
English list of vehicles assigned to buildings - fuel station, storage
Context English Swedish
VehicleJob__InvalidState Invalid state
VehicleJob__Loading Loading cargo
VehicleJob__Navigating Navigating
VehicleJob__ProcessingSurface Processing surface
VehicleJob__SearchingForDesignation Searching for a valid terrain designation
VehicleJob__Unloading Unloading cargo
VehicleLimitIncrease +{0} VEHICLE CAP +{0} FORDON KAPACITET
VehicleLimitReached Vehicle limit reached!
VehicleNoFuel__name {entity} has no fuel {entity} har inget bränsle
VehicleNoReachableDesignations__name {entity} has no reachable terrain designations
VehicleRamp__desc Allows vehicles to cross obstacles such as transports. Tillåter fordon att korsa låga hinder som transporter. Det är en intressant teknik.
VehicleRamp__name Vehicle ramp (small) Fordonsramp
VehicleRamp2__name Vehicle ramp (medium)
VehicleRamp3__name Vehicle ramp (large)
VehicleRole__TreeHarvesting Tree harvesting träskärning
VehiclesAssignedToBuildings Assigned to buildings
VehiclesAssignedToMining Assigned to mining operations Tilldelad till gruvdrifter
VehiclesAssignedToTreeHarvesting Assigned to tree harvesting
VehiclesDepot__desc Allows building vehicles such as trucks and excavators. Tillåter att bygga fordon som lastbilar och grävmaskiner.
VehiclesDepot__name Vehicles depot Fordonsdepå
VehiclesDepotT2__name Vehicles depot II
VehiclesDepotT3__name Vehicles depot III
VehiclesLimit__Tooltip Number of vehicles owned / limit of vehicles. The limit can be increased via research.
VehiclesMaintenance Vehicles maintenance
VehiclesManagement Vehicles management Fordonshantering
VehiclesManagement__Drivers {0} driver {0} förare
VehiclesManagement__IdleCount idle: {0} ledig: {0}
Version Version: {0}
VideoSettings_Title Video Video
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WarningLowDiesel__name Low diesel! Låg diesel!
Context English Swedish
VehicleJob__InvalidState Invalid state
VehicleJob__Loading Loading cargo
VehicleJob__Navigating Navigating
VehicleJob__ProcessingSurface Processing surface
VehicleJob__SearchingForDesignation Searching for a valid terrain designation
VehicleJob__Unloading Unloading cargo
VehicleLimitIncrease +{0} VEHICLE CAP +{0} FORDON KAPACITET
VehicleLimitReached Vehicle limit reached!
VehicleNoFuel__name {entity} has no fuel {entity} har inget bränsle
VehicleNoReachableDesignations__name {entity} has no reachable terrain designations
VehicleRamp2__name Vehicle ramp (medium)
VehicleRamp3__name Vehicle ramp (large)
VehicleRamp__desc Allows vehicles to cross obstacles such as transports. Tillåter fordon att korsa låga hinder som transporter. Det är en intressant teknik.
VehicleRamp__name Vehicle ramp (small) Fordonsramp
VehicleRole__TreeHarvesting Tree harvesting träskärning
VehiclesAssignedToBuildings Assigned to buildings
VehiclesAssignedToMining Assigned to mining operations Tilldelad till gruvdrifter
VehiclesAssignedToTreeHarvesting Assigned to tree harvesting
VehiclesDepotT2__name Vehicles depot II
VehiclesDepotT3__name Vehicles depot III
VehiclesDepot__desc Allows building vehicles such as trucks and excavators. Tillåter att bygga fordon som lastbilar och grävmaskiner.
VehiclesDepot__name Vehicles depot Fordonsdepå
VehiclesLimit__Tooltip Number of vehicles owned / limit of vehicles. The limit can be increased via research.
VehiclesMaintenance Vehicles maintenance
VehiclesManagement Vehicles management Fordonshantering
VehiclesManagement__Drivers {0} driver {0} förare
VehiclesManagement__IdleCount idle: {0} ledig: {0}
Version Version: {0}
VideoSettings_Title Video Video
WaitingForKeyPress press now


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English Swedish
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Source string comment
list of vehicles assigned to buildings - fuel station, storage
String age
a year ago
Source string age
a year ago
Translation file
sv.po, string 2899