
English tooltip
Context English Czech
Orders Orders Rozkazy
OreSorter_AllowedProducts__Title Products to sort
OreSorter_AllowedProducts__Tooltip Choose products that can be sorted in this facility. Trucks will deliver mixed cargo only if all its products are selected here. Trucks will always prefer a sorting plant over dumping onto terrain. But if you assign your mine with a {0} that manages dumping designations, these designations will take precedence over the sorting plant. This setup enables you to skip sorting through cargo that contains only unwanted products.
OreSorter_BlockedAlert__Tooltip If enabled, you will be notified when this product blocks the output.
OreSorter_InputTitle Unsorted input
OreSorter_LimitReached A single facility cannot sort more than {0} different products
OreSorter_NoSingleLoad__Toggle Reject single-product loads
OreSorter_NoSingleLoad__Tooltip Trucks carrying only one type of product will be rejected.
OreSorter_ProductBlocked__Tooltip The sorter is not accepting more of this product because there is already too much of it.
OreSorter_SelectProducts Select products to sort
OreSortingPlantT1__desc This facility handles sorting of mixed materials loaded onto your trucks by excavators. This is required as trucks can't directly deliver mixed loads to storage units or buildings.
OreSortingPlantT1__name Ore sorting plant
OutputPort__Tooltip ID of the port that outputs this product
OutputsTitle Outputs Výstupy
OutputThisProductOnly Output this product only
OutputThisProductOnly__Tooltip If enabled, the output port of this storage will output only this product.
Overlays__Designations Mining & dumping Těžba & skládkování
Overlays__Grid Terrain grid Terénní mřížka
Overlays__Resources Resources Zdroje
Overlays__Title Overlays Překrytí
Overlays__Trees Tree harvesting Kácení stromů
OverwriteSave__Action Overwrite Přepsat
OverwriteSave__ConfirmPrompt Are you sure you want to overwrite {0}?
OwnedVehicles Owned Vlastněné
OxygenFurnace__desc Creates steel by blowing pure oxygen under high-pressure into molten iron, lowering its carbon content. Produkuje ocel tak, že pod vysokým tlakem vhání čistý kyslík do roztaveného železa, čímž sníží jeho obsah uhlíku.
OxygenFurnace__name Oxygen furnace Kyslíková pec
OxygenFurnaceT2__name Oxygen furnace II Kyslíková pec II
PalmTree__desc Palm tree
PartialTrucksToggle Allow partially loaded trucks Povolit částečně naložená nákladní vozidla
PartialTrucksToggle__Tooltip If this is enabled and there are no jobs in the queue, trucks can be assigned delivery jobs that don’t necessarily utilize their cargo capacity fully (e.g. 50% cargo utilization). This makes logistics more responsive in the early phases of your island. However, later on, it is reasonable to disable this to save on fuel costs. Pokud je toto povoleno a ve frontě nejsou žádné úkoly, lze nákladním vozům přiřadit dodávky, které plně nevyužívají jejich kapacitu nákladu (např. 50% využití nákladu). Díky tomu bude logistika v raných fázích vašeho ostrova lépe reagovat. Později je však rozumné tuto funkci deaktivovat, abyste ušetřili náklady na palivo.
ParticlesRenderingQuality Particles quality
Context English Czech
Orders Orders Rozkazy
OreSorter_AllowedProducts__Title Products to sort
OreSorter_AllowedProducts__Tooltip Choose products that can be sorted in this facility. Trucks will deliver mixed cargo only if all its products are selected here. Trucks will always prefer a sorting plant over dumping onto terrain. But if you assign your mine with a {0} that manages dumping designations, these designations will take precedence over the sorting plant. This setup enables you to skip sorting through cargo that contains only unwanted products.
OreSorter_BlockedAlert__Tooltip If enabled, you will be notified when this product blocks the output.
OreSorter_InputTitle Unsorted input
OreSorter_LimitReached A single facility cannot sort more than {0} different products
OreSorter_NoSingleLoad__Toggle Reject single-product loads
OreSorter_NoSingleLoad__Tooltip Trucks carrying only one type of product will be rejected.
OreSorter_ProductBlocked__Tooltip The sorter is not accepting more of this product because there is already too much of it.
OreSorter_SelectProducts Select products to sort
OreSortingPlantT1__desc This facility handles sorting of mixed materials loaded onto your trucks by excavators. This is required as trucks can't directly deliver mixed loads to storage units or buildings.
OreSortingPlantT1__name Ore sorting plant
OutputPort__Tooltip ID of the port that outputs this product
OutputsTitle Outputs Výstupy
OutputThisProductOnly Output this product only
OutputThisProductOnly__Tooltip If enabled, the output port of this storage will output only this product.
Overlays__Designations Mining & dumping Těžba & skládkování
Overlays__Grid Terrain grid Terénní mřížka
Overlays__Resources Resources Zdroje
Overlays__Title Overlays Překrytí
Overlays__Trees Tree harvesting Kácení stromů
OverwriteSave__Action Overwrite Přepsat
OverwriteSave__ConfirmPrompt Are you sure you want to overwrite {0}?
OwnedVehicles Owned Vlastněné
OxygenFurnaceT2__name Oxygen furnace II Kyslíková pec II
OxygenFurnace__desc Creates steel by blowing pure oxygen under high-pressure into molten iron, lowering its carbon content. Produkuje ocel tak, že pod vysokým tlakem vhání čistý kyslík do roztaveného železa, čímž sníží jeho obsah uhlíku.
OxygenFurnace__name Oxygen furnace Kyslíková pec
PalmTree__desc Palm tree
PartialTrucksToggle Allow partially loaded trucks Povolit částečně naložená nákladní vozidla
PartialTrucksToggle__Tooltip If this is enabled and there are no jobs in the queue, trucks can be assigned delivery jobs that don’t necessarily utilize their cargo capacity fully (e.g. 50% cargo utilization). This makes logistics more responsive in the early phases of your island. However, later on, it is reasonable to disable this to save on fuel costs. Pokud je toto povoleno a ve frontě nejsou žádné úkoly, lze nákladním vozům přiřadit dodávky, které plně nevyužívají jejich kapacitu nákladu (např. 50% využití nákladu). Díky tomu bude logistika v raných fázích vašeho ostrova lépe reagovat. Později je však rozumné tuto funkci deaktivovat, abyste ušetřili náklady na palivo.
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a year ago


User avatar Nargon

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Captain of Industry / GameCzech

a year ago
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a year ago
Source string age
a year ago
Translation file
cs.po, string 1538