
English name: title of ship upgrade slot name: title of ship upgrade slot
Context English Estonian
ShipFuelSwitch__ShipBusy Not available as ship is currently busy. Pole saadaval, kuna laev on praegu hõivatud.
ShipFuelSwitch__Tooltip Allows to switch the ship's fuel type. Changing to some fuels is free, while others require a ship rebuild, costing materials. If there is some cost, it is displayed below. Võimaldab vahetada laeva kütusetüüpi. Mõne kütuse vastu vahetamine on tasuta, teised nõuavad laeva ümberehitust, mis maksab tooret. Kui hind on olemas, siis kuvatakse see allpool.
ShipFuelUnload Unload fuel Tühjendada kütusest
ShipFuelUnload__Tooltip Unloads fuel from the ship back into the shipyard. Pumpab kütuse laevalt tagasi sadamasse.
ShipHealth__Title Ship health and repair Laeva seisund ja remont
ShipHealth__Tooltip The current state of repair of the ship. If the value is below the green mark it means it needs to be repaired in order to depart for new adventures. Laeva praegune seisukord. Kui väärtus on alla rohelise märgi, tuleb seda uute seikluste tarvis parandada.
ShipLoading__Action Start loading the ship Alustada laeva laadimist
ShipLoading__CancelProject Abandon this project for now (can be restarted anytime) Loobu hetkel sellest plaanist (saab igal ajal taaskäivitada)
ShipLoading__Desc List of all the world map locations that are scheduled for repair or upgrade. After you request materials to be loaded, the trucks will fetch all the required products to the shipyard and the shipyard will load them onto the ship. Once all the required materials are loaded, you can send your ship to deliver the cargo to the location so the construction can begin. Loetelu kõigist asukohtadest maailmakaardil, mis on ette nähtud parandamiseks või täiustamiseks. Pärast materjalide laadimise alustamist toovad veokid kõik vajalikud tooted sadamasse ja sealt laaditakse need laevale. Kui kõik vajalikud kaubad on laaditud, on võimalik oma laev koos kaubaga sihtkohta saata ning ehitusega saab alustada.
ShipLoading__Done All required cargo loaded! We can send the ship on its way. Kogu vajalik kaup on laetud! Saame laeva teele saata.
ShipLoading__InProgress Loading required materials ... Vajalike materjalide laadimine ...
ShipLoading__NotStarted Click to fetch the required material onto the ship. Klõpsake vajaliku materjali laevale laadimiseks.
ShipLoading__Title World map repairs & upgrades Remondid ja täiustamine maailmakaardi vaates
ShipModified__name Ship modifications complete Laeva muudatused on lõpule viidud
ShipRepaired__name Ship was fully repaired Laev on täielikult remonditud
ShipSlotGroupArmor__name Armor Soomustus
ShipSlotGroupBridge__name Bridge Sild
ShipSlotGroupEngine__name Engine Mootor
ShipSlotGroupFuelTank__name Fuel tank Kütusepaak
ShipSlotGroupGunsFront__name Guns (front) Kahurid (ees)
ShipSlotGroupGunsRear__name Guns (rear) Kahurid (taga)
ShipStats Ship stats Laeva statistika
ShipUpgrade_Performing Performing modifications Muudatuste tegemine
ShipUpgrade_Performing__Tooltip Modifications are being applied Muudatusi rakendatakse
ShipUpgrade_Preparing Preparing modifications Muudatusi valmistatakse ette
ShipUpgrade_Preparing__Tooltip The ship can still operate while the modifications are being prepared Laev saab muudatuste ettevalmistamise ajal veel töötada
ShipUpgrade_ReadyWaiting Waiting for ship Laeva oodatakse tagasi
ShipUpgrade_ReadyWaiting__Tooltip Modifications are prepared, waiting for the ship to apply them Muudatused on ette valmistatud, oodatakse kuni laeval need rakenduvad
Shipyard__desc This shipyard is damaged and needs to be repaired to be able to fix our ship. See sadam on kahjustatud ja vajab meie laeva parandamiseks remonti.
Shipyard__name Shipyard (damaged) Sadam (kahjustatud)
Shipyard2__desc Serves to refuel, repair, and modify our ship. Also handles loading and unloading ship's cargo. If a truck happens to have some cargo that cannot be delivered anywhere else, it can be delivered here. Vajalik meie laeva tankimiseks, parandamiseks ja muutmiseks. Tegeleb ka laeva lasti peale- ja mahalaadimisega. Kui veokil juhtub olema veos, mida mujale toimetada ei saa, saab selle siia tuua.
Context English Estonian
ShipFuelSwitch__ShipBusy Not available as ship is currently busy. Pole saadaval, kuna laev on praegu hõivatud.
ShipFuelSwitch__Tooltip Allows to switch the ship's fuel type. Changing to some fuels is free, while others require a ship rebuild, costing materials. If there is some cost, it is displayed below. Võimaldab vahetada laeva kütusetüüpi. Mõne kütuse vastu vahetamine on tasuta, teised nõuavad laeva ümberehitust, mis maksab tooret. Kui hind on olemas, siis kuvatakse see allpool.
ShipFuelUnload Unload fuel Tühjendada kütusest
ShipFuelUnload__Tooltip Unloads fuel from the ship back into the shipyard. Pumpab kütuse laevalt tagasi sadamasse.
ShipHealth__Title Ship health and repair Laeva seisund ja remont
ShipHealth__Tooltip The current state of repair of the ship. If the value is below the green mark it means it needs to be repaired in order to depart for new adventures. Laeva praegune seisukord. Kui väärtus on alla rohelise märgi, tuleb seda uute seikluste tarvis parandada.
ShipLoading__Action Start loading the ship Alustada laeva laadimist
ShipLoading__CancelProject Abandon this project for now (can be restarted anytime) Loobu hetkel sellest plaanist (saab igal ajal taaskäivitada)
ShipLoading__Desc List of all the world map locations that are scheduled for repair or upgrade. After you request materials to be loaded, the trucks will fetch all the required products to the shipyard and the shipyard will load them onto the ship. Once all the required materials are loaded, you can send your ship to deliver the cargo to the location so the construction can begin. Loetelu kõigist asukohtadest maailmakaardil, mis on ette nähtud parandamiseks või täiustamiseks. Pärast materjalide laadimise alustamist toovad veokid kõik vajalikud tooted sadamasse ja sealt laaditakse need laevale. Kui kõik vajalikud kaubad on laaditud, on võimalik oma laev koos kaubaga sihtkohta saata ning ehitusega saab alustada.
ShipLoading__Done All required cargo loaded! We can send the ship on its way. Kogu vajalik kaup on laetud! Saame laeva teele saata.
ShipLoading__InProgress Loading required materials ... Vajalike materjalide laadimine ...
ShipLoading__NotStarted Click to fetch the required material onto the ship. Klõpsake vajaliku materjali laevale laadimiseks.
ShipLoading__Title World map repairs & upgrades Remondid ja täiustamine maailmakaardi vaates
ShipModified__name Ship modifications complete Laeva muudatused on lõpule viidud
ShipRepaired__name Ship was fully repaired Laev on täielikult remonditud
ShipSlotGroupArmor__name Armor Soomustus
ShipSlotGroupBridge__name Bridge Sild
ShipSlotGroupEngine__name Engine Mootor
ShipSlotGroupFuelTank__name Fuel tank Kütusepaak
ShipSlotGroupGunsFront__name Guns (front) Kahurid (ees)
ShipSlotGroupGunsRear__name Guns (rear) Kahurid (taga)
ShipStats Ship stats Laeva statistika
ShipUpgrade_Performing Performing modifications Muudatuste tegemine
ShipUpgrade_Performing__Tooltip Modifications are being applied Muudatusi rakendatakse
ShipUpgrade_Preparing Preparing modifications Muudatusi valmistatakse ette
ShipUpgrade_Preparing__Tooltip The ship can still operate while the modifications are being prepared Laev saab muudatuste ettevalmistamise ajal veel töötada
ShipUpgrade_ReadyWaiting Waiting for ship Laeva oodatakse tagasi
ShipUpgrade_ReadyWaiting__Tooltip Modifications are prepared, waiting for the ship to apply them Muudatused on ette valmistatud, oodatakse kuni laeval need rakenduvad
Shipyard2__desc Serves to refuel, repair, and modify our ship. Also handles loading and unloading ship's cargo. If a truck happens to have some cargo that cannot be delivered anywhere else, it can be delivered here. Vajalik meie laeva tankimiseks, parandamiseks ja muutmiseks. Tegeleb ka laeva lasti peale- ja mahalaadimisega. Kui veokil juhtub olema veos, mida mujale toimetada ei saa, saab selle siia tuua.
Shipyard2__name Shipyard Sadam
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Captain of Industry / GameEstonian

3 years ago
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English Estonian
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name: title of ship upgrade slot name: title of ship upgrade slot
String age
3 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
et.po, string 2277