List of all the world map locations that are scheduled for repair or upgrade. After you request materials to be loaded, the trucks will fetch all the required products to the shipyard and the shipyard will load them onto the ship. Once all the required materials are loaded, you can send your ship to deliver the cargo to the location so the construction can begin.
Onarım veya yükseltme için planlanan tüm dünya haritası konumlarının listesi. Malzemelerin yüklenmesini talep ettikten sonra, kamyonlar gerekli tüm ürünleri tersaneye getirecek ve tersane bunları gemiye yükleyecektir. Gerekli tüm malzemeler yüklendikten sonra, inşaatın başlayabilmesi için geminizi kargoyu konuma teslim etmesi için gönderebilirsiniz.
List of all the world map locations that are scheduled for repair or upgrade. After you request materials to be loaded, the trucks will fetch all the required products to the shipyard and the shipyard will load them onto the ship. Once all the required materials are loaded, you can send your ship to deliver the cargo to the location so the construction can begin.
List of all the world map locations that are scheduled for repair or upgrade. After you request materials to be loaded, the trucks will fetch all the required products to the shipyard and the shipyard will load them onto the ship. Once all the required materials are loaded, you can send your ship to deliver the cargo to the location so the construction can beginOnarım veya yükseltme gereken tüm dünya haritası konumlarının listesi. Malların yüklenmesini başlattığınızda, kamyonlar gerekli tüm malzemeleri tersaneye getirmeye başlar ve tersane de bunları gemiye yükler. Gerekli tüm malzemeler yüklendikten sonra, onarım veya yükseltmenin başlayabilmesi için geminizi ilgili konuma teslimat için yollamalısınız.
List of all the world map locations that are scheduled for repair or upgrade. After you request materials to be loaded, the trucks will fetch all the required products to the shipyard and the shipyard will load them onto the ship. Once all the required materials are loaded, you can send your ship to deliver the cargo to the location so the construction can begin.
List of all the world map locations that are scheduled for repair or upgrade. After you request materials to be loaded, the trucks will fetch all the required products to the shipyard and the shipyard will load them onto the ship. Once all the required materials are loaded, you can send your ship to deliver the cargo to the location so the construction can begin.