
English description of a research node in the research tree description of a research node in the research tree
Context English Estonian
ResearchGlassSmelting__desc Provides glass production. Võimaldab klaasi tootmist.
ResearchGlassSmelting__name Glass making Klaasitootmine
ResearchGlassSmeltingT2__name Glass making II Klaasitootmine II
ResearchGoldSmelting__name Gold smelting Kullavalu
ResearchHeavyOilCracking__name Heavy oil cracking Raske õli krakkimine
ResearchHospital__name Hospital Haigla
ResearchHouseholdAppliances__name Household appliances Kodumasinad
ResearchHouseholdGoods__desc Household goods for a settlement, generates extra Unity when provided. Kodukaupade asumile võimaldamine tekitab juurde Ühtsust.
ResearchHouseholdGoods__name Household goods Kodukaubad
ResearchHousing2__name Housing II Majutus II
ResearchHousing3__name Housing III Majutus III
ResearchHydrogenCell__name Hydrogen cell Vesinikumolekul
ResearchHydrogenReforming__name Hydrogen production Vesiniku tootmine
ResearchIncinerationPlant__name Incineration plant Põletustehas
ResearchIndustrialMixerT2__name Mixer II Segisti II
ResearchIronSmeltingScrap__desc Production of iron from metal scraps. Raua tootmine metallijääkidest.
ResearchIronSmeltingScrap__name Iron smelting (from scrap) Rauavalu (jääkidest)
ResearchLab1__desc Provides research. The more labs you have, the faster you research. Võimaldab arendust. Mida rohkem laboreid Teil on, seda kiiremini saate arendada.
ResearchLab1__name Research lab Arenduslabor
ResearchLab2__desc Provides access to more advanced technologies. Important: this lab has to be provided with lab equipment on continuous basis in order to work. The more labs you have, the faster you research. Lab can return consumed products in form of recyclables, if recycling technology is unlocked. Võimaldab juurdepääsu arenenumatele tehnoloogiatele. Oluline: selle labori tööks tuleb pidevalt tagada laboriseadmed. Mida rohkem laboreid on, seda kiiremini saab arendada. Labor saab tarbitud tooteid tagastada taaskasutatavate toodete kujul, kui taaskasutustehnoloogia on avatud.
ResearchLab2__name Research lab II Arenduslabor II
ResearchLab3__name Research lab III Arenduslabor III
ResearchLab4__name Research lab IV Arenduslabor IV
ResearchLab5__name Research lab V Arenduslabor V
ResearchLabTip If you need to speed-up your research, you can build more research labs. But don’t forget that running them costs {0}. {0} is naturally generated in settlements when people are well and happy but can decrease when their needs are not met. You can visit the settlement to see the details. Kui on vaja arendustööd kiirendada, võib ehitada rohkem arenduslaboreid. Kuid ärgem unustagem, et nende käitamine maksab {0}t. {0} tekib loomulikult asulates, kus inimesed on terved ja õnnelikud, kuid võib väheneda, kui nende vajadused ei ole rahuldatud. Üksikasjade vaatamiseks võime asulat külastada.
ResearchLocked_LifetimeProduction Shows the total accumulated lifetime production you need to achieve in order to get enough experience to perform this research. Näitab kogu eluea jooksul kogunenud tootmist, mille peate saavutama, et saada selle arenduse tegemiseks piisavalt kogemusi.
ResearchMaintenanceDepot__name Maintenance Depot II Hooldusjaam II
ResearchMechPowerStorage__desc Provides mechanical power storage and turbines auto-balancing capability. Tagab mehaanilise jõu salvestamise ja turbiinide automaatse tasakaalustamise võimaluse.
ResearchMechPowerStorage__name Mechanical power storage Mehaanilise energia salvestus
ResearchMedicalSupplies2__name Medical supplies II Meditsiinivahendid II
ResearchMedicalSupplies3__name Medical supplies III Meditsiinivahendid III
Context English Estonian
ResearchGlassSmeltingT2__name Glass making II Klaasitootmine II
ResearchGlassSmelting__desc Provides glass production. Võimaldab klaasi tootmist.
ResearchGlassSmelting__name Glass making Klaasitootmine
ResearchGoldSmelting__name Gold smelting Kullavalu
ResearchHeavyOilCracking__name Heavy oil cracking Raske õli krakkimine
ResearchHospital__name Hospital Haigla
ResearchHouseholdAppliances__name Household appliances Kodumasinad
ResearchHouseholdGoods__desc Household goods for a settlement, generates extra Unity when provided. Kodukaupade asumile võimaldamine tekitab juurde Ühtsust.
ResearchHouseholdGoods__name Household goods Kodukaubad
ResearchHousing2__name Housing II Majutus II
ResearchHousing3__name Housing III Majutus III
ResearchHydrogenCell__name Hydrogen cell Vesinikumolekul
ResearchHydrogenReforming__name Hydrogen production Vesiniku tootmine
ResearchIncinerationPlant__name Incineration plant Põletustehas
ResearchIndustrialMixerT2__name Mixer II Segisti II
ResearchIronSmeltingScrap__desc Production of iron from metal scraps. Raua tootmine metallijääkidest.
ResearchIronSmeltingScrap__name Iron smelting (from scrap) Rauavalu (jääkidest)
ResearchLab1__desc Provides research. The more labs you have, the faster you research. Võimaldab arendust. Mida rohkem laboreid Teil on, seda kiiremini saate arendada.
ResearchLab1__name Research lab Arenduslabor
ResearchLab2__desc Provides access to more advanced technologies. Important: this lab has to be provided with lab equipment on continuous basis in order to work. The more labs you have, the faster you research. Lab can return consumed products in form of recyclables, if recycling technology is unlocked. Võimaldab juurdepääsu arenenumatele tehnoloogiatele. Oluline: selle labori tööks tuleb pidevalt tagada laboriseadmed. Mida rohkem laboreid on, seda kiiremini saab arendada. Labor saab tarbitud tooteid tagastada taaskasutatavate toodete kujul, kui taaskasutustehnoloogia on avatud.
ResearchLab2__name Research lab II Arenduslabor II
ResearchLab3__name Research lab III Arenduslabor III
ResearchLab4__name Research lab IV Arenduslabor IV
ResearchLab5__name Research lab V Arenduslabor V
ResearchLabTip If you need to speed-up your research, you can build more research labs. But don’t forget that running them costs {0}. {0} is naturally generated in settlements when people are well and happy but can decrease when their needs are not met. You can visit the settlement to see the details. Kui on vaja arendustööd kiirendada, võib ehitada rohkem arenduslaboreid. Kuid ärgem unustagem, et nende käitamine maksab {0}t. {0} tekib loomulikult asulates, kus inimesed on terved ja õnnelikud, kuid võib väheneda, kui nende vajadused ei ole rahuldatud. Üksikasjade vaatamiseks võime asulat külastada.
ResearchLocked_LifetimeProduction Shows the total accumulated lifetime production you need to achieve in order to get enough experience to perform this research. Näitab kogu eluea jooksul kogunenud tootmist, mille peate saavutama, et saada selle arenduse tegemiseks piisavalt kogemusi.
ResearchMaintenanceDepot__name Maintenance Depot II Hooldusjaam II
ResearchMechPowerStorage__desc Provides mechanical power storage and turbines auto-balancing capability. Tagab mehaanilise jõu salvestamise ja turbiinide automaatse tasakaalustamise võimaluse.
ResearchMechPowerStorage__name Mechanical power storage Mehaanilise energia salvestus
ResearchMedicalSupplies2__name Medical supplies II Meditsiinivahendid II


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Captain of Industry / GameEstonian

2 years ago
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description of a research node in the research tree description of a research node in the research tree
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