
English title of a water storage buffer in a launch pad, this water is used during launch to suppress vibrations and strong sound waves.
Context English Swedish
LabStatus__MissingInput Missing input products
landmarksCategory__name Landmarks & decorations
LandWaterPump__desc Pumps water from the ground deposit which is replenished during rain. Has to be built on top of a groundwater deposit. Pumpar vatten från marken som fylls på medans det regnar.
LandWaterPump__name Groundwater pump Grundvattenpump
Language Language Språk
LastDelta Last month change: {0} Ändring förra månaden: {0}
LastMonthUnityChanges__Title Last month changes Förra månads förändringar
LastMonthUnityChanges__Tooltip Summary of ongoing Unity gains and spendings from the last month. This does not contain one-time actions or income from settlement services. Sammanfattning av pågående Enhetsvinster och utgifter från den senaste månaden. Detta innehåller inte engångsåtgärder eller inkomster från bosättningstjänster.
Launches__Detail Launches
LaunchPad_FuelTitle Fuel in rocket
LaunchPad_Launch__AutoStart Auto-launch when ready
LaunchPad_Launch__LiftOff Lift off!
LaunchPad_Launch__Start Start launch countdown!
LaunchPad_Launch__Title Launch control
LaunchPad_UnityPerLaunch Unity per launch
LaunchPad_WaterBufferTitle Sound suppression
Layers Layers Skikten
LiftFlat__desc Allows raising or lowering units of solid products vertically.
LiftFlat__name Flat lift
LiftLoose__desc Allows raising or lowering loose products vertically.
LiftLoose__name Loose lift
LimestoneMine__name Limestone quarry
Load_Action Load Starta
Load_Title Load game Starta spel
LoadDisabled__Corrupted Can't read this file!
LoadDisabled__Error Error opening the save file and reading its metadata. Try to restart the game. In case the issue persists, inspect logs for more information.
LoadDisabled__ModsMissing At least one mod that is required by the current save file is not installed. Install the missing mod or disable it to try run the game without it.
LoadDisabled__ModsNotEnabled Mod loading is disabled, you need to enable mods in {0} or disable all the mods required by this save file.
LoadInProgress Loading ...
Loan_Borrow__Action Borrow
Loan_Borrow__Tooltip Click to accept this loan.
Context English Swedish
LabStatus__MissingInput Missing input products
landmarksCategory__name Landmarks & decorations
LandWaterPump__desc Pumps water from the ground deposit which is replenished during rain. Has to be built on top of a groundwater deposit. Pumpar vatten från marken som fylls på medans det regnar.
LandWaterPump__name Groundwater pump Grundvattenpump
Language Language Språk
LastDelta Last month change: {0} Ändring förra månaden: {0}
LastMonthUnityChanges__Title Last month changes Förra månads förändringar
LastMonthUnityChanges__Tooltip Summary of ongoing Unity gains and spendings from the last month. This does not contain one-time actions or income from settlement services. Sammanfattning av pågående Enhetsvinster och utgifter från den senaste månaden. Detta innehåller inte engångsåtgärder eller inkomster från bosättningstjänster.
Launches__Detail Launches
LaunchPad_FuelTitle Fuel in rocket
LaunchPad_Launch__AutoStart Auto-launch when ready
LaunchPad_Launch__LiftOff Lift off!
LaunchPad_Launch__Start Start launch countdown!
LaunchPad_Launch__Title Launch control
LaunchPad_UnityPerLaunch Unity per launch
LaunchPad_WaterBufferTitle Sound suppression
Layers Layers Skikten
LiftFlat__desc Allows raising or lowering units of solid products vertically.
LiftFlat__name Flat lift
LiftLoose__desc Allows raising or lowering loose products vertically.
LiftLoose__name Loose lift
LimestoneMine__name Limestone quarry
LoadDisabled__Corrupted Can't read this file!
LoadDisabled__Error Error opening the save file and reading its metadata. Try to restart the game. In case the issue persists, inspect logs for more information.
LoadDisabled__ModsMissing At least one mod that is required by the current save file is not installed. Install the missing mod or disable it to try run the game without it.
LoadDisabled__ModsNotEnabled Mod loading is disabled, you need to enable mods in {0} or disable all the mods required by this save file.
LoadInProgress Loading ...
Load_Action Load Starta
Load_Title Load game Starta spel
LoanPaymentDelayed__name Loan payment is overdue ({0})


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English Swedish
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String information

Source string comment
title of a water storage buffer in a launch pad, this water is used during launch to suppress vibrations and strong sound waves.
String age
2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
sv.po, string 1180