You can use your ship to explore the world map. You can find loot, refugees, oil rigsdiscover supplies to bring back to your island, other settlements to trade with, world mines to exploit, and more.
You can use your ship to explore the world map. You can discover supplies to bring back to your island, other settlements to trade with, world mines to exploit, and more.
Du kan använda ditt skepp för att utforska världskartan. Du kan hitta byskatter, flyktingar, oljeriggar och mer.
You can use your ship to explore the world map. You can discover supplies to bring back to your island, other settlements to trade with, world mines to exploit, and more.
Du kan använda ditt skepp för att utforska världskartan. Du kan hitta byte, flyktingar, oljeriggar och mer.
find loot, refugees, oil rigsdiscover supplies to bring back to your island, other settlements to trade with, world mines to exploit, and more.