
English building or machine building or machine
Context English Chinese (Simplified)
CaptainOfficeNotAvailable Captain's office is not available 船长办公室不可用
CaptainOfficeT1__name Captain's office I 船长办公室 1
CaptainOfficeT2__name Captain's office II 船长办公室 2
Cargo__DiscardTooltip Instantly remove cargo from this truck (into any available storage or shipyard) 立即卸下这辆卡车上的货物(进入任何可用的仓库或码头)
CargoDepotBase__desc Once built, a repaired cargo ship can dock here and transfer its cargo via attached cargo depot modules. 建成后,被修好的货船可在此停泊并通过相连的货运港模块转运货物。
CargoDepotHasNoModule__name Cargo depot has no module available 该货运港没有可用的模块
CargoDepotHasNoShip__name Cargo depot has no cargo ship 该货运港没有相关联的货船
CargoDepotModuleContractNotMatching__name Cargo depot module is not compatible with the assigned contract 货运港模块与指定合同不兼容
CargoDepotModuleFluidT1__name Fluid module (S) 流体模块(小)
CargoDepotModuleFluidT2__name Fluid module (M) 流体模块 (中)
CargoDepotModuleFluidT3__name Fluid module (L) 流体模块(大)
CargoDepotModuleLooseT1__name Loose module (S) 散装货模块(小)
CargoDepotModuleLooseT2__name Loose module (M) 散装货模块(中)
CargoDepotModuleLooseT3__name Loose module (L) 散装货模块(大)
CargoDepotModuleNoProductAssigned__name No product assigned to cargo module 还没有为货物模块分配产品
CargoDepotModuleUnitT1__name Unit module (S) 单位模块 (小)
CargoDepotModuleUnitT2__name Unit module (M) 单位模块 (中)
CargoDepotModuleUnitT3__name Unit module (L) 单元模块 (大)
CargoDepotName Cargo depot 货运港
CargoDepotProduct__ExportTitle Product to export 出口产品
CargoDepotProduct__ImportTitle Product to import 进口产品
CargoDepotT1__name Cargo depot (2) 货运港(2)
CargoDepotT2__name Cargo depot (4) 货运港(4)
CargoDepotT3__name Cargo depot (6) 货运港 (6)
CargoDepotT4__name Cargo depot (8) 货运港(8)
CargoDepotWizard__AssignContract Assign a contract 分配合同
CargoDepotWizard__ImportProducts Import from mine / oil rig 从矿山/石油钻井平台进口
CargoDepotWizard__Title How would you like to use this depot? 你想如何使用这个仓库?
CargoDepotWizard__Tooltip Cargo depot can be used either to import products from your mines and oil rigs or to perform a contract. Cargo depot can be assigned only to a single contract and once it is assigned, its ship will automatically perform the assigned contract given there are correct modules with correct products assigned. When cargo depot is assigned a contract it cannot perform any other duties such as importing products from mines and oil rigs. 货运港可用于从您的矿山和石油钻井平台进口产品或履行合同。货运港只能分配给一个合同,一旦分配,如果分配了正确的模块和产品,其船舶将自动执行分配的合同。当货运港被分配合同时,它不能履行任何其他职责,例如从矿山和石油钻井平台进口产品。
CargoModuleFluid__descUpgraded Cargo depot module for transferring fluid materials (such as oil). It can be built in any empty slot of a cargo depot. Unloads cargo {0} faster comparing to the basic module. 用于输送流体物料(如油)的货运港模块。它可以在货运港的任何闲置的空间中建造。与基本模块相比,可以更快的卸载货物 {0} 。
CargoModuleFluidCommon__desc Cargo depot module for transferring fluid materials (such as oil). It can be built in any empty slot of a cargo depot. 用于输送流体物料(如油)的货运港模块。可在货运港任何一个闲置的空间中建造。
Context English Chinese (Simplified)
CannotDeliverFromMineTower__name {entity}: No available place to dump products {entity}: 没有可用位置倾倒产物
CaptainOfficeNotAvailable Captain's office is not available 船长办公室不可用
CaptainOfficeT1__name Captain's office I 船长办公室 1
CaptainOfficeT2__name Captain's office II 船长办公室 2
CargoDepotBase__desc Once built, a repaired cargo ship can dock here and transfer its cargo via attached cargo depot modules. 建成后,被修好的货船可在此停泊并通过相连的货运港模块转运货物。
CargoDepotHasNoModule__name Cargo depot has no module available 该货运港没有可用的模块
CargoDepotHasNoShip__name Cargo depot has no cargo ship 该货运港没有相关联的货船
CargoDepotModuleContractNotMatching__name Cargo depot module is not compatible with the assigned contract 货运港模块与指定合同不兼容
CargoDepotModuleFluidT1__name Fluid module (S) 流体模块(小)
CargoDepotModuleFluidT2__name Fluid module (M) 流体模块 (中)
CargoDepotModuleFluidT3__name Fluid module (L) 流体模块(大)
CargoDepotModuleLooseT1__name Loose module (S) 散装货模块(小)
CargoDepotModuleLooseT2__name Loose module (M) 散装货模块(中)
CargoDepotModuleLooseT3__name Loose module (L) 散装货模块(大)
CargoDepotModuleNoProductAssigned__name No product assigned to cargo module 还没有为货物模块分配产品
CargoDepotModuleUnitT1__name Unit module (S) 单位模块 (小)
CargoDepotModuleUnitT2__name Unit module (M) 单位模块 (中)
CargoDepotModuleUnitT3__name Unit module (L) 单元模块 (大)
CargoDepotName Cargo depot 货运港
CargoDepotProduct__ExportTitle Product to export 出口产品
CargoDepotProduct__ImportTitle Product to import 进口产品
CargoDepotT1__name Cargo depot (2) 货运港(2)
CargoDepotT2__name Cargo depot (4) 货运港(4)
CargoDepotT3__name Cargo depot (6) 货运港 (6)
CargoDepotT4__name Cargo depot (8) 货运港(8)
CargoDepotWizard__AssignContract Assign a contract 分配合同
CargoDepotWizard__ImportProducts Import from mine / oil rig 从矿山/石油钻井平台进口
CargoDepotWizard__Title How would you like to use this depot? 你想如何使用这个仓库?
CargoDepotWizard__Tooltip Cargo depot can be used either to import products from your mines and oil rigs or to perform a contract. Cargo depot can be assigned only to a single contract and once it is assigned, its ship will automatically perform the assigned contract given there are correct modules with correct products assigned. When cargo depot is assigned a contract it cannot perform any other duties such as importing products from mines and oil rigs. 货运港可用于从您的矿山和石油钻井平台进口产品或履行合同。货运港只能分配给一个合同,一旦分配,如果分配了正确的模块和产品,其船舶将自动执行分配的合同。当货运港被分配合同时,它不能履行任何其他职责,例如从矿山和石油钻井平台进口产品。
CargoModuleFluidCommon__desc Cargo depot module for transferring fluid materials (such as oil). It can be built in any empty slot of a cargo depot. 用于输送流体物料(如油)的货运港模块。可在货运港任何一个闲置的空间中建造。


2 years ago
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English Chinese (Simplified)
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String information

Source string comment
building or machine building or machine
String age
2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
zh_Hans.po, string 222