Trade offers require a Trading dock. These trades are performed instantly - products to export are removed from your storage and imported ones will appear in your Trading dock. Product on the left side is the one you are exporting (selling) and the one on the right side is being imported. These trades get expensive with higher volumes and are typically less profitable when compared to contracts.
Kauplemispakkumised nõuavad kauplemisdokki. Need tehingud toimuvad koheselt - eksporditavad tooted eemaldatakse Teie laost ja imporditud tooted ilmuvad Teie kauplemisdokki. Vasakpoolne toode on see, mida te ekspordite (müüte) ja paremal olev toode imporditakse. Need tehingud lähevad suuremate mahtude korral kalliks ja on tavaliselt lepingutega võrreldes vähem kasumlikud.