
English name
Context English Danish
CopyTool__Tooltip Click or drag over an area of structures to copy them.
Costs Costs
CraterStaticIslandMap__desc The remnants of a colossal meteorite impact have given rise to the Crater, unearthing a treasure trove of valuable natural resources. But beware: the ringing mountains are all that stands between your factory and a watery end. They’re a tempting target for excavation and expansion, though, so careful planning and preparation is advised. Hey, if we have any trouble with water, I volunteer Jimmy to build a levee – he’s been looking for something to take his mind off Insula Mortis.

This unique map is part of the Supporter’s edition, thanks for your generous support, Captain!
CraterStaticIslandMap__name The Crater
Credits Credits
Crop_Canola__name Canola
Crop_Corn__name Corn
Crop_DurationLeft Estimate: {0} in {1} Høst om {0} måned
Crop_DurationLeft__Tooltip Duration left to harvest this crop as long as there is enough water. Otherwise delays will occur. Varighed tilbage til høst af denne afgrøde, så længe der er nok vand. Ellers vil der opstå forsinkelser.
Crop_Flowers__name Flowers
Crop_Fruits__name Fruits
Crop_GreenManure__name Green manure
Crop_NoCrop__name No crop
Crop_Poppy__name Poppy
Crop_Potato__name Potato
Crop_Soybeans__name Soybeans
Crop_SugarCane__name Sugar cane
Crop_TreeSapling__name Tree sapling
Crop_Vegetables__name Vegetables
Crop_Wheat__name Wheat
CropCouldNotBeStored__name Farm: Could not store all {0} after harvest Gård: Kunne ikke opbevare alle {0} efter høst
CropDiedNoFertility__name Farm: {0} lost due to lack of fertility
CropDiedNoMaintenance__name Farm: {0} lost due to lack of workers Gård: {0} tabt på grund af mangel på arbejdere
CropDiedNoWater__name Farm: {0} lost due to lack of water Gård: {0} tabt på grund af mangel på vand
CropHarvestNow__Action Harvest now
CropHarvestNow__Tooltip Will harvest the current crop prematurely. Estimated yield: {0}
CropHarvestStats__Open Harvest stats
CropHarvestStats__Title Previous harvest stats
CropLacksMaintenance__name Farm: {0} lacks workers Gård: {0} mangler arbejdere
CropOverdue {0} without water. Crop will survive up to {1} Forsinket med {0} måneder
CropOverdue__Tooltip Total accumulated delay during which this crop wasn't growing due to lack of water. This is typically fine for early farms and crops with low water sensitivity. However more sensitive crops can dry out. Total accumulated delay during which this crop wasn't growing due to lack of water. This is typically fine for early farms and crops with low water sensitivity. However more sensitive crops can dry out.
Context English Danish
CropStats__MoreDueToFertility {0} more yield thanks to fertility
CropWaiting__Fertility Waiting for better fertility
CropWaiting__NoReason Cannot start, waiting
CropWaiting__Water Waiting for water or rain
CropWillDrySoon__name Farm: {0} will dry out due to lack of water Farm: {0} will dry out due to lack of water
Crop_Canola__name Canola
Crop_Corn__name Corn
Crop_DurationLeft Estimate: {0} in {1} Høst om {0} måned
Crop_DurationLeft__Tooltip Duration left to harvest this crop as long as there is enough water. Otherwise delays will occur. Varighed tilbage til høst af denne afgrøde, så længe der er nok vand. Ellers vil der opstå forsinkelser.
Crop_Flowers__name Flowers
Crop_Fruits__name Fruits
Crop_GreenManure__name Green manure
Crop_NoCrop__name No crop
Crop_Poppy__name Poppy
Crop_Potato__name Potato
Crop_Soybeans__name Soybeans
Crop_SugarCane__name Sugar cane
Crop_TreeSapling__name Tree sapling
Crop_Vegetables__name Vegetables
Crop_Wheat__name Wheat
CrusherLarge__desc Large crusher for better efficiency and increased throughput.
CrusherLarge__name Crusher (large)
Crusher__desc Crushes ores into more fine grained materials so they can be used in advanced processing. Crushes ores into more fine grained materials so they can be used in advanced processing.
Crusher__name Crusher Lysbueovn
CurlandMap__desc Welcome to Curland, the slender and elongated island bursting with space and natural riches. Its curly shape adds a delightful challenge to constructing sizable factories – prepare to make a robust logistics network capable of traversing the lengthy distances along its elegant curl. For the adventurous, consider connecting the ends to establish a circular logistics loop, turning the island's weakness into a strategic advantage. Rumors of a substantial crude oil deposit circulate, but it has yet to be found.
CurlandMap__name Curland
CurrentDisease__Info Months left: {0} | Health: {1} | Mortality: {2}
CurrentDisease__NoDisease No active disease
CurrentDisease__Title Current disease
CurrentDisease__Tooltip From time to time diseases appear in your settlement. Some diseases occur as a consequence of lack of facilities in your settlement. Some are just seasonal diseases that can't be affected much. When your ship goes for explorations, her crew can bring more severe versions of seasonal diseases back to the island.
User avatar dmarti2742

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a year ago


User avatar dmarti2742

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Captain of Industry / GameDanish

a year ago
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English Danish
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String age
2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
da.po, string 381