
English tooltip tooltip
Context English Spanish
RetainingWallStraight1__name Retaining wall (short) Muro de contención (corto)
RetainingWallStraight4__name Retaining wall (long) Muro de contención (largo)
RetainingWallTee__name Retaining wall (tee) Muro de contención (T)
RetiredWaste__NextDisposal Next disposal in: {0}
RetiredWaste__Tooltip Product into which the current stored waste transforms after it is no longer radioactive. Only some waste can be retired this way (more information can be found in the recipe book).
RightClickToRemove Right click to remove Haga clic derecho para eliminar
RocketAssemblyDepot__CannotDestroy The {0} is not parked inside. El {0} no está estacionado adentro.
RocketAssemblyDepot__desc Constructs space rockets and delivers them to the nearest {0} using a specialized transporter. The transporter is a large vehicle and cannot drive over uneven ground so make sure that the {0} is on the same height level as this building. Construye cohetes espaciales y los entrega al {0} más cercano utilizando un transportador especializado. El transportador es un vehículo grande y no puede conducir sobre terreno irregular, así que asegúrese de que el {0} esté en el mismo nivel de altura que este edificio.
RocketAssemblyDepot__name Rocket assembly depot Ensambladora de cohetes
RocketLaunchPad__desc Enables launching rockets to space! After a rocket is delivered and securely attached to the tower, it will be filled with fuel based on the rocket type. This has to match with connected fuel to this tower. Fuel is never stored at the launch pad for safety reasons. Water also needs to be connected since the launch process requires a large amount of it for dampening of rocket exhaust shockwaves. ¡Habilita el lanzamiento de cohetes al espacio! Una vez que se entrega un cohete y se sujeta de forma segura a la torre, se llenará con combustible según el tipo de cohete. Esto tiene que coincidir con el combustible conectado a esta torre. El combustible nunca se almacena en la plataforma de lanzamiento por razones de seguridad. También es necesario conectar el agua, ya que el proceso de lanzamiento requiere una gran cantidad para amortiguar las ondas de choque del escape del cohete.
RocketLaunchPad__name Rocket launch pad Plataforma de lanzamiento de cohetes
RockMine__name Rock mine Mina de piedra
RotaryKiln__desc Performs calcination process under high temperatures. Used to produce cement. Realiza proceso de calcinación a altas temperaturas. Utilizado para producir cemento.
RotaryKiln__name Rotary Kiln Horno rotatorio
RotaryKilnGas__name Rotary Kiln (gas) Horno rotatorio (gas)
RotateShortcut__Tooltip Press the shortcut key to rotate clock-wise Pulse la tecla de acceso directo para girar en el sentido de las agujas del reloj
Ruins__desc Seems like a building that is abandoned for a long time and no longer useful. We can deconstruct it for useful materials which can be processed in our factory. Parece un edificio que lleva abandonado durante mucho tiempo y ya no es útil. Podemos demoler este edificio para chatarra metálica que se pueden procesar en nuestra fábrica.
Ruins__name Abandoned communication station Estación de comunicaciones abandonada
RuinsRecycle__Action Start recycling Empezar a reciclar
RuinsRecycleFormatted__Tooltip Recycling this building provides you with useful materials which will be automatically transported by trucks where needed (e.g. {0} will be delivered to a {1}). Reciclar este edificio te proporciona materiales útiles que se transportarán automáticamente en camiones cuando sea necesario (por ejemplo, {0} se entregará a {1}).
RunOnLowFuel__Action Run on low fuel
RunOnLowFuel__Tooltip The ship will depart even with insufficient fuel, but the journey will take longer and cost Unity.
Save__FailureMessage Failed to save the game!
Save__SuccessMessage File {0} has been saved! ¡El archivo {0} se ha guardado!
Save__Title Save
Save_Action Save Guardar
Save_Title Save game Guardar partida
Saved__Detail Saved
SaveInProgress Saving ... Guardando...
SaveMigration__BlueprintsNote Note that blueprints remain compatible so you can go back to the old game version, export your blueprints to string, and import them to the new version.
SaveMigration__Intro Welcome to the {0}! Unfortunately, saves from the previous game version are not compatible. However, the new version is full of new exciting content so we hope you will not mind a new start.

If you'd prefer to keep playing your old save, you can! Just go to Steam and switch to the old version '{1}' as shown below. Steam will then automatically download it for you. Whenever you are ready to go back to {0} just remove the beta branch by setting it to 'None'.
Context English Spanish
RetainingWallStraight1__name Retaining wall (short) Muro de contención (corto)
RetainingWallStraight4__name Retaining wall (long) Muro de contención (largo)
RetainingWallTee__name Retaining wall (tee) Muro de contención (T)
RetiredWaste__NextDisposal Next disposal in: {0}
RetiredWaste__Tooltip Product into which the current stored waste transforms after it is no longer radioactive. Only some waste can be retired this way (more information can be found in the recipe book).
RightClickToRemove Right click to remove Haga clic derecho para eliminar
RocketAssemblyDepot__CannotDestroy The {0} is not parked inside. El {0} no está estacionado adentro.
RocketAssemblyDepot__desc Constructs space rockets and delivers them to the nearest {0} using a specialized transporter. The transporter is a large vehicle and cannot drive over uneven ground so make sure that the {0} is on the same height level as this building. Construye cohetes espaciales y los entrega al {0} más cercano utilizando un transportador especializado. El transportador es un vehículo grande y no puede conducir sobre terreno irregular, así que asegúrese de que el {0} esté en el mismo nivel de altura que este edificio.
RocketAssemblyDepot__name Rocket assembly depot Ensambladora de cohetes
RocketLaunchPad__desc Enables launching rockets to space! After a rocket is delivered and securely attached to the tower, it will be filled with fuel based on the rocket type. This has to match with connected fuel to this tower. Fuel is never stored at the launch pad for safety reasons. Water also needs to be connected since the launch process requires a large amount of it for dampening of rocket exhaust shockwaves. ¡Habilita el lanzamiento de cohetes al espacio! Una vez que se entrega un cohete y se sujeta de forma segura a la torre, se llenará con combustible según el tipo de cohete. Esto tiene que coincidir con el combustible conectado a esta torre. El combustible nunca se almacena en la plataforma de lanzamiento por razones de seguridad. También es necesario conectar el agua, ya que el proceso de lanzamiento requiere una gran cantidad para amortiguar las ondas de choque del escape del cohete.
RocketLaunchPad__name Rocket launch pad Plataforma de lanzamiento de cohetes
RockMine__name Rock mine Mina de piedra
RotaryKilnGas__name Rotary Kiln (gas) Horno rotatorio (gas)
RotaryKiln__desc Performs calcination process under high temperatures. Used to produce cement. Realiza proceso de calcinación a altas temperaturas. Utilizado para producir cemento.
RotaryKiln__name Rotary Kiln Horno rotatorio
RotateShortcut__Tooltip Press the shortcut key to rotate clock-wise Pulse la tecla de acceso directo para girar en el sentido de las agujas del reloj
RuinsRecycleFormatted__Tooltip Recycling this building provides you with useful materials which will be automatically transported by trucks where needed (e.g. {0} will be delivered to a {1}). Reciclar este edificio te proporciona materiales útiles que se transportarán automáticamente en camiones cuando sea necesario (por ejemplo, {0} se entregará a {1}).
RuinsRecycle__Action Start recycling Empezar a reciclar
Ruins__desc Seems like a building that is abandoned for a long time and no longer useful. We can deconstruct it for useful materials which can be processed in our factory. Parece un edificio que lleva abandonado durante mucho tiempo y ya no es útil. Podemos demoler este edificio para chatarra metálica que se pueden procesar en nuestra fábrica.
Ruins__name Abandoned communication station Estación de comunicaciones abandonada
RunOnLowFuel__Action Run on low fuel
RunOnLowFuel__Tooltip The ship will depart even with insufficient fuel, but the journey will take longer and cost Unity.
Saved__Detail Saved
SaveInProgress Saving ... Guardando...
SaveMigration__BlueprintsNote Note that blueprints remain compatible so you can go back to the old game version, export your blueprints to string, and import them to the new version.
SaveMigration__Intro Welcome to the {0}! Unfortunately, saves from the previous game version are not compatible. However, the new version is full of new exciting content so we hope you will not mind a new start.

If you'd prefer to keep playing your old save, you can! Just go to Steam and switch to the old version '{1}' as shown below. Steam will then automatically download it for you. Whenever you are ready to go back to {0} just remove the beta branch by setting it to 'None'.
SaveName__Label Name your save
SaveNew + New save + Nuevo guardado
Save_Action Save Guardar
Save_Title Save game Guardar partida


User avatar dmarti2742

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Captain of Industry / GameSpanish

a year ago
2 years ago
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English Spanish
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String information

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tooltip tooltip
String age
2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
es.po, string 2156