
English tooltip explaining what ShipyardRecoverOceanAccess__Button does tooltip explaining what ShipyardRecoverOceanAccess__Button does
Context English Chinese (Simplified)
ShipUpgrade_ReadyWaiting Waiting for ship 等待船只
ShipUpgrade_ReadyWaiting__Tooltip Modifications are prepared, waiting for the ship to apply them 改装准备就绪,等待船只用上
Shipyard__desc This shipyard is damaged and needs to be repaired to be able to fix our ship. 这个码头损坏了,需要修理好才能修理我们的船。
Shipyard__name Shipyard (damaged) 码头(损坏)
Shipyard2__desc Serves to refuel, repair, and modify our ship. Also handles loading and unloading ship's cargo. If a truck happens to have some cargo that cannot be delivered anywhere else, it can be delivered here. 用于加油、修理和改装我们的船。也为船只装卸货物。如果一辆卡车碰巧有一些货物无法运到其他地方,则可以运到这里。
Shipyard2__name Shipyard 码头
ShipyardCargo__Tooltip All the cargo that is temporarily stored in the shipyard. When the shipyard gets too full it is unable to unload more cargo from the ship. Trucks always actively remove products from the shipyard whenever there is space somewhere else. 临时存放在码头的所有货物。当码头太满时,它无法从船上卸下更多的货物。每当其他地方有空间时,卡车总是会主动将产品从码头运走。
ShipyardFullMessage Shipyard is overloaded with cargo! 码头上的货物超载!
ShipyardFullMessage__Tooltip Shipyard will not unload cargo from the ship unless some of its cargo gets removed first. That can be done by building external storages for the products stored here. 除非先卸下一些货物,否则码头不会从船上卸下货物。这可以通过为存储在这里的货物建造外部存储来实现。
ShipyardKeepEmpty Keep empty 留空
ShipyardKeepEmpty__Tooltip Requests trucks to prioritize unloading of all the cargo stored here. 要求卡车优先卸载存放在这里的所有货物。
ShipyardMakePrimary Make primary 设置为最优先
ShipyardMakePrimary__Tooltip Request the ship to dock here (enables to remove any shipyard that is not in use) 请求船只停靠在这里(可以移除任何未使用的码头)
ShipyardMakePrimary__TooltipInProgress This shipyard is currently being re-assigned 这个码头正在被重新指定
ShipyardNeedsRepairs Shipyard needs to be repaired first 必须先修复码头
ShipyardRecoverOceanAccess__BtnTooltip IMPORTANT: It might be required to perform this action multiple times. 重要提示:可能需要多次执行此操作。
ShipyardRecoverOceanAccess__Button Recover ocean access 恢复航道
ShipyardRecoverOceanAccess__Title Area recovery 区域恢复
ShipyardRecoverOceanAccess__Tooltip The docking area is blocked and prevents the ship to operate. You can use the button below to automatically remove accidental material deposits. This action costs Unity and it might be required to perform it multiple times. In case the area is blocked by other structure such as dock or pump, you need to demolish it yourself. 停靠区被封锁,阻止船舶运行。您可以使用下面的按钮自动清除意外的沉积。此操作会消耗凝聚力,并且可能需要执行多次。如果该区域被码头或水泵等其他结构挡住,您需要自行拆除。
ShowInExplorer Show in folder 显示在文件夹中
ShowPerDuration show 显示
Shredder__desc Breaks down products into loose form. 将产品分解成松散的形式。
Shredder__name Shredder 破碎机
SiliconCrystallizer__desc Produces monocrystalline silicon. Dips a rod with seed crystal into molten silicon and slowly pulls it upwards and rotates it simultaneously. The final ingot is then sliced into wafers. 生产单晶硅。将带有晶种的棒浸入熔融硅中,然后将其缓慢向上拉并同时旋转。然后将最终的锭切成晶片。
SiliconCrystallizer__name Silicon crystallizer 硅结晶器
SiliconReactor__desc Purifies silicon using hydrogen. The processed silicon can be used in electronics. 使用氢净化硅。加工后的硅可用于电子产品。
SiliconReactor__name Silicon reactor 硅反应器
Skip Skip 跳过
SmeltingFurnaceT1__desc Smelts various materials such as iron or copper. The output is a molten material that needs to be sent via molten channel transport, for instance, into a caster for further processing. Molten materials cannot be transported via trucks. 熔炼各种材料,如铁或铜。输出的是一种熔融材料,需要通过熔融通道运输,进入铸机进行进一步加工。熔融材料不能通过卡车运输。
SmeltingFurnaceT1__name Blast furnace 高炉
SmeltingFurnaceT2__desc Smelts various materials such as iron or copper. The output is a molten material that needs to be sent via molten channel transport, for instance, into a caster for further processing. Molten materials cannot be transported via trucks. 熔炼各种材料,如铁或铜。输出的是一种熔融材料,需要通过熔融通道运输,进入铸机进行进一步加工。熔融材料不能用卡车运输。
Context English Chinese (Simplified)
ShipUpgrade_Preparing Preparing modifications 准备改装
ShipUpgrade_Preparing__Tooltip The ship can still operate while the modifications are being prepared 在准备改装期间,该船仍可运行
ShipUpgrade_ReadyWaiting Waiting for ship 等待船只
ShipUpgrade_ReadyWaiting__Tooltip Modifications are prepared, waiting for the ship to apply them 改装准备就绪,等待船只用上
Shipyard2__desc Serves to refuel, repair, and modify our ship. Also handles loading and unloading ship's cargo. If a truck happens to have some cargo that cannot be delivered anywhere else, it can be delivered here. 用于加油、修理和改装我们的船。也为船只装卸货物。如果一辆卡车碰巧有一些货物无法运到其他地方,则可以运到这里。
Shipyard2__name Shipyard 码头
ShipyardCargo__Tooltip All the cargo that is temporarily stored in the shipyard. When the shipyard gets too full it is unable to unload more cargo from the ship. Trucks always actively remove products from the shipyard whenever there is space somewhere else. 临时存放在码头的所有货物。当码头太满时,它无法从船上卸下更多的货物。每当其他地方有空间时,卡车总是会主动将产品从码头运走。
ShipyardFullMessage Shipyard is overloaded with cargo! 码头上的货物超载!
ShipyardFullMessage__Tooltip Shipyard will not unload cargo from the ship unless some of its cargo gets removed first. That can be done by building external storages for the products stored here. 除非先卸下一些货物,否则码头不会从船上卸下货物。这可以通过为存储在这里的货物建造外部存储来实现。
ShipyardKeepEmpty Keep empty 留空
ShipyardKeepEmpty__Tooltip Requests trucks to prioritize unloading of all the cargo stored here. 要求卡车优先卸载存放在这里的所有货物。
ShipyardMakePrimary Make primary 设置为最优先
ShipyardMakePrimary__Tooltip Request the ship to dock here (enables to remove any shipyard that is not in use) 请求船只停靠在这里(可以移除任何未使用的码头)
ShipyardMakePrimary__TooltipInProgress This shipyard is currently being re-assigned 这个码头正在被重新指定
ShipyardNeedsRepairs Shipyard needs to be repaired first 必须先修复码头
ShipyardRecoverOceanAccess__BtnTooltip IMPORTANT: It might be required to perform this action multiple times. 重要提示:可能需要多次执行此操作。
ShipyardRecoverOceanAccess__Button Recover ocean access 恢复航道
ShipyardRecoverOceanAccess__Title Area recovery 区域恢复
ShipyardRecoverOceanAccess__Tooltip The docking area is blocked and prevents the ship to operate. You can use the button below to automatically remove accidental material deposits. This action costs Unity and it might be required to perform it multiple times. In case the area is blocked by other structure such as dock or pump, you need to demolish it yourself. 停靠区被封锁,阻止船舶运行。您可以使用下面的按钮自动清除意外的沉积。此操作会消耗凝聚力,并且可能需要执行多次。如果该区域被码头或水泵等其他结构挡住,您需要自行拆除。
Shipyard__desc This shipyard is damaged and needs to be repaired to be able to fix our ship. 这个码头损坏了,需要修理好才能修理我们的船。
Shipyard__name Shipyard (damaged) 码头(损坏)
ShowInExplorer Show in folder 显示在文件夹中
ShowPerDuration show 显示
Shredder__desc Breaks down products into loose form. 将产品分解成松散的形式。
Shredder__name Shredder 破碎机
SiliconCrystallizer__desc Produces monocrystalline silicon. Dips a rod with seed crystal into molten silicon and slowly pulls it upwards and rotates it simultaneously. The final ingot is then sliced into wafers. 生产单晶硅。将带有晶种的棒浸入熔融硅中,然后将其缓慢向上拉并同时旋转。然后将最终的锭切成晶片。
SiliconCrystallizer__name Silicon crystallizer 硅结晶器
SiliconReactor__desc Purifies silicon using hydrogen. The processed silicon can be used in electronics. 使用氢净化硅。加工后的硅可用于电子产品。
SiliconReactor__name Silicon reactor 硅反应器
Skip Skip 跳过


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tooltip explaining what ShipyardRecoverOceanAccess__Button does tooltip explaining what ShipyardRecoverOceanAccess__Button does
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zh_Hans.po, string 2303