
English shown when leveling designation is not yet usable due to its edges being too high/deep shown when leveling designation is not yet usable due to its edges being too high/deep
Context English Estonian
DeleteTool__QuickRemoveTooltip Hold the shortcut key (while destroying) to also quick remove all the materials with Unity Hoidke all kiirklahvi (lammutamise ajal), et ka kiiresti eemaldada kõik materjalid Ühtsuse arvel
DeleteTool__Tooltip Click or drag over an area of structures to demolish them Lammutamiseks klõpsake või lohistage üle rajatistega ala
Demand Demand Nõudlus
Demolish Demolish Lammuta
Designation__Dumping Dumping designation Maapinnale ladustamise tähistus
Designation__Forestry Forestry designation Metsaala määrang
Designation__Leveling Leveling designation Tasandamise tähistus
Designation__Mining Mining designation Kaevandamise tähistus
Designation__TreeHarvesting Tree harvesting designation Puukoristuse tähistus
DesignationError__Invalid Invalid position. Vale asukoht.
DesignationRemovalTooltip Right click & drag to remove existing designations Paremklõpsake ja lohistage olemasolevate tähistuste eemaldamiseks
Designations Designations Tähistused
DesignationWarning__CannotPlaceDecal Can't paint over terrain. Maapinnale ei kanta märgiseid.
DesignationWarning__CannotStartDumping Cannot start dumping here yet, all the edges are too high above the terrain. Siin ei saa siin maapinnale ladustada kuna kõik servad on maastikust kõrgemal.
DesignationWarning__CannotStartForestry Cannot start forestry here yet, ground is not fertile. Metsaga siin veel alustada ei saa, maa pole viljakas.
DesignationWarning__CannotStartLeveling Cannot start leveling terrain here yet, all the edges are too low/high above the terrain. Siin ei saa veel maastikku tasandada, kõik servad on liiga madalal/kõrgel maastikust kõrgemal.
DesignationWarning__CannotStartMining Cannot start mining here yet, all the edges are too deep below the terrain. Siin ei saa veel kaevandamist alustada, sest kõik servad on liiga sügaval maapinnast allpool.
DesignationWarning__NoForestryTower Must be managed by a forestry tower area. Seda peab haldama metsakontrolltorni alaga.
DesignationWarning__NoTower Must be managed by a mining tower area. Seda peab haldama kaevandustorni piirkond.
DieselGenerator__desc Burns diesel to create electricity. Põletab diislikütust elektri tootmiseks.
DieselGenerator__name Diesel generator Diiselgeneraator
DieselGeneratorT2__desc More powerful generator. Can also serve as a power backup. Võimsam generaator. Võib toimida ka varutoiteallikana.
DieselGeneratorT2__name Diesel generator II Diiselgeneraator II
Difficulty Difficulty: {0} Keerukus: {0}
DifficultyConstruction__Easy Standard construction cost Standardne ehitusmaksumus
DifficultyConstruction__Hard Increased construction cost Suurenenud ehitusmaksumus
DifficultyContracts__Easy More profitables contracts and cheaper loans Kasumlikumad lepingud ja soodsamad laenud
DifficultyContracts__Hard Standard contracts and more expensive loans Tüüplepingud ja kallimad laenud
DifficultyContracts__Normal Standard contracts and loans Tüüplepingud ja laenud
DifficultyDisease__Easy Milder diseases Kergemad haigused
DifficultyDisease__Hard More severe diseases Raskemad haigused
Context English Estonian
DefaultConcrete_TerrainSurface__name Concrete surface Betoonpind
DeleteSave__Confirm Are you sure you want to delete {0}? Kas soovite kindlasti {0} kustutada?
DeleteSave__FailMessage Oops! Failed to delete {0}! Oih! Faili {0} kustutamine ebaõnnestus!
DeleteSave__SuccessMessage Save file {0} was deleted. Salvestus {0} on kustutatud.
DeleteTool__EntireTransport Hold the shortcut key (while destroying) to remove the entire conveyor belt or pipe Hoidke all kiirklahvi (lammutuse ajal), et eemaldada kogu konveierilint või toru
DeleteTool__QuickRemoveTooltip Hold the shortcut key (while destroying) to also quick remove all the materials with Unity Hoidke all kiirklahvi (lammutamise ajal), et ka kiiresti eemaldada kõik materjalid Ühtsuse arvel
DeleteTool__Tooltip Click or drag over an area of structures to demolish them Lammutamiseks klõpsake või lohistage üle rajatistega ala
Demand Demand Nõudlus
Demolish Demolish Lammuta
DesignationError__Invalid Invalid position. Vale asukoht.
DesignationRemovalTooltip Right click & drag to remove existing designations Paremklõpsake ja lohistage olemasolevate tähistuste eemaldamiseks
Designations Designations Tähistused
DesignationWarning__CannotPlaceDecal Can't paint over terrain. Maapinnale ei kanta märgiseid.
DesignationWarning__CannotStartDumping Cannot start dumping here yet, all the edges are too high above the terrain. Siin ei saa siin maapinnale ladustada kuna kõik servad on maastikust kõrgemal.
DesignationWarning__CannotStartForestry Cannot start forestry here yet, ground is not fertile. Metsaga siin veel alustada ei saa, maa pole viljakas.
DesignationWarning__CannotStartLeveling Cannot start leveling terrain here yet, all the edges are too low/high above the terrain. Siin ei saa veel maastikku tasandada, kõik servad on liiga madalal/kõrgel maastikust kõrgemal.
DesignationWarning__CannotStartMining Cannot start mining here yet, all the edges are too deep below the terrain. Siin ei saa veel kaevandamist alustada, sest kõik servad on liiga sügaval maapinnast allpool.
DesignationWarning__NoForestryTower Must be managed by a forestry tower area. Seda peab haldama metsakontrolltorni alaga.
DesignationWarning__NoTower Must be managed by a mining tower area. Seda peab haldama kaevandustorni piirkond.
Designation__Dumping Dumping designation Maapinnale ladustamise tähistus
Designation__Forestry Forestry designation Metsaala määrang
Designation__Leveling Leveling designation Tasandamise tähistus
Designation__Mining Mining designation Kaevandamise tähistus
Designation__TreeHarvesting Tree harvesting designation Puukoristuse tähistus
DieselGeneratorT2__desc More powerful generator. Can also serve as a power backup. Võimsam generaator. Võib toimida ka varutoiteallikana.
DieselGeneratorT2__name Diesel generator II Diiselgeneraator II
DieselGenerator__desc Burns diesel to create electricity. Põletab diislikütust elektri tootmiseks.
DieselGenerator__name Diesel generator Diiselgeneraator
Difficulty Difficulty: {0} Keerukus: {0}
DifficultyConstruction__Easy Standard construction cost Standardne ehitusmaksumus


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Captain of Industry / GameEstonian

a year ago
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English Estonian
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String information

Source string comment
shown when leveling designation is not yet usable due to its edges being too high/deep shown when leveling designation is not yet usable due to its edges being too high/deep
String age
a year ago
Source string age
a year ago
Translation file
et.po, string 457