
English Map description Map description
Context English Turkish
GoalShowCompleted__Action Show completed items Tamamlanan maddeleri göster
GoalShowLocked__Action Show locked items Daha açılmamış maddeleri göster
GoalSkip__Action Skip this goal Bu hedefi atla
GoalSkip__Confirmation Are you sure you want to skip this goal? You will miss on any rewards you would normally get on completion. Bu hedefi atlamak istediğinizden emin misiniz? Normalde tamamladığınızda alacağınız ödülleri kaçıracaksınız.
GoalTip__Maintenance Majority of machines and vehicles require regular <bc>maintenance</bc>. You should research & build a {0} as soon as possible otherwise your equipment will start breaking down. Makinelerin ve araçların çoğu düzenli <bc>bakım</bc> gerektirir. Mümkün olan en kısa sürede bir {0} araştırıp inşa etmelisiniz, aksi takdirde ekipmanınız bozulmaya başlar.
GoalTip_ActivateRecipe Click on the machine and then click on the recipe to activate it. Active recipe is marked with a green border around it. You can select multiple recipes in which case their priority is determined by their order.
GoalTip_BeltsMotivation Connecting your machines with conveyor belts reduces the demand on your trucks. Makinelerinizi konveyör bantlarla bağlamak, kamyonlarınıza olan talebi azaltır.
GoalTip_BuildMore You can always build more machines to accelerate your production. Üretiminizi hızlandırmak için her zaman daha fazla makine yapabilirsiniz.
GoalTip_BuildNearShore Build your advanced oil processing complex close to shore in order to easily import crude oil via ships. Ham petrolü gemilerle kolayca ithal etmek için gelişmiş petrol işleme kompleksinizi kıyıya yakın bir yere inşa edin.
GoalTip_ConnectWasteWithPipe You can build a pipe to connect the {0} to the {1} if they are nearby.
GoalTip_DisableTruckImport To disable import from trucks, select the {0} and click on {1} under '{2}' section.
GoalTip_RefuelShip To refuel your ship, select your {0} and drag the green fuel slider to the right.
GoalTip_ReorderRecipes You can prioritize {0} production by moving the {0} recipe higher in the recipes list. Recipe execution priority is based on their order. You can also build another furnace with metal casters to scale up your production.
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Gold_TerrainSurface__name Golden surface
GoldenPeakStaticIslandMap__desc Behold, the Golden Peak – a compact island shaded by a majestic peak of glittering gold! This map presents a distinctive challenge due to its numerous platforms set at different elevations, requiring strategic earthworking to unlock access to new locations for your factory. To expand your buildable territory even further, excavate mountains and higher elevation plateaus to expand your foundations and dump the tailings into the ocean to grow your island! Tam ortada altın cevheri dolu bir dağ bulunmaktadır! Bu yüksek dağa ulaşmak için çeşitli yükseklikteki platolar arası rampalar gerekeceğinden, bu harita biraz uğraştırabilir. Dağı kazıp, çıkan kayalar ile okyanusu doldurarak inşa edilebilir araziyi genişletmek burada hayati bir stratejidir.
GoldenPeakStaticIslandMap__name The Golden Peak Altın Dağ
GoldFurnace__name Gold furnace Altın ocağı
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GoTo__Tooltip Enables you to click on a specific spot to manually order this vehicle to drive there Haritada bir noktaya tıklayıp aracın oraya gitmesini sağlar
GoToContracts Go to contracts Sözleşmelere git
GroundReserveTooltip__Groundwater Shows the overall status of the reserve of groundwater. Groundwater is replenished during rain and can temporarily run out if pumped out too much. Yeraltı suyu rezervinin genel durumunu gösterir. Yeraltı suyu yağmur sırasında yenilenir ve çok fazla pompalanırsa geçici olarak tükenebilir.
GroundReserveTooltip__Oil Shows the overall status of the ground reserve of crude oil in this deposit. This is a limited resource. We need to find a new one before we deplete it. Long-term source of crude oil needs to be found in the world map. Bu yataktaki ham petrol rezervinin genel durumunu gösterir. Bu sınırlı bir kaynaktır. Tüketmeden önce yenisini bulmalıyız. Uzun vadeli ham petrol kaynağının dünya haritasında bulunması gerekiyor.
GrowthPause__desc Disables natural pop growth Nüfusun artmasını devre dışı bırakır
GrowthPause__name Growth pause Büyümeyi duraklat
Gun0__name Gun (basic) Silah (basit)
Gun1__name Gun I (front) Silah I (ön)
Gun1Rear__name Gun I (rear) Silah I (arka)
Gun2__name Gun II (front) Silah II (ön)
Gun2Rear__name Gun II (rear) Silah II (arka)
Gun3__name Gun III (front) Silah III (ön)
Context English Turkish
Goal__SettlementWater__name Water for the settlement
Goal__SetupBricks__name Bricks production Tuğla üretimi
Goal__SetupCp2__name Construction II İnşaat II
Goal__SetupDiesel__name Diesel production Dizel üretimi
Goal__SetupTradings__name Trading Ticaret
Goal__SetupVehicleParts__name Vehicle parts Araç parçaları
Goal__StartProducing Start producing {0} {0} üretmeye başlayın
Goal__StockpileDiesel__name Stockpile diesel Mazot depola
Goal__StockpileProducts__name Stockpile products Stok ürünleri
Goal__Trade Purchase {0} for {1} from the village on the world map
Goal__UseMediumOil Produce {0} by converting {1}
Goal__WaitForRefugees Wait for the first refugees to arrive
Goal__WasteDumping__name Waste dumping Atık boşaltma
Goal__WorldMine Discover {0} by exploring with your ship
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GoldenPeakStaticIslandMap__desc Behold, the Golden Peak – a compact island shaded by a majestic peak of glittering gold! This map presents a distinctive challenge due to its numerous platforms set at different elevations, requiring strategic earthworking to unlock access to new locations for your factory. To expand your buildable territory even further, excavate mountains and higher elevation plateaus to expand your foundations and dump the tailings into the ocean to grow your island! Tam ortada altın cevheri dolu bir dağ bulunmaktadır! Bu yüksek dağa ulaşmak için çeşitli yükseklikteki platolar arası rampalar gerekeceğinden, bu harita biraz uğraştırabilir. Dağı kazıp, çıkan kayalar ile okyanusu doldurarak inşa edilebilir araziyi genişletmek burada hayati bir stratejidir.
GoldenPeakStaticIslandMap__name The Golden Peak Altın Dağ
GoldFurnace__name Gold furnace Altın ocağı
Gold_TerrainSurface__name Golden surface
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GoToContracts Go to contracts Sözleşmelere git
GoTo__Tooltip Enables you to click on a specific spot to manually order this vehicle to drive there Haritada bir noktaya tıklayıp aracın oraya gitmesini sağlar
GroundReserveTooltip__Groundwater Shows the overall status of the reserve of groundwater. Groundwater is replenished during rain and can temporarily run out if pumped out too much. Yeraltı suyu rezervinin genel durumunu gösterir. Yeraltı suyu yağmur sırasında yenilenir ve çok fazla pompalanırsa geçici olarak tükenebilir.
GroundReserveTooltip__Oil Shows the overall status of the ground reserve of crude oil in this deposit. This is a limited resource. We need to find a new one before we deplete it. Long-term source of crude oil needs to be found in the world map. Bu yataktaki ham petrol rezervinin genel durumunu gösterir. Bu sınırlı bir kaynaktır. Tüketmeden önce yenisini bulmalıyız. Uzun vadeli ham petrol kaynağının dünya haritasında bulunması gerekiyor.
GrowthPause__desc Disables natural pop growth Nüfusun artmasını devre dışı bırakır
GrowthPause__name Growth pause Büyümeyi duraklat
Gun0__name Gun (basic) Silah (basit)
Gun1Rear__name Gun I (rear) Silah I (arka)
Gun1__name Gun I (front) Silah I (ön)
Gun2Rear__name Gun II (rear) Silah II (arka)
User avatar te7557

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Mismatched full stop Mismatched exclamation mark 2 years ago


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Captain of Industry / GameTurkish

10 months ago
User avatar te7557

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Captain of Industry / GameTurkish

2 years ago
User avatar te7557

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Captain of Industry / GameTurkish

2 years ago
User avatar te7557

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Captain of Industry / GameTurkish

2 years ago
User avatar dbl2010

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Captain of Industry / GameTurkish

2 years ago
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Mismatched exclamation mark

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English Turkish
Access Erişim Glossary
Gold Altın Glossary
Ocean Okyanus Glossary
of nın-nin Glossary

Türkçede karşılığı yok

String information

Source string comment
Map description Map description
String age
2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
tr.po, string 972