
English title of a tool that is used to copy settings from one machine to another. Please keep this short! title of a tool that is used to copy already existing buildings and machines. Please keep this very short!
Context English Swedish
ChangeHistory__ConfirmPrompt Once applied, you won't be able to change these options again for {0} (in-game):
ChangeHistory__ConfirmTitle Are you sure?
ChangeHistory__EmptyLabel No difficulty setting changes found
ChangeHistory__Title Change history ({0})
CharactersCount {0} char
CharcoalMaker__desc Uses wood to create coal but it is quite inefficient. Använder trä för att skapa kol men är ganska ineffektivt.
CharcoalMaker__name Coal maker Kolugn
ChemicalPlant__desc Performs variety of chemical recipes including processing of fluids and their packaging. Utför allmän kemisk produktion.
ChemicalPlant__name Chemical plant Kemisk fabrik
ChemicalPlant2__name Chemical plant II Kemisk anläggning II
ChickenFarm__desc Enables to raise chickens for eggs and meat. Chickens need to be provided with water and animal feed. To obtain some chickens you can trade with a village on the world map.
ChickenFarm__name Chicken farm Hönsfarm
ClearSurface__Title Remove surface
ClearSurface__Tooltip Designates an area of surface to be removed by trucks.
ClickToLearnMore {0} to learn more
CloneTool Copy settings Klona
Close Close
CloudyWeather__name Cloudy Molnigt
CoalMine__name Coal mine Kolgruva
Cobblestone_TerrainSurface__name Cobblestone
COIHub Community Hub
Cold__desc This disease happens naturally and cannot be completely avoided. However the impact of it can be significantly reduced by having a hospital provided with medical supplies.
Cold__name Cold
Collect Collect
Collected Collected
Compactor__desc Presses loose items into compact units for easier transportation. A shredder can be used to restore compacted products back to their uncompacted state.
Compactor__name Compactor
Computing__PFlop {0} PFlops {0} PFlops
Computing__PFlop_short {0} PF
Computing__TFlop {0} TFlops {0} TFlops
Computing__TFlop_short {0} TF
Context English Swedish
ChangeHistory__ConfirmPrompt Once applied, you won't be able to change these options again for {0} (in-game):
ChangeHistory__ConfirmTitle Are you sure?
ChangeHistory__EmptyLabel No difficulty setting changes found
ChangeHistory__Title Change history ({0})
CharactersCount {0} char
CharcoalMaker__desc Uses wood to create coal but it is quite inefficient. Använder trä för att skapa kol men är ganska ineffektivt.
CharcoalMaker__name Coal maker Kolugn
ChemicalPlant2__name Chemical plant II Kemisk anläggning II
ChemicalPlant__desc Performs variety of chemical recipes including processing of fluids and their packaging. Utför allmän kemisk produktion.
ChemicalPlant__name Chemical plant Kemisk fabrik
ChickenFarm__desc Enables to raise chickens for eggs and meat. Chickens need to be provided with water and animal feed. To obtain some chickens you can trade with a village on the world map.
ChickenFarm__name Chicken farm Hönsfarm
ClearSurface__Title Remove surface
ClearSurface__Tooltip Designates an area of surface to be removed by trucks.
ClickToLearnMore {0} to learn more
CloneTool Copy settings Klona
Close Close
CloudyWeather__name Cloudy Molnigt
CoalMine__name Coal mine Kolgruva
Cobblestone_TerrainSurface__name Cobblestone
COIHub Community Hub
Cold__desc This disease happens naturally and cannot be completely avoided. However the impact of it can be significantly reduced by having a hospital provided with medical supplies.
Cold__name Cold
Collect Collect
Collected Collected
Compactor__desc Presses loose items into compact units for easier transportation. A shredder can be used to restore compacted products back to their uncompacted state.
Compactor__name Compactor
ComputingDisplayTooltip current demand / current production | Max production capacity
ComputingStats Computing statistics
Computing__PFlop {0} PFlops {0} PFlops
User avatar Proxyles

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3 months ago
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2 years ago


User avatar Proxyles

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Captain of Industry / GameSwedish

3 months ago
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Captain of Industry / GameSwedish

2 years ago
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Captain of Industry / GameSwedish

2 years ago
User avatar Febejo

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Captain of Industry / GameSwedish

3 years ago
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English Swedish
copy kopiera Glossary

String information

Source string comment
title of a tool that is used to copy settings from one machine to another. Please keep this short! title of a tool that is used to copy already existing buildings and machines. Please keep this very short!
String age
3 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
sv.po, string 286