Efficiency is a ratio of produced power over used input. It represents how efficiently is input product converted to mechanical power. If the shaft is overloaded, some produced power will be wasted and efficiency will go down accordingly. There is also loss of efficiency when the machine is starting-up. To avoid startup losses, this machine should run continuously without interruption.
Efficiency is a ratio of produced power over used input. It represents how efficiently is input product converted to mechanical power. If the shaft is overloaded, some produced power will be wasted and efficiency will go down accordingly. There is also loss of efficiency when the machine is starting-up. To avoid startup losses, this machine should run continuously without interruption효율은 공급된 자원 대비 생산된 전력의 비율. 공급된 자원이 기계적 동력으로 얼마나 효율적으로 변환되는지를 보여줍니다. 축에 과부하가 걸리면 일부 생산전력이 낭비되고 그에 따라 효율이 감소합니다. 또한 기계를 시동할 때 효율이 감소합니다. 시동 손실을 방지하려면 중단 없이 계속 가동되어야 합니다.
Efficiency is a ratio of produced power over used input. It represents how efficiently is input product converted to mechanical power. If the shaft is overloaded, some produced power will be wasted and efficiency will go down accordingly. There is also loss of efficiency when the machine is starting-up. To avoid startup losses, this machine should run continuously without interruption.
효율은 공급된 자원 대비 생산된 전력의 비율. 공급된 자원이 기계적 동력으로 얼마나 효율적으로 변환되는지를 보여줍니다. 축에 과부하가 걸리면 일부 생산전력이 낭비되고 그에 따라 효율이 감소합니다. 또한 기계를 시동할 때 효율이 감소합니다. 시동 손실을 방지하려면 중단 없이 계속 가동되어야 합니다.
Efficiency is a ratio of produced power over used input. It represents how efficiently is input product converted to mechanical power. If the shaft is overloaded, some produced power will be wasted and efficiency will go down accordingly. There is also loss of efficiency when the machine is starting-up. To avoid startup losses, this machine should run continuously without interruption.
Efficiency is a ratio of produced power over used input. It represents how efficiently is input product converted to mechanical power. If the shaft is overloaded, some produced power will be wasted and efficiency will go down accordingly. There is also loss of efficiency when the machine is starting-up. To avoid startup losses, this machine should run continuously without interruption.
Efficiency is a ratio of produced power over used input. It represents how efficiently is input product converted to mechanical power. If the shaft is overloaded, some produced power will be wasted and efficiency will go down accordingly. There is also loss of efficiency when the machine is starting-up. To avoid startup losses, this machine should run continuously without interruption효율은 공급된 자원 대비 생산된 전력의 비율. 공급된 자원이 기계적 동력으로 얼마나 효율적으로 변환되는지를 보여줍니다. 축에 과부하가 걸리면 일부 생산전력이 낭비되고 그에 따라 효율이 감소합니다. 또한 기계를 시동할 때 효율이 감소합니다. 시동 손실을 방지하려면 중단 없이 계속 가동되어야 합니다.