
English title for window mode (options are: Fullscreen, Borderless, Windowed) title for window mode (options are: Fullscreen, Borderless, Windowed)
Context English Korean
WasteSortingPlant__name Waste sorting plant 폐기물 선별 시설
WaterChiller__name Water chiller 물 냉각 시설
WaterCollected Water collected 모아진 물
WaterConsumptionReduction__desc Reduces water consumed in settlements and farms by {0} 정착지와 농장에서 소비되는 물을 {0}만큼 줄입니다
WaterConsumptionReduction__name Water saver 물 절약
WaterNeed__name Water
WaterTreatmentPlant__desc Converts not so nice water to nice water. Just don't tell this to the people who drink it. 좋지 않은 물을 좋은 물로 바꿔줍니다. 이걸 마시는 사람들에게만 말하지 마세요.
WaterTreatmentPlant__name Wastewater treatment 폐수 처리 시설
WaterWell__desc This station can extract fresh water. 이 건물은 담수를 추출할 수 있습니다.
WaterWell__name Groundwater well 지하수 우물
WeatherOption_Dry Dry 건조함
WeatherOption_LessDry Less dry 건조하지 않음
WindowMode__Option_Borderless Borderless 테두리 없는 창
WindowMode__Option_Fullscreen Fullscreen 전체 화면
WindowMode__Option_Windowed Windowed 창 모드
WindowMode__Title Window mode 게임 화면 모드
WindowsShortcuts Windows shortcuts 각종 화면 바로가기
Workers__Available available 쉬는 중
Workers__Needed needed 필요
WorkersAvailable__Tooltip The number of workers available. To get more workers increase your population. You can do so by building a beacon, explore the world map or apply edicts. 현재 쉬고 있는 노동자의 수입니다. 더 많은 노동자를 얻으려면 인구를 늘려야 합니다. 등대를 세우거나 세계 지도를 탐험하거나 칙령을 세워 늘릴 수 있습니다.
WorkersDemand Workers demand 노동자 요구
WorldCargo__Title Available to pick up 픽업 가능
WorldEntityRepaired__name {0} was fully repaired {0} 이 완전히 수리되었습니다
WorldLocation__BeingExplored_Title Exploration in progress! 탐색이 진행 중입니다!
WorldLocation__Explored_Desc This was already explored. 이곳은 이미 탐색되었습니다.
WorldLocation__Explored_Title Fully explored 완전히 탐색됨
WorldLocation__Home_Desc This is our home island! 이곳이 우리의 섬입니다!
WorldLocation__Home_Title Home island 우리의 섬
WorldLocation__Unknown_Desc We need to explore this! 우리는 이곳을 탐험해야 합니다!
WorldLocation__Unknown_Title Unknown location 미지의 구역
WorldLocation__UnknownOnWay_Desc Our ship is on way to explore this! 우리 선박이 이곳을 탐험하는 중입니다!
Context English Korean
WasteSortingPlant__name Waste sorting plant 폐기물 선별 시설
WaterChiller__name Water chiller 물 냉각 시설
WaterCollected Water collected 모아진 물
WaterConsumptionReduction__desc Reduces water consumed in settlements and farms by {0} 정착지와 농장에서 소비되는 물을 {0}만큼 줄입니다
WaterConsumptionReduction__name Water saver 물 절약
WaterNeed__name Water
WaterTreatmentPlant__desc Converts not so nice water to nice water. Just don't tell this to the people who drink it. 좋지 않은 물을 좋은 물로 바꿔줍니다. 이걸 마시는 사람들에게만 말하지 마세요.
WaterTreatmentPlant__name Wastewater treatment 폐수 처리 시설
WaterWell__desc This station can extract fresh water. 이 건물은 담수를 추출할 수 있습니다.
WaterWell__name Groundwater well 지하수 우물
WeatherOption_Dry Dry 건조함
WeatherOption_LessDry Less dry 건조하지 않음
WindowMode__Option_Borderless Borderless 테두리 없는 창
WindowMode__Option_Fullscreen Fullscreen 전체 화면
WindowMode__Option_Windowed Windowed 창 모드
WindowMode__Title Window mode 게임 화면 모드
WindowsShortcuts Windows shortcuts 각종 화면 바로가기
WorkersAvailable__Tooltip The number of workers available. To get more workers increase your population. You can do so by building a beacon, explore the world map or apply edicts. 현재 쉬고 있는 노동자의 수입니다. 더 많은 노동자를 얻으려면 인구를 늘려야 합니다. 등대를 세우거나 세계 지도를 탐험하거나 칙령을 세워 늘릴 수 있습니다.
WorkersDemand Workers demand 노동자 요구
Workers__Available available 쉬는 중
Workers__Needed needed 필요
WorldCargo__Title Available to pick up 픽업 가능
WorldEntityRepaired__name {0} was fully repaired {0} 이 완전히 수리되었습니다
WorldLocation_EnemyFound Enemy found 적을 발견함
WorldLocation_Orders Ship orders 출항 지시
WorldLocation_Orders__Battle Battle 전투
WorldLocation_Orders__DeliverCargo Deliver cargo 화물 배달
WorldLocation_Orders__Explore Explore 탐색
WorldLocation_Orders__GoHome Go home 섬으로 복귀
WorldLocation_Orders__LoadCargo Load cargo 화물 적재


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Captain of Industry / GameKorean

2 years ago
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Captain of Industry / GameKorean

2 years ago
User avatar captainFilip

Bulk status change

Captain of Industry / GameKorean

2 years ago
Browse all component changes

Things to check


There are 4 variants of this string.



English Korean
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String information

Source string comment
title for window mode (options are: Fullscreen, Borderless, Windowed) title for window mode (options are: Fullscreen, Borderless, Windowed)
String age
3 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
ko.po, string 2946