
English title for set of goals
Context English Italian
GameSeed__Tooltip Affects randomization used in places like weather generation or world map layout. Does not affect map generation Influenza la randomizzazione usata per la generazione del meteo o il layout della mappa del mondo. Non influisce sulla generazione della mappa
GameSpeed Game speed Velocità di gioco
GasInjectionPump__desc Provides permanent disposal of gases such as carbon dioxide by dissolving them in a liquid and injecting them under pressure into the ground. Has no pollution effect. Can be built only on top of a limestone deposit.
GasInjectionPump__name Gas injection pump Pompa d'iniezione per gas
GateTime__Detail Game time
General General Generale
GeneralShortcuts General Generale
GlassMakerT1__desc Casts molten glass into glass sheets Getta il vetro fuso in lastre di vetro
GlassMakerT1__name Glass maker Produttore di vetro
GlassMakerT2__desc Casts molten glass into glass sheets and with much greater efficiency Getta il vetro fuso in lastre di vetro e con un'efficienza molto maggiore
GlassMakerT2__name Glass maker II Produttore di vetro II
GlobalMaintenanceStatus__Title Global maintenance status Status della manutenzione globale
GlobalMaintenanceStatus__Tooltip Shows the global state of maintenance. Any excessive maintenance is stored in the global buffer. If global buffer is full, maintenance depots pause their progress. If the buffer is empty it typically means there is a lack of maintenance. Mostra lo stato di manutenzione globale. Qualsiasi manutenzione eccessiva viene archiviata nel buffer globale. Se il buffer globale è pieno, i depot di manutenzione mettono in pausa il loro avanzamento. Se il buffer è vuoto, in genere significa che manca la manutenzione.
GlobalNeedPrefix Global need: Bisogno globale:
Goal__ActivateEdict Activate {0} edict in your {1}
Goal__AdvancedDiesel__name Advanced oil processing Raffinazione del greggio avanzata
Goal__AnotherCpAssembly Build another {0} to produce {1} Costruisci un altro {0} per produrre {1}
Goal__AssignTrucksToTreeHarvester Assign trucks {0} to {1}
Goal__AssignTruckToFuelStation Assign {0} to the {1} to have it automatically refuel all your excavators Assegna {0} al {1} per rifornire automaticamente tutti i tuoi scavatori
Goal__Build Build {0} Costruisci {0}
Goal__BuildAndConnect Build and connect {0} Costruisci e collega {0}
Goal__BuildAndConnect2 Build {0} and connect it to {1} Costruisci {0} e connettilo a {1}
Goal__BuildAndConnect3 Build {0} and connect it to {1} and {2} Costruisci {0} e connettilo a {1} e {2}
Goal__BuildAndConnectViaPipe Build {0} and connect it to {1} using a <bc>pipe</bc> Costruisci {0} e connettilo a {1} usando un <bc>tubo</bc>
Goal__BuildAndEnsureDeliveriesFrom Build {0} and ensure {1} gets delivered from {2} Costruisci {0} e assicurati che {1} venga consegnato da {2}
Goal__BuildAnother Build another {0} Costruisci un altro {0}
Goal__BuildCaptainOffice__name Captain office Ufficio del Capitano
Goal__BuildCargoDock Research and build {0} and attach it with {1}
Goal__BuildCoalStorage Build {0}, assign it with {1} and connect it to the {2} using {3} Costruisci un {0}, assegnalo con {1} e connettilo al {2} usando dei {3}
Goal__BuildDieselStorage Build {0} for {1} and connect it to {2} Costruisci un {0} per il {1} e connettilo al {2}
Goal__BuildFarm Build {0} on fertile ground (grass) Costruisci una {0} sopra a del terreno fertile (erba)
Context English Italian
GoalShowCompleted__Action Show completed items
GoalShowLocked__Action Show locked items
GoalSkip__Action Skip this goal
GoalSkip__Confirmation Are you sure you want to skip this goal? You will miss on any rewards you would normally get on completion.
GoalTip_ActivateRecipe Click on the machine and then click on the recipe to activate it. Active recipe is marked with a green border around it. You can select multiple recipes in which case their priority is determined by their order.
GoalTip_BeltsMotivation Connecting your machines with conveyor belts reduces the demand on your trucks.
GoalTip_BuildMore You can always build more machines to accelerate your production.
GoalTip_BuildNearShore Build your advanced oil processing complex close to shore in order to easily import crude oil via ships.
GoalTip_ConnectWasteWithPipe You can build a pipe to connect the {0} to the {1} if they are nearby.
GoalTip_DisableTruckImport To disable import from trucks, select the {0} and click on {1} under '{2}' section.
GoalTip_RefuelShip To refuel your ship, select your {0} and drag the green fuel slider to the right.
GoalTip_ReorderRecipes You can prioritize {0} production by moving the {0} recipe higher in the recipes list. Recipe execution priority is based on their order. You can also build another furnace with metal casters to scale up your production.
GoalTip__Maintenance Majority of machines and vehicles require regular <bc>maintenance</bc>. You should research & build a {0} as soon as possible otherwise your equipment will start breaking down. La maggior parte dei macchinari e dei veicoli richiede una <bc>manutenzione</bc> regolare. Dovresti ricercare e costruire un {0} il prima possibile altrimenti il tuo equipaggiamento inizierà a rompersi.
Goal_TakeTime No need to rush this goal. Take your time and make sure to develop other parts of your industry as well.
Goal__ActivateEdict Activate {0} edict in your {1}
Goal__AdvancedDiesel__name Advanced oil processing Raffinazione del greggio avanzata
Goal__AnotherCpAssembly Build another {0} to produce {1} Costruisci un altro {0} per produrre {1}
Goal__AssignTrucksToTreeHarvester Assign trucks {0} to {1}
Goal__AssignTruckToFuelStation Assign {0} to the {1} to have it automatically refuel all your excavators Assegna {0} al {1} per rifornire automaticamente tutti i tuoi scavatori
Goal__Build Build {0} Costruisci {0}
Goal__BuildAndConnect Build and connect {0} Costruisci e collega {0}
Goal__BuildAndConnect2 Build {0} and connect it to {1} Costruisci {0} e connettilo a {1}
Goal__BuildAndConnect3 Build {0} and connect it to {1} and {2} Costruisci {0} e connettilo a {1} e {2}
Goal__BuildAndConnectViaPipe Build {0} and connect it to {1} using a <bc>pipe</bc> Costruisci {0} e connettilo a {1} usando un <bc>tubo</bc>
Goal__BuildAndEnsureDeliveriesFrom Build {0} and ensure {1} gets delivered from {2} Costruisci {0} e assicurati che {1} venga consegnato da {2}
Goal__BuildAnother Build another {0} Costruisci un altro {0}
Goal__BuildCaptainOffice__name Captain office Ufficio del Capitano
Goal__BuildCargoDock Research and build {0} and attach it with {1}
Goal__BuildCoalStorage Build {0}, assign it with {1} and connect it to the {2} using {3} Costruisci un {0}, assegnalo con {1} e connettilo al {2} usando dei {3}
Goal__BuildDieselStorage Build {0} for {1} and connect it to {2} Costruisci un {0} per il {1} e connettilo al {2}
Context English Italian
Goal__ActivateEdict Activate {0} edict in your {1}
Goal__AdvancedDiesel__name Advanced oil processing Raffinazione del greggio avanzata
Goal__AnotherCpAssembly Build another {0} to produce {1} Costruisci un altro {0} per produrre {1}
Goal__AssignTrucksToTreeHarvester Assign trucks {0} to {1}
Goal__AssignTruckToFuelStation Assign {0} to the {1} to have it automatically refuel all your excavators Assegna {0} al {1} per rifornire automaticamente tutti i tuoi scavatori
Goal__Build Build {0} Costruisci {0}
Goal__BuildAndConnect Build and connect {0} Costruisci e collega {0}
Goal__BuildAndConnect2 Build {0} and connect it to {1} Costruisci {0} e connettilo a {1}
Goal__BuildAndConnect3 Build {0} and connect it to {1} and {2} Costruisci {0} e connettilo a {1} e {2}
Goal__BuildAndConnectViaPipe Build {0} and connect it to {1} using a <bc>pipe</bc> Costruisci {0} e connettilo a {1} usando un <bc>tubo</bc>
Goal__BuildAndEnsureDeliveriesFrom Build {0} and ensure {1} gets delivered from {2} Costruisci {0} e assicurati che {1} venga consegnato da {2}
Goal__BuildAnother Build another {0} Costruisci un altro {0}
Goal__BuildCaptainOffice__name Captain office Ufficio del Capitano
Goal__BuildCargoDock Research and build {0} and attach it with {1}
Goal__BuildCoalStorage Build {0}, assign it with {1} and connect it to the {2} using {3} Costruisci un {0}, assegnalo con {1} e connettilo al {2} usando dei {3}
Goal__BuildDieselStorage Build {0} for {1} and connect it to {2} Costruisci un {0} per il {1} e connettilo al {2}
Goal__BuildFarm Build {0} on fertile ground (grass) Costruisci una {0} sopra a del terreno fertile (erba)
Goal__BuildFuelStation Build {0} and connect it to a {1} with {2} Costruisci {0} e connettilo a {1} con {2}
Goal__BuildHousing Build {0} attached to the existing settlement Costruisci {0} attaccato all'insediamento esistente
Goal__BuildLiquidDump Build {0} near the shore and enable a recipe to dump {1} Costruisci {0} vicino alla riva e seleziona una ricetta per scaricare {1}
Goal__BuildOilPump Build {0} on an oil deposit and connect them to {1} Costruisci {0} sopra un giacimento petrolifero e connettilo ad un {1}
Goal__BuildPowerGenerator Start power production by building {0} Inizia a produrre energia costruendo {0}
Goal__BuildResearchLab2__name Advanced research Ricerca avanzata
Goal__BuildSlagStorage2 Build {0} and connect it to the existing {1} using a {2} to output {3}
Goal__BuildSlagStorage__name Improve slag export Migliora l'esportazione delle scorie
Goal__BuildSteamTurbine Build {0} and attach {1} to it and connect {2} pipe from the {3}
Goal__BuildStorage Build {0} and assign it {1} Costruisci un {0} e assegnalo a {1}
Goal__BuildWasteCollection Build {0} attached to the settlement Costruisci {0} attaccato all'insediamento
Goal__ConstructVehicle Construct new {0} Costruisci un nuovo {0}
Goal__ConveyorBelts__name Set up conveyor belts Configura i nastri trasportatori
Goal__Conveyors Connect several machines using <bc>conveyor belts</bc> Connetti diversi macchinari usando dei <bc>nastri trasportatori</bc>
Goal__CopperProduction__name Copper production Produzione di rame
Goal__CpIProduction__name Construction parts Costruzione di parti
Goal__CrudeOilImport__name Automate crude oil import Automatizza l'importazione di petrolio greggio
Goal__DesignateDumping Designate a dumping zone for {0} Indica una zona di scarico per {0}
Goal__DisableImportToDieselStorage Disable truck import for the new {0} storage Disabilita l'importazione dai camion per il nuovo deposito di {0}
Goal__DiscoverOilRig__name Find oil rig Trova la piattaforma petrolifera
Goal__Dump Dump {0} Scarica {0}
Goal__DumpLiquid Dump {0} Smaltisci {0}
Goal__EstablishMine Establish {0} mine and start mining {0} Stabilisci un estrazione mineraria di {0} ed estrai {0}
Goal__ExploreWithShip <bc>Explore</bc> first location on the <bc>world map</bc> with the ship <bc>Esplora</bc> la prima posizione sulla <bc>mappa del mondo</bc> con la nave
Goal__ExploreWithShip__name Repair shipyard and set sail Ripara il cantiere navale e preparati a salpare
Goal__ExportFromSlagStorage Assign the {0} with {1} and drag the right (red) slider to the left to export / dump
Goal__FillStorage Store {0} in {1} Immagazzina {0} in {1}
Goal__FlareOff Burn excess {0} in {1} Brucia il {0} in eccesso in {1}
Goal__FoodProduction2__name Food production II Produzione alimentare II
Goal__FoodProduction__name Food production Produzione alimentare
Goal__ForTower Build a {0} near {1} deposit, assign {2} and {3} to it and set up mining designations. Costruisci un {0} vicino ad un deposito di {1}, assegnagli {2} e {3} e imposta l'assegnazione mineraria.
Goal__FuelStation__name Fuel station Stazione di servizio
Goal__GrowPotatoes Wait for the first harvest of <bc>potatoes</bc> Aspetta il primo raccolto di <bc>patate</bc>
Goal__HarvestTrees Start harvesting trees Inizia ad abbattere gli alberi
Goal__ImportCrudeOil Have your {0} import {1} from the {2} Fai in modo che la tua {0} importi {1} dalla {2}
Goal__ImportToCoalStorage Drag the left / green slider in the {0} to the right to make it actively request {1} Trascina il cursore verde nel {0} da sinistra verso destra per abilitare la richiesta attiva di {1}
Goal__IronOreMining__name Iron ore mining Estrazione mineraria di ferro
Goal__IronProduction__name Iron production Produzione di ferro
Goal__LoadCrew Load <bc>crew</bc> to the ship Carica <bc>l'equipaggio</bc> sulla nave
Goal__Maintenance__name Maintenance Manutenzione
Goal__Mine Mine {0} Estrai {0}
Goal__MineCoal__name Mine coal Estrai del carbone
Goal__PauseBeacon Pause the {0} to reduce the rate of refugees inbound Metti in pausa il {0} per ridurre il traffico di rifugiati in entrata
Goal__PauseBeacon__name Reduce refugees inbound Riduci l'ingresso di rifugiati
Goal__PauseCoalMaker Pause {0} to save on {1} Metti in pausa il {0} per risparmiare sulla {1}
Goal__PopulationGrowth__name Population growth Crescita della popolazione
Goal__PowerFromCoal__name Coal power plant Centrale elettrica a carbone
Goal__Process Process {0} Raffina il {0}
Goal__ProcessCopperOre Build {0} with {1} and {2} and enable recipe for copper ore processing
Goal__ProcessIron Enable <bc>iron recipe</bc> that uses {0} in {1}
Goal__ProcessIronOre__name Processing iron ore
Goal__Produce Produce {0}
Goal__ProduceCp2 Build a new {0} and produce {1} Costruisci un nuovo {0} e produci {1}
Goal__ProduceLabEquipment Produce {0} in {1}
Goal__ProduceScrap Start recycling {1} to get some {0}
Goal__RefuelShip Fill the ship with {0}
Goal__RepairCargoShip Discover {0} on the world map & repair it using your main ship
Goal__RepairOilRig Repair {0}
Goal__RepairShip Repair the ship
Goal__RepairShipyard Repair {0}
Goal__Research Research {0} Ricerca {0}
Goal__ResearchAndBuild Research and build {0} Ricerca e costruisci {0}
Goal__ResearchAndUpgrade Research and upgrade to {0}
Goal__RubberProduction__name Synthetic rubber
Goal__SelectCpRecipe Select recipe in {0} to produce {1}
Goal__SettlementWater__name Water for the settlement
Goal__SetupBricks__name Bricks production Produzione di mattoni
Goal__SetupCp2__name Construction II Costruzione II
Goal__SetupDiesel__name Diesel production
Goal__SetupTradings__name Trading
Goal__SetupVehicleParts__name Vehicle parts
Goal__StartProducing Start producing {0}
Goal__StockpileDiesel__name Stockpile diesel
Goal__StockpileProducts__name Stockpile products
Goal__Trade Purchase {0} for {1} from the village on the world map Compra dei {0} per della {0} dal villaggio nella mappa del mondo
Goal__UseMediumOil Produce {0} by converting {1}
Goal__WaitForRefugees Wait for the first refugees to arrive
Goal__WasteDumping__name Waste dumping
Goal__WorldMine Discover {0} by exploring with your ship Scopri una {0} esplorando con la tua nave


User avatar Massi4476

Suggestion accepted

Captain of Industry / GameItalian

8 months ago
User avatar Wimmy

Suggestion added

Captain of Industry / GameItalian

a year ago
Browse all component changes

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There are 96 variants of this string.



English Italian
Oil Petrolio Glossary
Oil processing Raffinazione del greggio Glossary

String information

Source string comment
title for set of goals
String age
a year ago
Source string age
a year ago
Translation file
it.po, string 861