
English name of a machine name of a machine
Context English Estonian
HouseholdGoodsConsumptionIncrease__name More household goods Rohkem kodukaupu
HouseholdGoodsNeed__name Household goods Kodukaubad
Housing__desc Primitive housing for {0} people made of shipping containers. Laevakonteineritest valmistatud primitiivne majutus {0}-le inimesele.
Housing__name Housing Majutus
Housing_AttachmentDesc__desc Housing can be either attached to an existing settlement to become part of it (and benefit from all the already provided services such as food). Or it can be placed independently to establish itself as a new settlement, in that case you need to attach it with service modules. Majutuse saab kas liita olemasoleva asumi külge, muutes selle asumi osaks (ja saada kasu kõigist juba pakutavatest teenustest, nagu näiteks toitlustamine). Iseseisvalt paigutades tekib uus asum ja see tuleb ühendada teenindavate rajatistega.
HousingCap Total capacity Kogumaht
housingCategory__name Housing & services Majutus & teenused
HousingDemandIncrease Increased demands Nõudluse suurenemine
HousingDemandIncrease__Tooltip Housing has increased demands on top of its regular consumption. This is typical for more advanced tiers of housing. Majutusel on tavatarbimisele lisaks suurenenud nõudmised. See on omane täiustatud majutusele.
HousingT2__desc Advanced housing for {0} people that provides more comfort. It can also provide a monthly Unity increase if the housing is provided with required services. Täiustatud majutus {0}-le asunikule, mis võimaldab rohkem mugavust. Annab rohkem Ühtsust kui majutusele on võimaldatud vajalikud teenused.
HousingT2__name Housing II Majutus II
HousingT3__name Housing III Majutus III
HousingUnityBonus Unity bonus Ühtsuse boonus
HousingUnityBonus__Tooltip If all the needs listed below are satisfied, this housing will provide Unity bonus on top of its regular Unity it generates from all the services provided to it. Kui kõik allpool loetletud vajadused on rahuldatud, võimaldab see majutus Ühtsuse boonust lisaks tavapärasele Ühtsusele, mis moodustub kõikidest majutusele osutatud teenustest.
HydroCrackerT1__desc Transforms different fuel types between each other to help with consumption imbalance. Muundab erinevaid kütuseid üksteiseks, et lisada tarbimise tasakaalustatust.
HydroCrackerT1__name Cracking unit Krakkimisüksus
HydrogenReformer__name Hydrogen reformer Vesiniku reformaator
ImportantAnnouncementTitle Important announcement Oluline teadaanne
ImportBlueprint__Fail Failed to import the given string. Antud lausendi importimine ebaõnnestus.
ImportBlueprint__Success New blueprint added! Uus kavand lisatud!
ImportBlueprint__Title Import from string Impordi lausendist
ImportPriority Import Import
ImportPriority__ShipCargoTooltip Truck priority for deliveries of materials that are requested to be loaded onto the ship. Veoauto eelistus selliste materjalide tarnimisel, mis vajavad laevale laadimist.
ImportPriority__ShipFuelTooltip Trucks priority for fuel deliveries. Kütuse tarnimise eelistus veokitele.
ImportPriority__ShipRepairTooltip Truck priority for deliveries of materials needed for ship repairs and modifications. Veoautode eelistus laevade remondiks ja ümberehitusteks vajalike materjalide tarnimisel.
ImportPriority__StorageTooltip Trucks priority for deliveries of assigned product. Veoautode eelistus määratud toote tarnimisel.
ImportRoutesEnforce__Title Accept assigned only Võimalda ainult määratud
ImportRoutesEnforce__Tooltip Accept cargo import only via the assigned routes (this is set by default). If this is disabled, cargo can be delivered from anywhere (meaning that import routes are ignored). Võimaldab lasti importi ainult määratud teekondade kaudu (see on vaikimisi määratud). Kui see on välja lülitatud, võib lasti tarnida ükskõik kust (st imporditeekondi ei arvestata).
ImportRoutesTitle Import routes Imporditeekonnad
IncinerationPlant__desc Burns waste with much better efficiency than a basic burner. The process is energy positive and generates steam. Põletab jäätmeid palju suurema tõhususega kui tavaline põleti. Protsess on energiapositiivne ja tekitab auru.
IncinerationPlant__name Incineration plant Põletustehas
Context English Estonian
HouseholdGoodsConsumptionIncrease__name More household goods Rohkem kodukaupu
HouseholdGoodsNeed__name Household goods Kodukaubad
HousingCap Total capacity Kogumaht
housingCategory__name Housing & services Majutus & teenused
HousingDemandIncrease Increased demands Nõudluse suurenemine
HousingDemandIncrease__Tooltip Housing has increased demands on top of its regular consumption. This is typical for more advanced tiers of housing. Majutusel on tavatarbimisele lisaks suurenenud nõudmised. See on omane täiustatud majutusele.
HousingT2__desc Advanced housing for {0} people that provides more comfort. It can also provide a monthly Unity increase if the housing is provided with required services. Täiustatud majutus {0}-le asunikule, mis võimaldab rohkem mugavust. Annab rohkem Ühtsust kui majutusele on võimaldatud vajalikud teenused.
HousingT2__name Housing II Majutus II
HousingT3__name Housing III Majutus III
HousingUnityBonus Unity bonus Ühtsuse boonus
HousingUnityBonus__Tooltip If all the needs listed below are satisfied, this housing will provide Unity bonus on top of its regular Unity it generates from all the services provided to it. Kui kõik allpool loetletud vajadused on rahuldatud, võimaldab see majutus Ühtsuse boonust lisaks tavapärasele Ühtsusele, mis moodustub kõikidest majutusele osutatud teenustest.
Housing_AttachmentDesc__desc Housing can be either attached to an existing settlement to become part of it (and benefit from all the already provided services such as food). Or it can be placed independently to establish itself as a new settlement, in that case you need to attach it with service modules. Majutuse saab kas liita olemasoleva asumi külge, muutes selle asumi osaks (ja saada kasu kõigist juba pakutavatest teenustest, nagu näiteks toitlustamine). Iseseisvalt paigutades tekib uus asum ja see tuleb ühendada teenindavate rajatistega.
Housing__desc Primitive housing for {0} people made of shipping containers. Laevakonteineritest valmistatud primitiivne majutus {0}-le inimesele.
Housing__name Housing Majutus
HydroCrackerT1__desc Transforms different fuel types between each other to help with consumption imbalance. Muundab erinevaid kütuseid üksteiseks, et lisada tarbimise tasakaalustatust.
HydroCrackerT1__name Cracking unit Krakkimisüksus
HydrogenReformer__name Hydrogen reformer Vesiniku reformaator
ImportantAnnouncementTitle Important announcement Oluline teadaanne
ImportBlueprint__Fail Failed to import the given string. Antud lausendi importimine ebaõnnestus.
ImportBlueprint__Success New blueprint added! Uus kavand lisatud!
ImportBlueprint__Title Import from string Impordi lausendist
ImportPriority Import Import
ImportPriority__ShipCargoTooltip Truck priority for deliveries of materials that are requested to be loaded onto the ship. Veoauto eelistus selliste materjalide tarnimisel, mis vajavad laevale laadimist.
ImportPriority__ShipFuelTooltip Trucks priority for fuel deliveries. Kütuse tarnimise eelistus veokitele.
ImportPriority__ShipRepairTooltip Truck priority for deliveries of materials needed for ship repairs and modifications. Veoautode eelistus laevade remondiks ja ümberehitusteks vajalike materjalide tarnimisel.
ImportPriority__StorageTooltip Trucks priority for deliveries of assigned product. Veoautode eelistus määratud toote tarnimisel.
ImportRoutesEnforce__Title Accept assigned only Võimalda ainult määratud
ImportRoutesEnforce__Tooltip Accept cargo import only via the assigned routes (this is set by default). If this is disabled, cargo can be delivered from anywhere (meaning that import routes are ignored). Võimaldab lasti importi ainult määratud teekondade kaudu (see on vaikimisi määratud). Kui see on välja lülitatud, võib lasti tarnida ükskõik kust (st imporditeekondi ei arvestata).
ImportRoutesTitle Import routes Imporditeekonnad
IncinerationPlant__desc Burns waste with much better efficiency than a basic burner. The process is energy positive and generates steam. Põletab jäätmeid palju suurema tõhususega kui tavaline põleti. Protsess on energiapositiivne ja tekitab auru.


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Translation uploaded

Captain of Industry / GameEstonian

3 years ago
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English Estonian
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String information

Source string comment
name of a machine name of a machine
String age
3 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
et.po, string 1035