically your smelting industry will produce way more {1} than you can use. Dumping it has no pollution effect. 熔炼 {0} 后,{2} 会产生 <b>{1}</b>。放置倾倒指定可以让 {1} 在岛上的任何地方倾倒(除非您更改<b>全局倾倒筛选器</b> 来阻止 {1} 的倾倒)。卡车将始终优先将 {1} 和其他材料运送到需要的地方,然后再将其倾倒(例如混凝土生产)。倾倒 {1} 很重要,因为通常您的冶炼行业生产的 {1} 远远超过您的使用量。倾倒它不会产生污染。
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English Chinese (Simplified)
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{0} = iron ore, {1} = slag, {2} = Blast furnace {0} = iron ore, {1} = slag, {2} = Blast furnace
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a year ago
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a year ago
Translation file
zh_Hans.po, string 2683