Estimated average production per month of all crops in the schedule. This estimate is based on the crop growth time and soil fertility equilibrium (or the target fertility set via the slider below). Losses incurred due to lack of fertility or water are not included in this estimate. However, extra time incurred by slots that have no yield is included. To see how much food is needed, check your food market consumption report.
Hinnanguline keskmine põllutoodang kuus, mis sõltub hetke vastavalt külvikorrale. Põhineb põllukultuuride kasvuajal ja mulla viljakuse tasakaalul (või allpool oleva liuguri abil määratud sihtviljakusestl). Veepuudusest tingitud viivitusi sellesse hinnangusse ei kaasata. Sisaldab mhsiiski lisaaega, mis kulub ainult viljakuse suurendamiseks lisatud põllukultuuridele. Et näha, kui palju tsaagita külvikorra kohtadele. Toitdu vaja läheb,duse kontrolligmiseks vaadake oma toidupoe tarbimise aruannet.
Estimated average production per month based on the current fertility. Delayof all crops in the schedule. This estimate is based on the crop growth time and soil fertility equilibrium (or the target fertility set via the slider below). Losses incurred due to lack of fertility or water are not included in this estimate. However, extra time incurred by crops added just for increase of fertilityslots that have no yield is included. To see how much food is needed, check your food market consumption report.
Estimated average production per month of all crops in the schedule. This estimate is based on the crop growth time and soil fertility equilibrium (or the target fertility set via the slider below). Losses incurred due to lack of fertility or water are not included in this estimate. However, extra time incurred by slots that have no yield is included. To see how much food is needed, check your food market consumption report.
Hinnanguline keskmine toodang kuus, mis sõltub hetke viljakusest. Veepuudusest tingitud viivitusi sellesse hinnangusse ei kaasata. Põllukultuuride valmimiseks vajalikku lisaaega on siiski viljakuses arvestatudSisaldab mh lisaaega, mis kulub ainult viljakuse suurendamiseks lisatud põllukultuuridele. Et näha, kui palju toitu vaja läheb, kontrollige oma toidupoe tarbimise aruannet.
Estimated average production per month based on the current fertility. Delays incurred due to lack of water are not included in this estimate. However extra time incurred by crops added just for increase of fertility is included. To see how much food is needed check your food market consumption report.
Estimated average production per month of all crops in the schedule. This estimate is based on the crop growth time and soil fertility equilibrium (or the target fertility set via the slider below). Losses incurred due to lack of fertility or water are not included in this estimate. However, extra time incurred by slots that have no yield is included. To see how much food is needed, check your food market consumption report.
Hinnanguline keskmine toodang kuus, mis põhineb praeguselsõltub hetke viljakuselst. Veepuudusest tingitud viivitusi sellesse hinnangusse ei kaasata. VPõllukultuuride valmimiseks vajalikku lisaaega on siiski viljakusele liss arvestatud. Et näha, kui palju toitu vaja läheb, kontrollige oma toidu turupoe tarbimise aruannet.
Estimated average production per month of all crops in the schedule. This estimate is based on the crop growth time and soil fertility equilibrium (or the target fertility set via the slider below). Losses incurred due to lack of fertility or water are not included in this estimate. However, extra time incurred by slots that have no yield is included. To see how much food is needed, check your food market consumption report.
Hinnanguline keskmine toodang kuus, mis põhineb praegusel viljakusel. Veepuudusest tingitud viivitusi sellesse hinnangusse ei kaasata. Valmimiseks vajalik lisaaeg viljakusele lisatud. Et näha, kui palju toitu vaja läheb, kontrollige oma toidu turu tarbimise aruannet.
, mis sõltub hetkevastavalt külvikorrale. Põhineb põllukultuuride kasvuajal ja mulla viljakuse tasakaalul (või allpool oleva liuguri abil määratud sihtviljakusestl). Veepuudusest tingitud viivitusi sellesse hinnangusse ei kaasata. Sisaldabmhsiiski lisaaega, mis kulubainult viljakuse suurendamiseks lisatud põllukultuuridele. Et näha, kui palju tsaagita külvikorra kohtadele. Toitdu vajaläheb,duse kontrolligmiseks vaadake oma toidupoe tarbimisearuannet.