
English title for population title for population
Context English Chinese (Simplified)
Pollution Pollution 污染
PolymerizationPlant__name Polymerization plant 聚合装置
PopGrowth Population growth 人口增长
PopsBoostT1__desc Pops growth increased by {0} 人口增长了 {0}
PopsBoostT1__name Growth boost 增长推助
PopsCannotWork__Quarantine In quarantine 隔离中
PopsCannotWork__Starving Starving 挨饿中
PopsCannotWorkTitle Some pops can't work 有些人不能工作
PopsEviction__desc Every month, {0} of the population will have to pack their things and leave the island 每个月,{0}的人口会提桶跑路
PopsEviction__name Eviction 驱逐
PopsQuarantine__desc Quarantines {0} of the total workforce to reduce effects of any ongoing disease by {1}. 隔离总劳动力的 {0},使得任何持续疾病的影响降低 {1}。
PopsQuarantine__name Quarantine 隔离
PopsStarvedToDeath__name {0} pops died of starvation! {0} 个人饿死了!
PopsStarving__name People are starving! 人们在挨饿!
PopsToAdoptNotAvailable No people to adopt 没有人可接管
Population Population 人口
PopulationGrowth__Title Growth 增长
PopulationGrowth__Tooltip Population can grow in size if there are good conditions and enough housing. Growth can be reduced by diseases and pollution. 如果有良好的条件和足够的住房,人口会增长。疾病和污染会减缓增长。
PopulationOverview__OpenAction Open population overview 打开人口概览
PopulationOverview__Title Population overview 人口概览
Power Power 电力
PowerGenerationPriorityTooltip Priority for electricity generation. In case there is extra power, a generator with higher priority (a lower number) will generate power while the ones with lower priority will be on standby. 发电优先级。如果电力有冗余,优先级高(数字小)的发电机将发电,而优先级低的发电机将处于待机状态。
PowerGenerator__AutoScalingTooltip Power production is automatically scaled based on current demand. Electricity that is not needed is not generated. Note that production efficiency might be lower when the generator is not running on 100% capacity. 电力生产根据当前需求自动调整。不会产生不需要的电力。请注意,若发电机未以 100% 的载荷运行时,生产效率可能会降低。
PowerGenerator__Utilization Utilization: {0} 利用率: {0}
PowerGeneratorT1__desc Converts mechanical power to electricity. The slower it spins the lower its efficiency is. 将机械能转化为电能。旋转的越慢,效率就越低。
PowerGeneratorT1__name Power generator 发电机
PowerGeneratorT2__desc Optimized power generator with lower friction and better efficiency. The slower it spins the lower its efficiency is. 优化的发电机,摩擦更少,效率更高。它旋转得越慢,效率就越低。
PowerGeneratorT2__name Power generator (large) 发电机(大)
PowerNeed__name Electricity
PowerSetting__ConsumeAlways Always consume 需要一直用电
PowerSetting__ConsumeIfCan Consume if can 有电的时候用电
Context English Chinese (Simplified)
Pollution Pollution 污染
PolymerizationPlant__name Polymerization plant 聚合装置
PopGrowth Population growth 人口增长
PopsBoostT1__desc Pops growth increased by {0} 人口增长了 {0}
PopsBoostT1__name Growth boost 增长推助
PopsCannotWorkTitle Some pops can't work 有些人不能工作
PopsCannotWork__Quarantine In quarantine 隔离中
PopsCannotWork__Starving Starving 挨饿中
PopsEviction__desc Every month, {0} of the population will have to pack their things and leave the island 每个月,{0}的人口会提桶跑路
PopsEviction__name Eviction 驱逐
PopsQuarantine__desc Quarantines {0} of the total workforce to reduce effects of any ongoing disease by {1}. 隔离总劳动力的 {0},使得任何持续疾病的影响降低 {1}。
PopsQuarantine__name Quarantine 隔离
PopsStarvedToDeath__name {0} pops died of starvation! {0} 个人饿死了!
PopsStarving__name People are starving! 人们在挨饿!
PopsToAdoptNotAvailable No people to adopt 没有人可接管
Population Population 人口
PopulationGrowth__Title Growth 增长
PopulationGrowth__Tooltip Population can grow in size if there are good conditions and enough housing. Growth can be reduced by diseases and pollution. 如果有良好的条件和足够的住房,人口会增长。疾病和污染会减缓增长。
PopulationOverview__OpenAction Open population overview 打开人口概览
PopulationOverview__Title Population overview 人口概览
Power Power 电力
PowerGenerationPriorityTooltip Priority for electricity generation. In case there is extra power, a generator with higher priority (a lower number) will generate power while the ones with lower priority will be on standby. 发电优先级。如果电力有冗余,优先级高(数字小)的发电机将发电,而优先级低的发电机将处于待机状态。
PowerGeneratorT1__desc Converts mechanical power to electricity. The slower it spins the lower its efficiency is. 将机械能转化为电能。旋转的越慢,效率就越低。
PowerGeneratorT1__name Power generator 发电机
PowerGeneratorT2__desc Optimized power generator with lower friction and better efficiency. The slower it spins the lower its efficiency is. 优化的发电机,摩擦更少,效率更高。它旋转得越慢,效率就越低。
PowerGeneratorT2__name Power generator (large) 发电机(大)
PowerGenerator__AutoScalingTooltip Power production is automatically scaled based on current demand. Electricity that is not needed is not generated. Note that production efficiency might be lower when the generator is not running on 100% capacity. 电力生产根据当前需求自动调整。不会产生不需要的电力。请注意,若发电机未以 100% 的载荷运行时,生产效率可能会降低。
PowerGenerator__Utilization Utilization: {0} 利用率: {0}
PowerNeed__name Electricity
PowerSetting__ConsumeAlways Always consume 需要一直用电


2 years ago
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English Chinese (Simplified)
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title for population title for population
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2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
zh_Hans.po, string 1590