
English building or machine building or machine
Context English Swedish
FpsLimitOption__VSync1 VSync
FpsLimitOption__VSync1Tooltip Synchronize with screen refresh rate
FpsLimitOption__VSync2 VSync x2
FpsLimitOption__VSync2Tooltip Synchronize with screen, every other frame
Fuel Fuel Bränsle
FuelAvailable Fuel available Bränsle tillgängligt
FuelForShip__Title Fuel for ship Bränsle för fartyg
FuelForShip__Tooltip Move the left green slider to the right to make this building transfer the stored fuel into the ship. This building will also request trucks to keep its storage filled up to the green marker. Flytta den vänstra gröna reglaget till höger för att låta denna byggnad att överföra det lagrade bränslet till fartyget. Denna byggnad kommer också att begära lastbilar att hålla sitt förråd fylld upp till den gröna markören.
FuelPerJourneySuffix per a single journey för en enda resa
FuelReduction__desc Vehicles fuel consumption reduced by {0} Minskar fordons bränsleförbrukning med {0}
FuelReduction__name Vehicles fuel saver Bränslebesparare
FuelStationHydrogenT1__name Hydrogen fuel station
FuelStationNotConnected__name {entity} has no fuel pipe connected {entity} har inget bränslerör anslutet
FuelStationOutOfFuel__name {entity} is out of fuel {entity} har slut på bränsle
FuelStationT1__desc Trucks assigned to a fuel station will automatically refuel excavators and tree harvesters at their working site so they don't waste their time going for fuel on their own. Tilldelade lastbilar kommer automatiskt att tanka grävmaskiner på sina gruvplatser så att ingen gruvtid går till spillo.
FuelStationT1__name Fuel station Bensinstation
FuelStationT2__desc Provides increased storage and refueling rate compared to the previous tier. Tilldelade lastbilar kommer automatiskt att tanka grävmaskiner på sina gruv-platser så att ingen gruv-tid går till spillo. Ger ökad förråd- och tankningshastighet jämfört med föregående nivå.
FuelStationT2__name Fuel station II Bensinstation II
FuelStationT3__name Fuel station III Bensinstation III
FuelTank_Title Fuel tank Bränsletank
FuelTankT1__name Extra fuel tank Extra bränsletank
Game__Title Game
GameDiff__BaseHealthDiff Base health
GameDiff__BaseHealthDiff_Tooltip Affects the baseline health of your population.
GameDiff__ComputingLow Consumer out of computing
GameDiff__ConstructionCostsDiff Construction costs
GameDiff__ConstructionCostsDiff_Tooltip Affects construction costs of entities such as machines, building, vehicles.
GameDiff__ConsumerBroken Consumer out of maintenance
GameDiff__DeconstructionRefund Deconstruction refund
GameDiff__DeconstructionRefund_Tooltip Affects how much material is returned back when deconstructing buildings, machines and vehicles.
GameDiff__DiseaseMortalityDiff Disease mortality rate
Context English Swedish
FpsLimitOption__VSync1 VSync
FpsLimitOption__VSync1Tooltip Synchronize with screen refresh rate
FpsLimitOption__VSync2 VSync x2
FpsLimitOption__VSync2Tooltip Synchronize with screen, every other frame
Fuel Fuel Bränsle
FuelAvailable Fuel available Bränsle tillgängligt
FuelForShip__Title Fuel for ship Bränsle för fartyg
FuelForShip__Tooltip Move the left green slider to the right to make this building transfer the stored fuel into the ship. This building will also request trucks to keep its storage filled up to the green marker. Flytta den vänstra gröna reglaget till höger för att låta denna byggnad att överföra det lagrade bränslet till fartyget. Denna byggnad kommer också att begära lastbilar att hålla sitt förråd fylld upp till den gröna markören.
FuelPerJourneySuffix per a single journey för en enda resa
FuelReduction__desc Vehicles fuel consumption reduced by {0} Minskar fordons bränsleförbrukning med {0}
FuelReduction__name Vehicles fuel saver Bränslebesparare
FuelStationHydrogenT1__name Hydrogen fuel station
FuelStationNotConnected__name {entity} has no fuel pipe connected {entity} har inget bränslerör anslutet
FuelStationOutOfFuel__name {entity} is out of fuel {entity} har slut på bränsle
FuelStationT1__desc Trucks assigned to a fuel station will automatically refuel excavators and tree harvesters at their working site so they don't waste their time going for fuel on their own. Tilldelade lastbilar kommer automatiskt att tanka grävmaskiner på sina gruvplatser så att ingen gruvtid går till spillo.
FuelStationT1__name Fuel station Bensinstation
FuelStationT2__desc Provides increased storage and refueling rate compared to the previous tier. Tilldelade lastbilar kommer automatiskt att tanka grävmaskiner på sina gruv-platser så att ingen gruv-tid går till spillo. Ger ökad förråd- och tankningshastighet jämfört med föregående nivå.
FuelStationT2__name Fuel station II Bensinstation II
FuelStationT3__name Fuel station III Bensinstation III
FuelTankT1__name Extra fuel tank Extra bränsletank
FuelTank_Title Fuel tank Bränsletank
GameDifficulty__AdmiralDescription A tough challenge with unforgiving mechanics for experienced Captains
GameDifficulty__AdmiralExplanation For experienced players only Endast för erfarna spelare
GameDifficulty__AdmiralTitle Admiral Amiral
GameDifficulty__CustomTitle Custom Anpassning
GameDifficulty__EasyDescription Additional bonuses and mechanics make this highly recommended for new players
GameDifficulty__EasyExplanation For players who want a smooth sail För spelare som vill ha ett enklare spel
GameDifficulty__EasyTitle Sailor Sjöman
GameDifficulty__NormalDescription An experience that balances consumption and production for more challenge
GameDifficulty__NormalExplanation For players who seek some adventure För spelare som söker lite äventyr
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated Captain of Industry/Game
The following strings have different contexts, but the same source.
Empty Captain of Industry/Game
Translated Captain of Industry/Game


User avatar Febejo

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Captain of Industry / GameSwedish

3 years ago
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English Swedish
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building or machine building or machine
String age
3 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
sv.po, string 760