
Example: Ship delivered cargo to oil rig

English notification, any strings in curly braces { } must be preserved and non-translated building or machine
Context English Chinese (Simplified)
ShipAutoRepair__Toggle Auto-repair 自动修复
ShipAutoRepair__Tooltip Repairs will be requested automatically whenever the ship is damaged. 每当船损坏时,将自动请求维修。
ShipAutoReturn__Toggle Automatically return home 自动回航
ShipAutoReturn__Tooltip The ship will automatically return back from the world map if it has no available locations to explore. 如果没有可供探索的地方,船只将自动从世界地图返回。
ShipCannotUnload Cannot unload cargo! Shipyard is full. 不能卸货!码头已满。
ShipCantVisit__BeingModified Ship is being modified 船只正在改装
ShipCantVisit__BeingRepaired Ship is being modified 船只正在改装
ShipCantVisit__Damaged Ship is too damaged 船只已损坏
ShipCantVisit__MovingToDock Ship is arriving to the dock. 船正在抵达码头。
ShipCantVisit__NoAccess Ship has no access 船只无权访问
ShipCantVisit__NoCrew Not enough crew 船员不够
ShipCantVisit__NoFuel Not enough fuel 燃料不够
ShipCantVisit__Ok Request our ship to visit this location 要求我们的船只行驶到这个位置
ShipCantVisit__OnWay Already present or on its way 已到达或在途中
ShipCantVisit__TooFar Location is too far 位置太远
ShipCargoDelivered__name Ship delivered cargo to {0} 船只运输货物到 {0}
ShipCargoLoaded__name Done loading cargo for {0} 完成装载要运至{0}的货物
ShipCrew Crew 船员
ShipCrew__Load Load crew 装载船员
ShipCrew__Tooltip Ship requires crew in order to operate. Crew cannot board in case the ship is damaged. 船只需要船员才能操作。如果船损坏,船员就无法登船。
ShipCrew__Unload Unload crew 卸载船员
ShipDesigner Ship designer 船舶设计师
ShipDesigner_ShipBeingRepaired Ship is being repaired! 船正在维修中!
ShipDesigner_ShipNeedsRepairs Ship has to be repaired! 船需要修理!
ShipDesignerConfirmation__Text Proceed with the modifications? 继续修改?
ShipDesignerConfirmation__Title Pending modifications 待修改
ShipFuelReduction__desc Cargo ship fuel consumption reduced by {0} 货船油耗减少 {0}
ShipFuelReduction__name Ships fuel saver 节省船舶油耗
ShipFuelSwitch__InProgress Replacement is in progress. Click to cancel. 正在进行燃料替换。点击以取消。
ShipFuelSwitch__InUse The selected fuel is already in use. 所选燃料已在使用中。
ShipFuelSwitch__MissingMaterials Materials for this modification are not available 此修改所需的材料不可用
Context English Chinese (Simplified)
ShipAutoRepair__Toggle Auto-repair 自动修复
ShipAutoRepair__Tooltip Repairs will be requested automatically whenever the ship is damaged. 每当船损坏时,将自动请求维修。
ShipAutoReturn__Toggle Automatically return home 自动回航
ShipAutoReturn__Tooltip The ship will automatically return back from the world map if it has no available locations to explore. 如果没有可供探索的地方,船只将自动从世界地图返回。
ShipCannotUnload Cannot unload cargo! Shipyard is full. 不能卸货!码头已满。
ShipCantVisit__BeingModified Ship is being modified 船只正在改装
ShipCantVisit__BeingRepaired Ship is being modified 船只正在改装
ShipCantVisit__Damaged Ship is too damaged 船只已损坏
ShipCantVisit__MovingToDock Ship is arriving to the dock. 船正在抵达码头。
ShipCantVisit__NoAccess Ship has no access 船只无权访问
ShipCantVisit__NoCrew Not enough crew 船员不够
ShipCantVisit__NoFuel Not enough fuel 燃料不够
ShipCantVisit__Ok Request our ship to visit this location 要求我们的船只行驶到这个位置
ShipCantVisit__OnWay Already present or on its way 已到达或在途中
ShipCantVisit__TooFar Location is too far 位置太远
ShipCargoDelivered__name Ship delivered cargo to {0} 船只运输货物到 {0}
ShipCargoLoaded__name Done loading cargo for {0} 完成装载要运至{0}的货物
ShipCrew Crew 船员
ShipCrew__Load Load crew 装载船员
ShipCrew__Tooltip Ship requires crew in order to operate. Crew cannot board in case the ship is damaged. 船只需要船员才能操作。如果船损坏,船员就无法登船。
ShipCrew__Unload Unload crew 卸载船员
ShipDesigner Ship designer 船舶设计师
ShipDesignerConfirmation__Text Proceed with the modifications? 继续修改?
ShipDesignerConfirmation__Title Pending modifications 待修改
ShipDesigner_ShipBeingRepaired Ship is being repaired! 船正在维修中!
ShipDesigner_ShipNeedsRepairs Ship has to be repaired! 船需要修理!
ShipFuelReduction__desc Cargo ship fuel consumption reduced by {0} 货船油耗减少 {0}
ShipFuelReduction__name Ships fuel saver 节省船舶油耗
ShipFuelSwitch__InProgress Replacement is in progress. Click to cancel. 正在进行燃料替换。点击以取消。
ShipFuelSwitch__InUse The selected fuel is already in use. 所选燃料已在使用中。


2 years ago
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Things to check


English Chinese (Simplified)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information


Example: Ship delivered cargo to oil rig

Source string comment
notification, any strings in curly braces { } must be preserved and non-translated building or machine
String age
3 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
zh_Hans.po, string 2246