Behold, the Golden Peak – a compact island shaded by a majestic peak of glittering gold! This map presents a distinctive challenge due to its numerous platforms set at different elevations, requiring strategic earthworking to unlock access to new locations for your factory. To expand your buildable territory even further, excavate mountains and higher elevation plateaus to expand your foundations and dump the tailings into the ocean to grow your island!
Teie ees on Golden Peak, – väike saar, mis asub majesteetliku kuldselt särava mäe varjus! Selle kaardi keerukus seisneb selles, et pääsete arvukatele eri kõrgusega platoodele, mis nõuavad kaevandamisoperatsioonide strateegilist planeerimist. Või siis saate saart laiendada, kaevates lihtsalt mäed üles ja ladestades materjali rannikul!
Behold, the Golden Peak – a compact island shaded by a majestic peak of glittering gold! This map presents a distinctive challenge due to its numerous platforms set at different elevations, requiring strategic earthworking to unlock access to new locations for your factory. To expand your buildable territory even further, excavate mountains and higher elevation plateaus to expand your foundations and dump the tailings into the ocean to grow your island!
Teie ees on Golden Peak, väike saar, mis asub majesteetliku kuldselt särava mäe varjus! Selle kaardi keerukus seisneb selles, et pääsete arvukatele eri kõrgusega platoodele, mis nõuavad kaevandamisoperatsioonide strateegilist planeerimist. Või siissaate saart laiendada, kaevates lihtsalt mäed üles ja ladestades materjali rannikul.!
Behold, the Golden Peak – a compact island shaded by a majestic peak of glittering gold! This map presents a distinctive challenge due to its numerous platforms set at different elevations, requiring strategic earthworking to unlock access to new locations for your factory. To expand your buildable territory even further, excavate mountains and higher elevation plateaus to expand your foundations and dump the tailings into the ocean to grow your island!
Teie ees on Golden Peak, väike saar, mis asub majesteetliku kuldselt särava mäe varjus! Selle kaardi keerukus seisneb selles, et pääsete arvukatele eri kõrgusega platoodele, mis nõuavad kaevandamisoperatsioonide strateegilist planeerimist. Või siissaate saart laiendada, kaevates lihtsalt mäed üles ja ladestades materjali rannikul.
Behold, the Golden Peak – a compact island shaded by a majestic peak of glittering gold! This map presents a distinctive challenge due to its numerous platforms set at different elevations, requiring strategic earthworking to unlock access to new locations for your factory. To expand your buildable territory even further, excavate mountains and higher elevation plateaus to expand your foundations and dump the tailings into the ocean to grow your island!
KõrgTeie keeskel asetseva mäetipuga, mis koosneb kuldmaagist on Golden Peak, väike saar, mis asub majesteetliku kuldselt särava mäe varjus! Selle kaart on veidi keeruline, kuna kõrge mägi on keskel, moodustatud paljudest erinevatel kõrgustel pindadest, mida tuleb juurdepääsu saamiseks ühendada kaldteede kaudu. Ehitatava maa mäge kaevandades laiendamine ja kivimite merre heitmine on siin ülioluline strateegiadi keerukus seisneb selles, et pääsete arvukatele eri kõrgusega platoodele, mis nõuavad kaevandamisoperatsioonide strateegilist planeerimist. Või saate saart laiendada, kaevates lihtsalt mäed üles ja ladestades materjali rannikul.
Has a tall peak in the middle made of gold ore! This map is slightly tricky due to its tall mountain in the center formed by manyBehold, the Golden Peak – a compact island shaded by a majestic peak of glittering gold! This map presents a distinctive challenge due to its numerous platforms onset at different heights that need to be connected via ramps to get access. Expanding the buildable land by mining the mountain and dumping rocks into the ocean is a vital strategy here.elevations, requiring strategic earthworking to unlock access to new locations for your factory. To expand your buildable territory even further, excavate mountains and higher elevation plateaus to expand your foundations and dump the tailings into the ocean to grow your island!
Behold, the Golden Peak – a compact island shaded by a majestic peak of glittering gold! This map presents a distinctive challenge due to its numerous platforms set at different elevations, requiring strategic earthworking to unlock access to new locations for your factory. To expand your buildable territory even further, excavate mountains and higher elevation plateaus to expand your foundations and dump the tailings into the ocean to grow your island!
Kõrge keskel asetseva mäetipuga, mis koosneb kuldmaagist! See kaart on veidi keeruline, kuna kõrge mägi on keskel, moodustatud paljudest erinevatel kõrgustel pindadest, mida tuleb juurdepääsu saamiseks ühendada kaldteede kaudu. Ehitatava maa mäge kaevandades laiendamine ja kivimite merre heitmine on siin ülioluline strateegia.
,– väike saar, mis asub majesteetliku kuldselt särava mäe varjus! Selle kaardi keerukus seisneb selles, et pääsete arvukatele eri kõrgusega platoodele, mis nõuavad kaevandamisoperatsioonide strateegilist planeerimist. Või siis