Unity is important to run things such as research labs, oil rigs or edicts. Unity can be increased by providing better services to your settlements or building a better housing. Unity from settlements is generated on monthly basis.
La unitat és important per fer funcionar coses com ara laboratoris d'investigació, plataformes petrolieres o edictes. La unitat es pot augmentar proporcionant millors serveis als vostres assentaments o construint un habitatge millor. La unitat dels assentaments es genera mensualment.
Unity is important to run things such as research labs, oil rigs or edicts. Unity can be increased by providing better services to your settlements or building a better housing. Unity from settlements is generated on monthly basis.
La unitat és important per fer funcionar coses com ara laboratoris d'investigació, plataformes petrolieres o edictes. La unitat es pot augmentar proporcionant millors serveis als vostres assentaments o construint un habitatge millor. La unitat dels assentaments es genera mensualment.
virtual & abstract currency expressing how people 'pull together' to achieve higher goals
virtual & abstract currency expressing how people 'pull together' to achieve higher goals