
English label for a volume slider that controls a group of effects volumes such as user interface, entities, etc. label for a volume slider that controls a group of effects volumes such as user interface, entities, etc.
Context English Swedish
AssignedTo assigned to {0} tilldelad till {0}
AssignedTreeHarvesters__ForestryTower_Title Assigned tree harvesters will automatically harvest trees in all the forestry designations managed by this tower. Unassigned harvesters will work here as long as there is no harvester assigned.
AssignedTreeHarvesters__Title Assigned tree harvesters
AssignedTreePlanters__ForestryTower_Title Assigned tree planters will automatically plant saplings in all the forestry designations managed by this tower. Unassigned planters will work here as long as there is no planter assigned.
AssignedTreePlanters__Title Assigned tree planters
AssignedTrucks__Building_Tooltip Assigned vehicles will be allocated to transfer cargo exclusively for this building. This means that anytime an assigned vehicle performs a delivery this building has to be either source or destination of the cargo. This can be combined with routes assignment to form dedicated supply lines. Tilldelade fordon kommer att tilldelas för att överföra last exklusivt för denna byggnad. Detta innebär att varje gång ett tilldelat fordon utför en leverans måste denna byggnad vara antingen källan eller destinationen för lasten. Detta kan kombineras med rutt tilldelning för att bilda dedikerade försörjningslinjer.
AssignedTrucks__FuelStation_Tooltip Assigned trucks will automatically refuel all the nearby excavators and tree harvesters. Tilldelade lastbilar tankar automatiskt alla närliggande grävmaskiner och trädskördare.
AssignedTrucks__MineTower_Tooltip Assigned trucks will automatically serve all the excavators assigned to this tower. Tilldelade lastbilar kommer automatiskt att betjäna alla grävmaskiner som tilldelats detta torn.
AssignedTrucks__Title Assigned trucks Tilldelade lastbilar
AssignedTrucks__TreeHarvester_Tooltip Assigned trucks will follow this harvester which will load them with wood. Trucks will deliver the wood to the factory and return back to the harvester. Tilldelade lastbilar följer denna skördare som lastar dem med trä. Lastbilar levererar virket till fabriken och återvänder till skördaren.
AssignedTrucksEnforce__Title Accept assigned only Endast tilldelade
AssignedTrucksEnforce__Tooltip When enabled, only the assigned vehicles below will be allowed to collect or deliver cargo here. När aktiverad, så kommer enbart nedanstående fordon tillåtas att hämta eller leverara gods här.
AssignVehicleBtn__NotAvailable There are no available vehicles of this type
AssignVehicleBtn__Tooltip Click to assign this type of vehicle
AudioEffectsVolume__Ambient Ambient sounds (e.g. weather) Omgivande ljud (t.ex. väder)
AudioEffectsVolume__EffectsGroup Effects volume Effekt volym
AudioEffectsVolume__Entities Entities (e.g. machines, vehicles) Enheter (t.ex. maskiner, fordon)
AudioEffectsVolume__Master Master volume Mastervolym
AudioEffectsVolume__Music Music volume Musik volym
AudioEffectsVolume__UI User interface Användargränssnitt
AudioSettings_Title Audio Audio
Autosave__Interval Autosave interval Autospara intervall
Autosave__Interval_Minutes Every {0} minute Varje {0} minut
AvailableToAssign Available to assign Tillgänglig för tilldelning
AverageProduction Avg. production Snitt produktion
AvgDamage Avg. damage Snitt skada
BackgroundFpsLimitRenderingSetting__Name FPS limit in background
BakingUnit__desc Bakes organic products such as bread. Bakar livsmedel exempelvis bröd.
BakingUnit__name Baking unit Bakugn
Balance_LatestTransactions Latest transactions
BalancerPrioritization__Title Prioritization Prioritering
Context English Swedish
AssignedTo assigned to {0} tilldelad till {0}
AssignedTreeHarvesters__ForestryTower_Title Assigned tree harvesters will automatically harvest trees in all the forestry designations managed by this tower. Unassigned harvesters will work here as long as there is no harvester assigned.
AssignedTreeHarvesters__Title Assigned tree harvesters
AssignedTreePlanters__ForestryTower_Title Assigned tree planters will automatically plant saplings in all the forestry designations managed by this tower. Unassigned planters will work here as long as there is no planter assigned.
AssignedTreePlanters__Title Assigned tree planters
AssignedTrucksEnforce__Title Accept assigned only Endast tilldelade
AssignedTrucksEnforce__Tooltip When enabled, only the assigned vehicles below will be allowed to collect or deliver cargo here. När aktiverad, så kommer enbart nedanstående fordon tillåtas att hämta eller leverara gods här.
AssignedTrucks__Building_Tooltip Assigned vehicles will be allocated to transfer cargo exclusively for this building. This means that anytime an assigned vehicle performs a delivery this building has to be either source or destination of the cargo. This can be combined with routes assignment to form dedicated supply lines. Tilldelade fordon kommer att tilldelas för att överföra last exklusivt för denna byggnad. Detta innebär att varje gång ett tilldelat fordon utför en leverans måste denna byggnad vara antingen källan eller destinationen för lasten. Detta kan kombineras med rutt tilldelning för att bilda dedikerade försörjningslinjer.
AssignedTrucks__FuelStation_Tooltip Assigned trucks will automatically refuel all the nearby excavators and tree harvesters. Tilldelade lastbilar tankar automatiskt alla närliggande grävmaskiner och trädskördare.
AssignedTrucks__MineTower_Tooltip Assigned trucks will automatically serve all the excavators assigned to this tower. Tilldelade lastbilar kommer automatiskt att betjäna alla grävmaskiner som tilldelats detta torn.
AssignedTrucks__Title Assigned trucks Tilldelade lastbilar
AssignedTrucks__TreeHarvester_Tooltip Assigned trucks will follow this harvester which will load them with wood. Trucks will deliver the wood to the factory and return back to the harvester. Tilldelade lastbilar följer denna skördare som lastar dem med trä. Lastbilar levererar virket till fabriken och återvänder till skördaren.
AssignVehicleBtn__NotAvailable There are no available vehicles of this type
AssignVehicleBtn__Tooltip Click to assign this type of vehicle
AudioEffectsVolume__Ambient Ambient sounds (e.g. weather) Omgivande ljud (t.ex. väder)
AudioEffectsVolume__EffectsGroup Effects volume Effekt volym
AudioEffectsVolume__Entities Entities (e.g. machines, vehicles) Enheter (t.ex. maskiner, fordon)
AudioEffectsVolume__Master Master volume Mastervolym
AudioEffectsVolume__Music Music volume Musik volym
AudioEffectsVolume__UI User interface Användargränssnitt
AudioSettings_Title Audio Audio
Autosave__Interval Autosave interval Autospara intervall
Autosave__Interval_Minutes Every {0} minute Varje {0} minut
AvailableToAssign Available to assign Tillgänglig för tilldelning
AverageProduction Avg. production Snitt produktion
AvgDamage Avg. damage Snitt skada
BackgroundFpsLimitRenderingSetting__Name FPS limit in background
BakingUnit__desc Bakes organic products such as bread. Bakar livsmedel exempelvis bröd.
BakingUnit__name Baking unit Bakugn
BalancerPrioritization__Title Prioritization Prioritering


User avatar Febejo

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Captain of Industry / GameSwedish

2 years ago
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Captain of Industry / GameSwedish

3 years ago
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Captain of Industry / GameSwedish

3 years ago
User avatar Ostens

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Captain of Industry / GameSwedish

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There are 6 variants of this string.



English Swedish
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String information

Source string comment
label for a volume slider that controls a group of effects volumes such as user interface, entities, etc. label for a volume slider that controls a group of effects volumes such as user interface, entities, etc.
String age
3 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
sv.po, string 105